The Switch | 誠品線上

The Switch

作者 Joseph Finder
商品描述 The Switch:《紐約時報》暢銷作家JosephFinder既呼應時事又讓人神經緊繃、冷汗直流的驚悚小說。只不過是拿錯了手提電腦,卻無端成為邪惡政府瞄準的對象。他,如何保存自己


內容簡介 《紐約時報》暢銷作家Joseph Finder既呼應時事又讓人神經緊繃、冷汗直流的驚悚小說。只不過是拿錯了手提電腦,卻無端成為邪惡政府瞄準的對象。他,如何保存自己與家人的性命,手握的又是什麼樣的秘密?出差的麥可.坦納回到波士頓的家裡,才發現在機場安檢輸送帶上拿錯了電腦,好奇心驅使他按下電源建,卻發現了政府的最高機密。那部電腦屬於參議員蘇珊.羅賓斯所有,她秘密地下載國家機密,早已觸法,現在電腦搞丟了,慌亂的她只能命總管威爾.艾伯特要不惜一切代價將電腦找回來,如果機密檔案被公諸於世,她就是2.0版的史諾登了。坦納知道,一旦交出存有代碼”蝶蛹”機密的電腦,他變成了可以隨時被犧牲的對象,因此拒絕把電腦還給參議員。在蘇珊.羅賓斯妨害秘密的罪行被揭露之前,艾伯特找上了”修理者”,意圖解決坦納。而機密擁有者 - 國家安全局也打算用更黑暗、冷酷的方式來解決此事。就在那一瞬間,坦納發現自己已成為獵物,家人的安全飽受威脅,他知道,沒有任何人可以信任,唯有自己找出保命的方法…。A simple mix up throws one innocent man into the crosshairs of sinister government secrets and ruthless political ambitions in New York Times bestselling author Joseph Finder’s timely, electrifying new thriller.Michael Tanner is on his way home from a business trip when he accidentally picks up the wrong MacBook in an airport security line. He doesn’t notice the mix-up until he arrives home in Boston, but by then it’s too late. Tanner’s curiosity gets the better of him when he discovers that the owner is a US senator and that the laptop contains top secret files. When Senator Susan Robbins realizes she’s come back with the wrong laptop, she calls her young chief of staff, Will Abbott, in a panic. Both know that the senator broke the law by uploading classified documents onto her personal computer. If those documents wind up in the wrong hands, it could be Snowden 2.0—and her career in politics will be over. She needs to recover the MacBook before it’s too late. When Will fails to gain Tanner’s cooperation, he is forced to take measures to retrieve the laptop before a bigger security breach is revealed. He turns to an unscrupulous “fixer” for help. In the meantime, the security agency whose files the senator has appropriated has its own methods, darker still—and suddenly Tanner finds himself a hunted man, on the run, terrified for the safety of his family, in desperate need of a plan, and able to trust no one.


作者介紹 Joseph FinderJoseph Finder是《紐約時報》14本暢銷懸疑小說的作者,他的High Crimes與Paranoia分別被改編成電影《案藏玄機》與《決勝機密》,《殺手直覺》(Killer Instinct)獲得國際驚悚作家最佳小說獎。畢業自哈佛俄國研究中心,目前與妻子還有狗狗Mia住在波士頓。


書名 / The Switch
作者 / Joseph Finder
簡介 / The Switch:《紐約時報》暢銷作家JosephFinder既呼應時事又讓人神經緊繃、冷汗直流的驚悚小說。只不過是拿錯了手提電腦,卻無端成為邪惡政府瞄準的對象。他,如何保存自己
ISBN13 / 9781524742126
ISBN10 / 1524742120
EAN / 9781524742126
誠品26碼 / 2681469251004
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.1X15.5CM
級別 / N:無
