Ancient Skies, Ancient Trees | 誠品線上

Ancient Skies, Ancient Trees

作者 Beth Moon; Clark Strand/ Jana Grcevich/ Contributor
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Ancient Skies, Ancient Trees:攝影大師BethMoon古樹攝影集走訪世界,以鏡頭紀錄繁星點點下的百年老樹美國知名攝影師BethMoon走遍世界角落,展開一場百年老樹拍攝計畫,以


內容簡介 攝影大師Beth Moon古樹攝影集走訪世界,以鏡頭紀錄繁星點點下的百年老樹美國知名攝影師Beth Moon走遍世界角落,展開一場百年老樹拍攝計畫,以鏡頭紀錄無數由星空陪襯下的古樹肖像,這些百年老樹歷經風霜,也見證了人類千年歷史與文明。透過高超的數位攝影技術及飽和的色調,將肉眼無法看見的星空轉化為陪襯古樹旁的強烈背景。目眩神迷的影像更凸顯古樹們的莊嚴與氣勢,塑造彷彿穿越銀河系的奇幻感受。Beth Moon拍攝的樹種包括有森林之母之稱的猴麵包樹、橄欖樹及紅杉木等。除了令人難忘的影像作品,同時邀請美國自然史博物館天體物理學專家Jana Grcevich,以科學的角度解析奇異的星象;暢銷書《Waking Up to the Dark: Ancient Wisdom for a Sleepless Age》作者以細膩的文字描述這些顆顆充滿靈氣,歷經歲月洗禮的古樹精髓。 Throughout much of the world, night skies are growing increasingly brighter, but the force that protects the remaining naturally dark sky, unpolluted by artificial light, is the same that saves its ancient trees—isolation. Staking out some of the world’s last dark places, photographer Beth Moon uses a digital camera to reveal constellations, nebulae, and the Milky Way, in rich hues that are often too faint to be seen by the naked eye. As in her acclaimed first volume, Ancient Trees: Portraits of Time, these magnificent images encounter great arboreal specimens, including baobabs, olive trees, and redwoods, in such places as South Africa, England, and California.In her artist’s statement, Beth Moon describes the experience of shooting at night in these remote places. An essay by Jana Grcevich, postdoctoral fellow of astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History, provides the perspective of a scientist racing to study the stars in a world growing increasingly brighter. Clark Strand, the author of Waking Up to the Dark: Ancient Wisdom for a Sleepless Age, takes a different tack, illuminating the inherent spirituality of trees.


作者介紹 Beth Moon is a photographer based in New York who has gained international recognition for her large-scale, richly toned platinum prints. Her prints are held in numerous public and private collections and have appeared in more than sixty solo and group exhibitions in the United States, Italy, England, France, Israel, Brazil, Dubai, Singapore, and Canada, receiving widespread critical acclaim. With this new book, she explores color photography for the first time.Clark Strand is an American author and lecturer on spirituality and religion. He is the first Senior Editor of Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, and the founder of Way of the Rose, a nonsectarian rosary fellowship with members around the world. His recent works are Waking Up to the Dark: Ancient Wisdom for a Sleepless Age (2015) and Waking the Buddha (2014).Jana Grcevich is a Kathryn W. Davis postdoctoral fellow in astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History. Her research focuses on dwarf galaxies and gas in space. She also works with Guerilla Science’s Intergalactic Travel Bureau, which blends science and performance art to plan participants’ space vacations.


書名 / Ancient Skies, Ancient Trees
作者 / Beth Moon; Clark Strand Jana Grcevich Contributor
簡介 / Ancient Skies, Ancient Trees:攝影大師BethMoon古樹攝影集走訪世界,以鏡頭紀錄繁星點點下的百年老樹美國知名攝影師BethMoon走遍世界角落,展開一場百年老樹拍攝計畫,以
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9780789212672
ISBN10 / 0789212676
EAN / 9780789212672
誠品26碼 / 2681355358008
頁數 / 116
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28X28CM
級別 / N:無
