Other Americas | 誠品線上

Other Americas

作者 Sebastiao Salgado
商品描述 Other Americas:絕不可錯過的當代攝影大師薩爾加多第一本攝影集再版從薩爾加多紀實的攝影作品感受中南美洲困苦人生的血與淚薩爾加多第一本攝影集《SebastiãoSalgado:Other


內容簡介 絕不可錯過的當代攝影大師薩爾加多第一本攝影集再版從薩爾加多紀實的攝影作品感受中南美洲困苦人生的血與淚薩爾加多第一本攝影集《Sebastião Salgado: Other Americas》由巴黎出版社Contrejour於1985年出版,內容收錄薩爾加多從巴西、厄瓜多、玻利維亞、秘魯、瓜地馬拉及墨西哥的所見所聞及拍攝下的精湛作品。生於巴西的薩爾加多,耗時七年深入墨西哥等地的農村村落,拍下中南美洲最具生命力及衝擊力的影像。這本全新再版的英文攝影作品,包括無數辛苦勞作的農民特寫及中南美洲特有的風土民情,令人深深感受到中南美洲人民困苦人生中的血與淚。法國攝影師Claude Nori,畢業於法國自由電影學院,從1968年開始攝影生涯;Gonzalo Ballester為紀錄片導演;Alan Riding為英國作家及記者,著有《Essential Shakespeare Handbook》。塞巴斯蒂奧.薩爾加多(Sebastião Salgado)為當代最優秀的社會紀實攝影師。曾為經濟學博士,後來對攝影產生興趣,毅然決然投入攝影,作品主題幾乎耗費數年,涵蓋世界各地苦難的社會場景,並有著獨特的視覺表現手法。回到巴西故鄉接手農場後,發現巴西與許多歐美國家為了開發而摧毀雨林,為了讓生態永續發展,因而與妻子一同成立生態保育機構Instituto Terra,發起環境計畫及募款,因而復育了許多雨林,也啟發薩爾加多再度開起攝影的創作—耗費八年之長的「創世紀」攝影項目。大導演文‧溫德斯(Wim Wenders)更拍攝紀錄片《薩爾加多的凝視》(The Salt of the Earth)講述薩爾加多的生平與作品回顧紀錄。 The first edition of Sebastião Salgado: Other Americas was published in 1985 by the French publisher Contrejour, and included photographs from Salgado's numerous trips through Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala and Mexico. The Brazil-born, Paris-based photographer traveled extensively in Latin America between 1977 and 1984 to document the shifting religious and political climate in the region, especially as reflected in Latin America's rural cultures and traditional lifestyles. Other Americas, Salgado's first photobook, included portraits of farmers and indigenous people, landscapes and pictures of the region's spiritual traditions. An instant classic, the book received countless awards and prizes and has been called "the visual equivalent to the magic of a Gabriel García Márquez tale." This new edition of Other Americas, an English-language reissue of the 1985 Contrejour edition, brings back into print one of the most powerful visions of life in Central and South America ever recorded.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Sebastião Salgado (born 1944) Brazilian documentary photographer. Originally trained as an economist. He began his photographic career in 1973, working initially as a photojournalist before turning toward the long-term, socially oriented documentary projects for which he is well known, such as Workers, Migrations and, most recently, Genesis. A UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador since 2001, Salgado has also been involved in rainforest conservation and restoration through his organization Insituto Terra.


書名 / Other Americas
作者 / Sebastiao Salgado
簡介 / Other Americas:絕不可錯過的當代攝影大師薩爾加多第一本攝影集再版從薩爾加多紀實的攝影作品感受中南美洲困苦人生的血與淚薩爾加多第一本攝影集《SebastiãoSalgado:Other
ISBN13 / 9781597113366
ISBN10 / 1597113360
EAN / 9781597113366
誠品26碼 / 2681135325008
頁數 / 127
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.1X31.1CM
級別 / N:無