The Reader | 誠品線上


作者 徐林克
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Reader:TheReader是一本有關戰後德國的性、愛、閱讀和恥辱的小說。15歲的少男和年長許多的女人相戀,然而她竟與奧許維玆集中營的罪行相關!Schlink避免過度花俏的風格


內容簡介 'A formally beautiful, disturbing and finally morally devastating novel. From the first page, [ The Reader ] ensnares both heart and mind.' �Los Angeles Times The questions, discussion topics, and author biography that follow are intended to enhance your group's reading of Bernhard Schlink's The Reader , a haunting story of love and guilt in which the legacy of Nazi crimes enters a young man's life in an unexpected and irrevocable way. Hailed for its coiled eroticism and the moral claims it makes upon the reader, this mesmerizing novel is a story of love and secrets, horror and compassion, unfolding against the haunted landscape of postwar Germany.When he falls ill on his way home from school, fifteen-year-old Michael Berg is rescued by Hanna, a woman twice his age. In time she becomes his lover—then she inexplicably disappears. When Michael next sees her, he is a young law student, and she is on trial for a hideous crime. As he watches her refuse to defend her innocence, Michael gradually realizes that Hanna may be guarding a secret she considers more shameful than murder.


各界推薦 The Reader是一本有關戰後德國的性、愛、閱讀和恥辱的小說。15歲的少男和年長許多的女人相戀,然而她竟與奧許維玆集中營的罪行相關!Schlink避免過度花俏的風格,以其乾淨簡練的敘述,面對摯愛的人──無論是父母、祖輩甚或愛人──曾犯下過錯的歷史,試圖打破德國戰前和戰後之間的代溝,以及犯罪與無辜、語言和沈默之間的鴻溝。 作者是柏林大學法律教授,亦是執業法官,曾著有多本犯罪小說。


作者介紹 Bernhard Schlink was born in Germany in 1944. A professor of law at the University of Berlin and a practicing judge, he is also the author of several prize-winning crime novels. He lives in Bonn and Berlin.


書名 / The Reader
作者 / 徐林克
簡介 / The Reader:TheReader是一本有關戰後德國的性、愛、閱讀和恥辱的小說。15歲的少男和年長許多的女人相戀,然而她竟與奧許維玆集中營的罪行相關!Schlink避免過度花俏的風格
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780375707971
ISBN10 / 0375707972
EAN / 9780375707971
誠品26碼 / 2611181180009
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
