The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley | 誠品線上

The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley

作者 Hannah Tinti
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley:他是十惡不赦的惡棍,也是疼愛孩子的父親但十二道疤痕暗藏的黑暗過往,其陰影不曾遠去……主角原型取材自希臘羅馬神話中的海克力斯昆


內容簡介 十二道疤痕、十二則過去的故事、十二段人生,交織成父女橫跨美國的公路旅程……他是十惡不赦的惡棍,也是疼愛孩子的父親但十二道疤痕暗藏的黑暗過往,其陰影不曾遠去……主角原型取材自希臘羅馬神話中的海克力斯昆汀.塔倫提諾與科恩兄弟黑色電影的風格山謬.霍利(Samuel Hawley)長年過著逃亡的生活,他帶著女兒露(Loo)浪跡天涯,身上總是帶著槍,時時警覺著一切。然而,隨著露漸漸長大,山謬決定安頓下來,給女兒正常的生活。他回到亡妻的故鄉麻薩諸塞州的奧林帕斯(Olympus, Massachusetts)擔任漁夫,而露則試圖融入高中生活。山謬不喜歡談論露死去的媽媽,她對媽媽的了解,僅限於裝滿照片與生前物品的箱子。然而,她對於媽媽越來越好奇,因此展開調查。她發現父母早年的生活與隱藏的過去,尤其是爸爸的黑暗過往:他身上的十二道傷疤,都是昔日犯罪生涯的紀錄。當露深入挖掘爸爸的暗黑歷史,並發現媽媽死亡的真相,山謬過去的餘波與露的現在產生交集……A father protects his daughter from the legacy of his past and the truth about her mother s death in this thrilling new novel from the prize-winning author of The Good Thief.After years spent living on the run, Samuel Hawley moves with his teenage daughter, Loo, to Olympus, Massachusetts.There, in his late wife s hometown, Hawley finds work as a fisherman, while Loo struggles to fit in at school and grows curious about her mother s mysterious death. Haunting them both are twelve scars Hawley carries on his body, from twelve bullets in his criminal past a past that eventually spills over into his daughter s present, until together they must face a reckoning yet to come. This father-daughter epic weaves back and forth through time and across America, from Alaska to the Adirondacks. Both a coming-of-age novel and a literary thriller, The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley explores what it means to be a hero, and the cost we pay to protect the people we love most.Praise for Hannah TintiShe is an adventuress who lays bare her characters hearts with a precision and a fearlessness that will leave you shaken. Junot DiazThe key to Tinti s success . . . is the constant tension between tenderness and peril. The Washington Post"


書名 / The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley
作者 / Hannah Tinti
簡介 / The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley:他是十惡不赦的惡棍,也是疼愛孩子的父親但十二道疤痕暗藏的黑暗過往,其陰影不曾遠去……主角原型取材自希臘羅馬神話中的海克力斯昆
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780399591228
ISBN10 / 0399591222
EAN / 9780399591228
誠品26碼 / 2681396166006
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
