Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time | 誠品線上

Scrum: 用一半的時間做兩倍的事

作者 傑夫.薩瑟蘭
商品描述 Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time:面對快速變動的世界與市場需求產品開發與管理也必須跟著不停進化讓管理學大師JeffSutherland指引你正席捲業界


內容簡介 面對快速變動的世界與市場需求產品開發與管理也必須跟著不停進化讓管理學大師Jeff Sutherland指引你正席捲業界的ScrumScrum是什麼?它是一種革命性的產品研發與管理流程技術。屏棄一般冗長的市場研究、潛在客戶分析以及步驟繁複的開發階段,將團隊化為合作無間的球員共同衝刺,透過與客戶密切的合作聯繫,以及高度靈活的組織應變能力,在時間及資源有限的情況下,不需等待成本沈重的研究,降低客戶最終不滿意而退回專案的風險,實現高品質且滿足客戶需求的成果輸出。 Scrum以其優越的靈活度和低成本,在世界各地造成旋風,台灣亦有許多組織在推廣這種新型的管理方式,無論是美國軍方、醫院等各種機構都已採行Scrum,FBI的數位化計劃甚至因此省去九成的花費與人力!透過開發者Jeff Sutherland親筆解釋Scrum的精髓與步驟簡明的施行方式,不僅清晰實用,更引用來自各種形式及規模的企業作為範例,翻新你對於管理的概念,讓你的組織無論是大是小,都能更加適應這瞬息變幻的市場!The definitive account of the Scrum methodology from its co-creator and the CEO of Scrum, Inc., Jeff Sutherland.Scrum is the revolutionary approach to project management and team building that has helped to transform everything from software companies to the US military to healthcare in major American hospitals. In this major new book its originator, Jeff Sutherland, explains precisely and step by step how it operates – and how it can be made to work for anyone, anywhere. Take the FBI attempt to digitize its records, for example. As with so many software projects the first attempt failed, having taken four years and cost over $400 million.Then the FBI turned to Scrum, and just over a year later unveiled a functioning system that cost less than a tenth of the first project and employed a tenth of the staff. And it's not just grand projects that Scrum can help with.Every organisation, whatever its size, constantly has to come to grips with delivering a product or service on time and on budget. Scrum shows you how. It explains how to define precisely what it is that you are seeking to achieve, how to set up the team to achieve it, and how to monitor progress until the project is successfully completed. Filled with practical examples drawn from all types and organisation it will make you rethink the fundamentals of successful management – and show you how to get things done however everyday or ambitious, however small or large your organisation.


書名 / Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time
作者 / 傑夫.薩瑟蘭
簡介 / Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time:面對快速變動的世界與市場需求產品開發與管理也必須跟著不停進化讓管理學大師JeffSutherland指引你正席捲業界
ISBN13 / 9781847941107
ISBN10 / 1847941109
EAN / 9781847941107
誠品26碼 / 2680958244008
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9CM
級別 / N:無