內容簡介 Let's Talk 2nd Edition系列 Let's Talk 系列分3級,適合高中、大一、大二學生或坊間的會話課程使用,書中涵括許多照片、圖表、問卷和文章作為小組對話的素材,並提供實用的句型、表達方式和字彙表,讓學生在雙人對話練習以及團體討論中自在地開口說英文。 書籍特色* 書籍架構以聽說練習為主,訓練溝通技巧以及口說流利度* 增加學生課堂上的互動,增加參與感,減少壓力* 使用正確的口說語法並帶動英語學習* 讓學生輕鬆用英語溝通 Let's Talk Second Edition is a fully revised edition of Let's Talk, the successful three-level speaking and listening course that takes students from a high-beginning to a high-intermediate level. Let's Talk Second Edition 2 is for learners at the intermediate level. Features of the Student's Book include more systematic presentation and recycling of structures and vocabulary, an increased focus on communication activities, and new Expansion review sections after every four units. The expanded self-study section now includes grammar, listening, and vocabulary practice, offering students additional opportunities to review and consolidate the material. The grammar paradigm