If You Go Down to the Woods Today: More than 100 Things to Find | 誠品線上

If You Go Down to the Woods Today: More than 100 Things to Find

作者 Rachel Piercey
出版社 Magic Cat Publishing
商品描述 If You Go Down to the Woods Today: More than 100 Things to Find:今天起就走進森林吧!超過100個有趣的細節我的森林住著超多小動物,狐狸、兔子、松鼠、貓頭鷹、麻雀、


內容簡介 今天起就走進森林吧!超過100個有趣細節等你來發現~我的森林住著超多小動物,狐狸、兔子、松鼠、貓頭鷹、麻雀、熊……等。隨著四季更迭,動物們也會展現不同活力和趣味。在春天裡,冬眠的熊醒了,開始呼朋引伴野餐、大聲朗詩。在森林學校裡,有松鼠老師用松果教小松鼠數學,樹上有鳥媽媽叼小蟲餵食鳥寶寶;夏季時分,青蛙大跳霹靂舞;來到秋天時,落葉、楓紅的顏色最為繽紛,狐狸用腳掌作畫,兔子素描,而模特兒是麋鹿……秋高氣爽,動物還大玩溜滑梯呢!冬天造訪時有冬季運動會,溜冰、堆雪人、滑雪橇……冷冷的天一樣有玩勁~作者將人類日常生活、行為舉止藉由各種可愛動物呈現,逗趣幽默、讀來令人莞爾。A Sunday Times Children's Book of the Week My woodland's full of animals, of every different kind. So shall we stay here for a while and see what we can find? Experience the everyday wonder of nature in this first book of poetry, exploring a magical woodland. Join Bear on his journey through the year with lots of friends to meet, places to explore and things to spot along the way."


作者介紹 Rachel PierceyRachel Piercey is a freelance poet, editor and tutor. She has co-edited three children's poetry anthologies with the Emma Press and regularly performs her work and runs poetry workshops in primary schools. Rachel's poems for adults have been published in various journals including The Poetry Review, Magma and The Rialto, as well as two pamphlets with the Emma Press and one with HappenStance. She lives in London.Freya HartasFreya Hartas is a UK based illustrator specialising in children's books. She lives in the vibrant city of Bristol with her partner and their ancient black cat Katsu and works from her cosy, cluttered desk in a shared studio down the road. She graduated from Falmouth University with a first-class honours in BA Illustration in 2014. Freya loves to conjure up humorous characters, animals and monsters, creating the most fantastical worlds for them to inhabit and get lost in.


書名 / If You Go Down to the Woods Today: More than 100 Things to Find
作者 / Rachel Piercey
簡介 / If You Go Down to the Woods Today: More than 100 Things to Find:今天起就走進森林吧!超過100個有趣的細節我的森林住著超多小動物,狐狸、兔子、松鼠、貓頭鷹、麻雀、
出版社 / Magic Cat Publishing
ISBN13 / 9781913520052
ISBN10 / 1913520056
EAN / 9781913520052
誠品26碼 / 2682046237008
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 31.7X26.5X1.3CM
級別 / N:無
適用年齡 / 5-8
