The Iron Druid Chronicles 8: Staked | 誠品線上

The Iron Druid Chronicles 8: Staked

作者 Kevin Hearne
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Iron Druid Chronicles 8: Staked:凱文‧赫恩是幽默機智的出色說書人。在本書中,他用合理的解釋把各神話傳說巧妙織進故事之中,創造出一個令讀者覺得異常熟悉卻又高


內容簡介 凱文‧赫恩是幽默機智的出色說書人。在本書中,他用合理的解釋把各神話傳說巧妙織進故事之中,創造出一個令讀者覺得異常熟悉卻又高度原創的世界。本書出版後在美國引起熱烈迴響,銷售長紅,每一集都躍上《紐約時報》暢銷榜。《鋼鐵德魯伊》魔力十足,立下全新的奇幻里程碑!德魯伊滅團危機!一份記錄全球吸血鬼的名單,一場延續兩千年的戰爭。三個德魯伊 vs. 十萬吸血鬼,諸神黃昏前,吸血鬼戰爭開打!「此時此刻我比較擔心吸血鬼。全世界的吸血鬼都想取我性命,而我不認為我能勸退他們。」當年吸血鬼與羅馬人合作屠殺德魯伊,阿提克斯是唯一的倖存者。而現在,遠古吸血鬼希歐菲勒斯得知世上居然還有德魯伊存活,決定重新獵殺他們。阿提克斯也決定在麻煩清單裡,除了諸神黃昏與洛基,獵殺吸血鬼絕對高居榜首。一如往常,阿提克斯不介意找幾個幫手,但他的同伴們都有自己的問題要解決。還好,他意外與當年想宰了他的上帝之鎚拉比重逢,當年的敵人竟成了現在的戰友,拉比願意幫忙。不過想徹底擺脫吸血鬼麻煩,背叛過他的吸血鬼李夫.海加森仍是關鍵⋯⋯三個德魯伊都有各自的麻煩,想要解決掉這些問題,可能會失去更多親愛的戰友或寶貴的事物。諸神黃昏即將展開,但他們是否能活著站上最後戰場?NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Iron Druid Atticus O’Sullivan, hero of Kevin Hearne’s epic urban fantasy series, has a point to make—and then drive into a vampire’s heart.When a Druid has lived for two thousand years like Atticus, he’s bound to run afoul of a few vampires. Make that legions of them. Even his former friend and legal counsel turned out to be a bloodsucking backstabber. Now the toothy troublemakers—led by power-mad pain-in-the-neck Theophilus—have become a huge problem requiring a solution. It’s time to make a stand.As always, Atticus wouldn’t mind a little backup. But his allies have problems of their own. Ornery archdruid Owen Kennedy is having a wee bit of troll trouble: Turns out when you stiff a troll, it’s not water under the bridge. Meanwhile, Granuaile is desperate to free herself of the Norse god Loki’s mark and elude his powers of divination—a quest that will bring her face-to-face with several Slavic nightmares.As Atticus globetrots to stop his nemesis Theophilus, the journey leads to Rome. What better place to end an immortal than the Eternal City? But poetic justice won’t come without a price: In order to defeat Theophilus, Atticus may have to lose an old friend.Don’t miss any of Kevin Hearne’s phenomenal Iron Druid Chronicles novels:HOUNDED | HEXED | HAMMERED | TRICKED | TRAPPED | HUNTED | SHATTERED | STAKEDPraise for Kevin Hearne and The Iron Druid Chronicles“[The Iron Druid books] are clever, fast paced and a good escape.”—Jason Weisberger, Boing Boing“Celtic mythology and an ancient Druid with modern attitude mix it up in the Arizona desert in this witty new fantasy series.”—Kelly Meding, author of Chimera“Outrageously fun.”—The Plain Dealer, on Hounded“Superb . . . plenty of quips and zap-pow-bang fighting.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review), on Hounded“Exciting . . . [Atticus] is one of the best main characters currently present in the urban fantasy genre.”—Fantasy Book Critic, on Tricked“Funny, razor-sharp . . . plenty of action, humor, and mythology.”—Booklist (starred review), on Shattered本書中文書介【鋼鐵德魯伊 8: 穿刺】蓋亞文化出版


作者介紹 Kevin Hearne hugs trees, pets doggies, and rocks out to heavy metal. He also thinks tacos are a pretty nifty idea. He is the author of A Plague of Giants and the New York Times bestselling series The Iron Druid Chronicles.


書名 / The Iron Druid Chronicles 8: Staked
作者 / Kevin Hearne
簡介 / The Iron Druid Chronicles 8: Staked:凱文‧赫恩是幽默機智的出色說書人。在本書中,他用合理的解釋把各神話傳說巧妙織進故事之中,創造出一個令讀者覺得異常熟悉卻又高
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780345548535
ISBN10 / 0345548531
EAN / 9780345548535
誠品26碼 / 2681412299008
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
