Bahar, the Lucky | 誠品線上

Bahar, the Lucky

作者 Rashin Kheiriyeh
出版社 Newmark Learning
商品描述 Bahar, the Lucky:Bahar是一名波斯地毯的編織者,雖然編織波斯地毯,只能讓Bahar一家人賺得微薄的錢,但卻可以讓Bahar的媽媽,足以溫飽家中的孩子們,所以Bahar對於製作地


內容簡介 Bahar是一名波斯地毯的編織者,雖然編織波斯地毯,只能讓Bahar一家人賺得微薄的錢,但卻可以讓Bahar的媽媽,足以溫飽家中的孩子們,所以Bahar對於製作地毯還是持著感恩的心。但Bahar為了為家裡賺得更多的錢,她決定要當一名預言者,Bahar誤打誤撞,成功預言且解決了幾個事件,進而受到國王的傳召,要Bahar進宮當國王的專屬預言家,Bahar該如何成功脫身,才不會讓大家發現原來她的預言,其實只是許多的「碰巧」而已。作者Rashin Kheiriyeh出生於伊朗,在美國長大,在Rashin Kheiriyeh的作品中,可以看到許多面向的波斯文化,而《Bahar, the Lucky》這本書關於波斯地毯的一切,則來自Rashin Kheiriyeh的祖父,就是一名波斯地毯的編織者。Bahar is determined to help her family earn more money than what she makes selling rugs at the local bazaar. So, she decides to become a fortune teller. After some lucky "accidents " telling correct fortunes, the king has summoned her to the palace to be his fortune teller. How will she get herself out of this situation without the king and everyone else discovering the truth that she's a fraud?"


作者介紹 Rashin Kheiriyeh Rashin Kheiriyeh is an award-winning artist, author, and animation director who has illustrated over eighty children's books internationally, including Saffron Ice Cream, which she also wrote. She won the Sendak Fellowship Award in 2017 and the Bologna Book Fair Ragazzi Award in 2009. Rashin was born in Khorramshahr, Iran, in 1979, Since she was a little girl, her great passion was to become an artist. The beauty of Persian rugs and her interest in astrology inspired her to write and illustrate Bahar, the Lucky. She now lives in Washington, DC, where she teaches art at the University of Maryland and enjoys illustrating for The New York Times, Google and many amazing publishers around the world.


書名 / Bahar, the Lucky
作者 / Rashin Kheiriyeh
簡介 / Bahar, the Lucky:Bahar是一名波斯地毯的編織者,雖然編織波斯地毯,只能讓Bahar一家人賺得微薄的錢,但卻可以讓Bahar的媽媽,足以溫飽家中的孩子們,所以Bahar對於製作地
出版社 / Newmark Learning
ISBN13 / 9781478869061
ISBN10 / 1478869062
EAN / 9781478869061
誠品26碼 / 2681951212001
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28.7X22.9X0.8CM
級別 / N:無
