A Sloth's Guide to Mindfulness | 誠品線上

A Sloth's Guide to Mindfulness

作者 Ton Mak
商品描述 A Sloth's Guide to Mindfulness:慢下來,沒關係的!偶而停一下,專注在自己的呼吸上。讓身邊的動物(人)來來去去,你繼續做你自己就好!打開這本教學手冊,跟著平靜安樂的


內容簡介 慢下來,沒關係的!偶而停一下,專注在自己的呼吸上。讓身邊的動物(人)來來去去,你繼續做你自己就好!打開這本教學手冊,跟著平靜安樂的樹懶,開始一段尋求日常寧靜的內心之旅。從最簡單的呼吸練習,到慢慢吃樹葉(飯),再到即使吊在樹上,仍能掌握當下。這本充滿人生智慧的小繪本,藉由有趣的建議,暖心的可愛樹懶插圖,幫讀者找到內心的平靜。It's OK to slow down. Take a pause and focus on your breath. Let the other animals run around, you do you.Follow a serene and smiley sloth through a series of light meditations and daily reflections with this unexpected and snuggable guide. From simple breathing exercises and guided visualizations to the benefits of chewing your leaves slowly and staying present while hanging from a tree, this little illustrated book of mindfulness will help readers discover the path to a peaceful, philoslothical life. With playful advice and delightfully charming illustrations, this no-sweat approach to enlightenment is a sweet reminder to take it slow and smile.【迷誠品編輯推薦】標題|不管發生什麼,睡飽再說!繪本《樹懶的逆襲》用剛剛好的力氣,享受生活的步調撰文|迷誠品內容中心你也覺得每天都好忙,卻又不知道自己在瞎忙什麼?生活如洪水猛獸,一個不留神就將自己吞噬殆盡,想要試圖休息、卻又無法坦率接受休息中的自己,也許你不是不懂得放鬆,只是太常迎合別人。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章


作者介紹 Ton Mak is an artist and meditation enthusiast based in Shanghai. Five years ago she left her job as an advertising wage slave to make her obsessive doodling of her family of Flabjacks her full time focus. Since then she has created visual arts of all forms including installations in shopping malls, art toy sculptures, and solo exhibitions around the world. Along the way she has successfully collaborated with Nike, Gucci, Swiss Air, Vans and more.


書名 / A Sloth's Guide to Mindfulness
作者 / Ton Mak
簡介 / A Sloth's Guide to Mindfulness:慢下來,沒關係的!偶而停一下,專注在自己的呼吸上。讓身邊的動物(人)來來去去,你繼續做你自己就好!打開這本教學手冊,跟著平靜安樂的
ISBN13 / 9781452169460
ISBN10 / 1452169462
EAN / 9781452169460
誠品26碼 / 2681619313002
頁數 / 120
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.2X15.2X1.8CM
級別 / N:無
