On the Road (Film Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上


作者 傑克.凱魯亞克
商品描述 On the Road (Film Tie-in Ed.):【旅途上】SalParadise(SamRiley),ayounginnocent,joinshishero,themysticaltravellerDeanMoriarty(GarrettHedlund),onabreathless,exuber


內容簡介 「垮掉的一代」經典鉅作,電影《浪蕩世代》原著小說公路電影大師華特.沙勒斯(Walter Salles)導演山姆.萊利(Sam Riley)、蓋瑞特.荷德倫(Garrett Hedlund)、克莉絲汀.史都華(Kristen Stewart)領銜主演2012坎城影展競賽片,2012金馬國際影展「名家饗宴」單元,2012 12 21台灣院線上映《TIME》百大最佳英文小說(1923 ~2005年)、美國圖書館廿世紀世界百大小說「這本書改變了所有人的生命,也包括我自己。」——巴伯.狄倫「遇見這部小說之後,我就像是車子上的車前燈,迷上了在路上的生活,不管是心理,還是身體,都無法離開路上。」——森山大道薩爾是位對文學、爵士樂和女人充滿好奇的年輕作家,他在紐約有一群瘋狂的波希米亞好友,成天談論文藝創作,直到富於熱情與野性的狄恩加入這個圈子,薩爾的生活也面臨轉變契機:他決定追隨狄恩「在路上」的步伐,實現西部之旅的夢想,開啟通往體驗生命以及無限可能的那扇大門。全書以薩爾第一人稱描述,他與狄恩等人四度驅車橫跨美國大陸,展開一段段混亂而亢奮的旅程。他們漫無目的奔走,在路上體察流浪漢、農民、工人、少數族裔的生活,同時縱情於爵士樂、性愛與藥物,尋找另一種感官境界;在放蕩不安的生活基調之中,他們盡情地燃燒自我與探索世界,獲得絕對的靈魂自由。這是一部自傳體小說。1951年,將近卅歲的凱魯亞克花了短短三星期時間,不眠不休地把自己七年來與友人在公路上浪蕩的故事化為文字。凱魯亞克極力在語言上實驗「自發性文體」;為了避免打斷寫作的思緒,凱魯亞克刻意在書寫時不做隔行、沒有分段,最後成品是一幅長達三十六點五公尺的捲軸。這部作品寫成後屢遭出版社退稿,凱魯亞克自己修改過多達六種版本之後,才終於在1957年正式出版。這本小說被譽為定義了「垮掉的一代」,凱魯亞克也成了新世代的精神教主,鼓舞著無數年輕人循著他的足跡去找尋人生真義。Five decades after it was first published, Jack Kerouac's seminal Beat novel On the Road finally finds its way to the big screen, in a production from award-winning director Walter Salles (Motorcycle Diaries) starring Sam Riley (Control, Brighton Rock), Garret Hedlund, Kristen Stewart (Twilight), Kirsten Dunst, Amy Adams and Viggo Mortensen.Sal Paradise (Sam Riley), a young innocent, joins his hero, the mystical traveller Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund), on a breathless, exuberant ride back and forth across the United States. Their hedonistic search for release or fulfilment through drink, sex, drugs and jazz becomes an exploration of personal freedom, a test of the limits of the American dream. A brilliant blend of fiction and autobiography, Jack Kerouac's exhilarating novel swings to the rhythms of 1950s underground America, racing towards the sunset with unforgettable exuberance, poignancy and autobiographical passion. One of the most influential and important novels of the 20th century, this is the book that launched the Beat Generation and remains the bible of that literary movement.Jack Kerouac (1922-69) was an American novelist, poet, artist and part of the Beat Generation. His first published novel, The Town and the City, appeared in 1950, but it was On the Road, published in 1957, that made Kerouac famous. Publication of his many other books followed, among them The Subterraneans, Big Sur, and The Dharma Bums. Kerouac died in Florida at the age of forty-seven.'The most beautifully executed, the clearest and the most important utterance yet made by the generation Kerouac himself named years ago as "beat "'The New York Times'Pop writing at its best. It changed the way I saw the world, making me yearn for fresh experience'Hanif Kureishi, Independent on Sunday'On the Road sold a trillion Levis and a million espresso machines, and also sent countless kids on the road'William Burroughs"


書名 / On the Road (Film Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / 傑克.凱魯亞克
簡介 / On the Road (Film Tie-in Ed.):【旅途上】SalParadise(SamRiley),ayounginnocent,joinshishero,themysticaltravellerDeanMoriarty(GarrettHedlund),onabreathless,exuber
ISBN13 / 9780140265002
ISBN10 / 0140265007
EAN / 9780140265002
誠品26碼 / 2680726050008
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.6X12.8X2CM
級別 / N:無
