He Said She Said | 誠品線上

He Said She Said

作者 Erin Kelly
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 He Said She Said:他說,他是被冤枉的。她,什麼都沒有說。身為目擊證人的她,選擇站在她那邊……但她是否犯了難以挽回的嚴重錯誤?《你回來的時候》作者艾琳.凱莉最新心


內容簡介 他說,他是被冤枉的。她,什麼都沒有說。身為目擊證人的她,選擇站在她那邊……但她是否犯了難以挽回的嚴重錯誤?《你回來的時候》作者艾琳.凱莉最新心理懸疑驚悚力作!◎《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷書!◎《The Woman in Cabin 10》作者Ruth Ware、《我讓你走》作者克萊爾.麥金托推薦!熱戀中的基德和蘿拉到英國康瓦爾,觀賞稀有的日全蝕。基德是日蝕與月蝕現象的忠實粉絲,總是追逐著它們的蹤跡。這是他第一次與蘿拉分享這特別的經驗,卻因為目擊某犯罪事件,人生軌跡從此改變!在日全蝕現象結束後,蘿拉意外看見一名女子遭性侵,立刻上前協助,男子卻矢口否認犯行,表示這是兩人同意之下的行為,女子則不發一語。基德隨後趕到,並沒有看見實際情況,但蘿拉卻非常確定自己所看見的,認為女子受到極大驚嚇而無法言語,馬上報警處理,也作為重要目擊證人出庭作證,男子因此被定罪。女子名為貝絲,她在事件過後登門拜訪,親自感謝蘿拉伸出援手,但當貝絲的行徑變得越來越詭異、逐漸失控,將蘿拉與基德的生活弄得天翻地覆,已成為夫妻的他們決定改名字、過著隱居般的生活,不使用任何社交媒體,只為了不讓貝絲找到……然而,在事件發生後,過去卻仍不斷籠罩著蘿拉,她變得疑神疑鬼,深怕貝絲又突然出現在眼前。十五年後,基德即將再度踏上觀賞日全蝕的旅程,懷孕的蘿拉卻無法隨行。當她的擔憂成真,過去的陰影將以難以想像的方式,朝他們席捲而來……蘿拉當年所目擊的,真的是她所認定的事實嗎?貝絲隱藏著什麼秘密?蘿拉會不會相信錯人了?夫妻兩人所做的,真的是對的事情嗎?這十五年間,究竟發生了什麼事?真相到底是什麼?故事在不同時間點交錯,以不同人物的角度,逐漸拼湊事件的全貌,帶來意想不到的黑暗轉折!"A tour de force - a gripping, twisting, furiously clever read that asks all the right questions, and keeps you guessing until the very end. I loved it." --Ruth Ware, bestselling author of The Woman in Cabin 10In the summer of 1999, Kit and Laura travel to a festival in Cornwall to see a total eclipse of the sun. Kit is an eclipse chaser; Laura has never seen one before. Young and in love, they are certain this will be the first of many they'll share. But in the hushed moments after the shadow passes, Laura interrupts a man and a woman. She knows that she saw something terrible. The man denies it. It is her word against his. The victim seems grateful. Months later, she turns up on their doorstep like a lonely stray. But as her gratitude takes a twisted turn, Laura begins to wonder--did she trust the wrong person? 15 years later, Kit and Laura married are living under new names and completely off the digital grid: no Facebook, only rudimentary cell phones, not in any directories. But as the truth catches up to them, they realize they can no longer keep the past in the past. From Erin Kelly, queen of the killer twist, He Said She Said is a gripping tale of the lies we tell to save ourselves, the truths we cannot admit, and how far we will go to make others believe our side of the story.


作者介紹 Erin Kelly寫了數本心理驚悚小說,其中《你回來的時候》(Poison Tree)已經改編成iTV的電視影集。過去十年來,她一直是自由撰稿的新聞記者,定期為報章雜誌提供文章。


書名 / He Said She Said
作者 / Erin Kelly
簡介 / He Said She Said:他說,他是被冤枉的。她,什麼都沒有說。身為目擊證人的她,選擇站在她那邊……但她是否犯了難以挽回的嚴重錯誤?《你回來的時候》作者艾琳.凱莉最新心
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250153128
ISBN10 / 1250153123
EAN / 9781250153128
誠品26碼 / 2681466373006
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.5CM
級別 / N:無
