Colour | 誠品線上


作者 Marion Deuchars
商品描述 Colour:享譽國際、獲獎無數的蘇格蘭插畫家瑪莉安.杜莎這次帶我們經歷一趟不一樣的顏色之旅。顏色是我們思考、感受世界的核心語言,因為它無處不在。為什麼會產生顏色?色


內容簡介 享譽國際、獲獎無數的蘇格蘭插畫家瑪莉安.杜莎這次帶我們經歷一趟不一樣的顏色之旅。顏色是我們思考、感受世界的核心語言,因為它無處不在。為什麼會產生顏色?色彩對藝術家或文化有什麼樣的意義?為什麼灰色可以凸顯另一種顏色?大海的顏色有幾種?為什麼某些帶著檸檬黃的事物值得珍藏?透過鮮明的插畫,簡明的文字,杜莎將藝術與科學連結起來,告訴我們「顏色」到底是怎麼一回事。What makes a colour work? What do colours mean to artists or cultures? Why does grey make a colour stand out? What colour are the oceans? Why is the yellow of lemons something to treasure?Award-winning illustrator Marion Deuchars takes us on a journey through colour, showing how its language is at the centre of how we think and feel about the world. Colour is everywhere. Through this book, we can see it afresh.Marion Deuchars brings her trademark illustrative style to a subject that lies at the centre of how so many artists, illustrators, designers - of all abilities - think and code the world- the subject of colour. What makes a colour work? What do colours mean to artists or cultures? Why does grey make a colour stand out? What colour are the oceans? Why is the yellow of lemons something to treasure? Each page different from the last, Colour is a riotous, extraordinary book - one to return to again and again.


作者介紹 Marion Deuchars瑪莉安.杜莎出生於蘇格蘭,與各大設計與廣告公司合作,出版過許多童書與令人喜愛的手寫風格書。她的客戶包括皇家郵政與帝國戰爭博物館,她的《最好玩的美術畫畫課》系列啟發無數的年輕學子,她在創意領域的影響力正在持續擴大中。Marion Deuchars is a Scottish-born, internationally acclaimed, award-winning illustrator. Marion works with major design and advertising agencies, publishes illustrated children's books and has created a much-loved style of hand-lettering. Whether it's client work for the likes of the Royal Mail and the Imperial War Museum, or inspiring youngsters with her Let's Make Great Art series of books, Marion's impact on the creative scene continues to be wide-ranging.


書名 / Colour
作者 / Marion Deuchars
簡介 / Colour:享譽國際、獲獎無數的蘇格蘭插畫家瑪莉安.杜莎這次帶我們經歷一趟不一樣的顏色之旅。顏色是我們思考、感受世界的核心語言,因為它無處不在。為什麼會產生顏色?色
ISBN13 / 9780141983356
ISBN10 / 0141983353
EAN / 9780141983356
誠品26碼 / 2681506059006
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X28.6X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
