A Dog's Purpose (Movie Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

A Dog's Purpose (Movie Tie-in Ed.)

作者 W. Bruce Cameron
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 A Dog's Purpose (Movie Tie-in Ed.):一個純粹的靈魂,等待一次命定的相遇。一隻狗經歷了四次輪迴冒險,牠曾是流浪狗、屬於一個男孩的黃金獵犬、拯救無數遇難者的牧羊犬,


內容簡介 是一種愛與被愛的衝動,將我一再牽引到你身邊。你知道,你是狗狗生命中的唯一嗎? 牠尋尋覓覓,只為了與你相遇。在牠毛茸茸的外表下,藏著最天真、最熾熱的靈魂。超越時空的愛與信賴,讓所有愛狗人為之心碎的真情流露……◎蟬聯紐約時報暢銷榜逾50週,亞馬遜5顆星熱淚推薦!◎夢工廠買下電影版權,2013年即將上映!◎美國年度「好讀小說獎」,一本全世界狗狗最希望主人看的故事。一個純粹的靈魂,等待一次命定的相遇。一隻狗經歷了四次輪迴冒險,牠曾是流浪狗、屬於一個男孩的黃金獵犬、拯救無數遇難者的牧羊犬,以及不可置信又再度重生的拉不拉多……牠心中始終存有一個對生命的困惑:「我的存在意義究竟是什麼?」牠明白凡走過必留下痕跡,每一段歷險都有所啟示,自己身上一定還有未竟的任務。透過一次又一次的生離死別,牠學會勇敢面對世界,更練就一身救難技能。然而,在某次奇妙的相遇後,牠終於明白,原來回報一個人毫無保留的愛,就是最好的答案!This is the remarkable story of one endearing dog's search for his purpose over the course of several lives. More than just another charming dog story, A Dog's Purpose touches on the universal quest for an answer to life's most basic question: Why are we here?Surprised to find himself reborn as a rambunctious golden-haired puppy after a tragically short life as a stray mutt, Bailey's search for his new life's meaning leads him into the loving arms of 8-year-old Ethan. During their countless adventures Bailey joyously discovers how to be a good dog.But this life as a beloved family pet is not the end of Bailey's journey. Reborn as a puppy yet again, Bailey wonders―will he ever find his purpose?Heartwarming, insightful, and often laugh-out-loud funny, W. Bruce Cameron's A Dog's Purpose is not only the emotional and hilarious story of a dog's many lives, but also a dog's-eye commentary on human relationships and the unbreakable bonds between man and man's best friend. This moving and beautifully crafted story teaches us that love never dies, that our true friends are always with us, and that every creature on earth is born with a purpose.本書中文介《為了與你相遇》圓神出版社有限公司出版


作者介紹 W. BRUCE CAMERON is the #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of A Dog�s Purpose, A Dog�s Journey, A Dog�s Way Home (all now major motion pictures), The Dog Master, Ellie's Story, Molly�s Story, Max�s Story, Shelby�s Story, The Dogs of Christmas, The Midnight Plan of the Repo Man, and others. He lives in California.


書名 / A Dog's Purpose (Movie Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / W. Bruce Cameron
簡介 / A Dog's Purpose (Movie Tie-in Ed.):一個純粹的靈魂,等待一次命定的相遇。一隻狗經歷了四次輪迴冒險,牠曾是流浪狗、屬於一個男孩的黃金獵犬、拯救無數遇難者的牧羊犬,
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9780765388100
ISBN10 / 0765388103
EAN / 9780765388100
誠品26碼 / 2681358411007
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.1X10.5CM
級別 / N:無
