Edmund Dulac Tarot Deck | 誠品線上

Edmund Dulac Tarot Deck

作者 Giacomo Gailli
出版社 Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
商品描述 Edmund Dulac Tarot Deck:TheenchantingartofEdmundDulacelevatesthetarottonewheightsinthisfascinatingdeck.Channelingtheelementalpowerofbelovedfaerytales,thesecard


內容簡介 The enchanting art of Edmund Dulac elevates the tarot to new heights in this fascinating deck. Channeling the elemental power of beloved faery tales, these cards energize the reader's own sense of archetypal wisdom. Known as one of the top talents of the golden age of illustration, Dulac made his name with illustrated versions of Shakespeare, Hans Christian Andersen, and Edgar Allen Poe. This deck showcases his most magical and mysterious works, leading to profound readings that speak to the heart and the inner spirit.


作者介紹 Edmund Dulac:Edmund Dulac (1882 - 1953) was a renowned magazine illustrator, book illustrator, and stamp designer. He illustrated special editions of many famous works, including some by the Brontë sisters, William Shakespeare, Hans Christian Anderson, and Edgar Allen Poe.


書名 / Edmund Dulac Tarot Deck
作者 / Giacomo Gailli
簡介 / Edmund Dulac Tarot Deck:TheenchantingartofEdmundDulacelevatesthetarottonewheightsinthisfascinatingdeck.Channelingtheelementalpowerofbelovedfaerytales,thesecard
出版社 / Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
ISBN13 / 9788865276464
ISBN10 / 0738766313
EAN / 9788865276464
誠品26碼 / 2681879210004
頁數 / 78
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 12.2X7X3CM
級別 / N:無
