How to: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems | 誠品線上

這麼做, 就對了! 最ㄎㄧㄤ的生活科學指南

作者 蘭德爾.門羅
商品描述 How to: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems:全球暢銷網路漫畫xkcd兼暢銷書《如果這樣,會怎樣》和《解事者:複雜的事物我簡單說明白》作家蘭德爾


內容簡介 全球暢銷網路漫畫xkcd兼暢銷書《如果這樣,會怎樣》和《解事者:複雜的事物我簡單說明白》作家蘭德爾‧門羅保證無用又娛樂性十足的全新大作 荒謬科學實作:用最荒誕爆笑的科學解決現實世界的難題 當你想達成一項任務時,解決的方式有很多種,有快速的、錯誤的、複雜的或是不合適的,也有一種叫做沒人願意嘗試的荒謬方式。本書絕對是荒謬首選,不論是成功降落飛機到挖一個地洞,內容中所教導的方法絕對超級不切實際,但又令人捧腹大笑。 作者蘭德爾‧門羅以詳盡的科學解析分享如何透過分析臉書照片的畫素來預測天氣;檢測牙齒上的放射性物質判斷你是嬰兒潮或是90年代出生;用望遠鏡自拍的技巧、透過煮沸河流成功渡河,還有摧毀時空的結構就能免費幫住家供電。如果你想處理掉看過的書籍,門羅將提供你以下幾個選項:把書溶解在大海中、將書本轉化為蒸氣,或是將書本發射到太陽裡。 透過荒誕的科學研究及過程,用最複雜的方式解決最簡單的任務,內容豐富且娛樂性十足,絕對能為讀者帶來無限快樂。 The world's most entertaining and useless self-help guide, from the brilliant mind behind the wildly popular webcomic xkcd and the million-selling What If? and Thing Explainer For any task you might want to do, there's a right way, a wrong way, and a way so monumentally bad that no one would ever try it. How To is a guide to the third kind of approach. It's full of highly impractical advice for everything from landing a plane to digging a hole. Bestselling author and cartoonist Randall Munroe explains how to predict the weather by analyzing the pixels of your Facebook photos. He teaches you how to tell if you're a baby boomer or a millennial by measuring the radioactivity of your teeth. He offers tips for taking a selfie with a telescope, crossing a river by boiling it, and getting to your appointments on time by destroying the moon. And if you want to get rid of this book once you're done with it, he walks you through your options for proper disposal, including dissolving it in the ocean, converting it to a vapour, using tectonic plates to subduct it into the Earth's mantle, or launching it into the sun. By exploring the most complicated ways to do simple tasks, Munroe doesn't just make things difficult for himself and his readers. As he did so brilliantly in What If?, he invites us to explore the most absurd reaches of the possible. Full of clever infographics and amusing illustrations, How To is a delightfully mind-bending way to better understand the science and technology underlying the things we do every day.


作者介紹 Randall Munroe is the creator of the webcomic xkcd and bestselling author of What If?, Thing Explainer and xkcd: Volume 0. Randall was born in Easton, Pennsylvania, and grew up outside Richmond, Virginia. After studying physics at Christopher Newport University, he got a job building robots at NASA Langley Research Center. In 2006 he left NASA to draw comics on the internet full time, and has since been nominated for a Hugo Award three times. The International Astronomical Union recently named an asteroid after him: asteroid 4942 Munroe is big enough to cause mass extinction if it ever hits a planet like Earth.


書名 / How to: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems
作者 / 蘭德爾.門羅
簡介 / How to: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems:全球暢銷網路漫畫xkcd兼暢銷書《如果這樣,會怎樣》和《解事者:複雜的事物我簡單說明白》作家蘭德爾
ISBN13 / 9781473680333
ISBN10 / 1473680336
EAN / 9781473680333
誠品26碼 / 2681757358002
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X15.3X0CM
級別 / N:無
