多益TOEIC考前衝刺: 全擬真聽力閱讀試題+解析 滿分2回 | 誠品線上

多益TOEIC考前衝刺: 全擬真聽力閱讀試題+解析 滿分2回

作者 YBM多益研究所
出版社 易可數位行銷股份有限公司
商品描述 多益TOEIC考前衝刺: 全擬真聽力閱讀試題+解析 滿分2回:韓國多益測驗主辦單位出題,韓國多益教材出版權威編寫,美加英澳四國口音一次精通!多益測驗主辦單位YBM就是不一樣


內容簡介 韓國多益測驗主辦單位出題,韓國多益教材出版權威編寫,美加英澳四國口音一次精通!多益測驗主辦單位YBM就是不一樣! 【推薦本書的十大理由】 理由一:最高命中率 理由二:百萬考生引領期盼的實戰試題 理由三:收錄和真實測驗最相似題型 理由四:完全符合出題趨勢 理由五:題型豐富帶你邁向高分 理由六:魔鬼教頭手把手傳授應試技巧 理由七:集考試訣竅集大成 理由八:精準預測,徹底分析 理由九:精闢分析掌握解題關鍵 理由十:保證最短時間內考出最高分數


作者介紹 YBM多益研究所 編著◎作者簡介編著者:YBM多益研究所自1982年開始,YBM就負責主辦韓國多益測驗。三十多年來,出版400多本多益暢銷書。 具備分析多益題目和發行教材的專業性與實力,是韓國多益教材出版權威。陳建安、戴瑜亭◎譯者簡介譯者:陳建安 韓國成均館大學國際貿易研究所畢業。曾在韓國科技大廠與科技業服務多年,熱愛透過翻譯吸收各類知識,努力追求多元的斜槓人生,現為兼職譯者。Email:jeffy0820@gmail.com譯者:戴瑜亭學生時期學習英日語,最後卻成為了韓語全職譯者。小時候的夢想是作家,長大意外成了另一種形式的作家。Email:tyuting0710@gmail.com


書名 / 多益TOEIC考前衝刺: 全擬真聽力閱讀試題+解析 滿分2回
作者 / YBM多益研究所
簡介 / 多益TOEIC考前衝刺: 全擬真聽力閱讀試題+解析 滿分2回:韓國多益測驗主辦單位出題,韓國多益教材出版權威編寫,美加英澳四國口音一次精通!多益測驗主辦單位YBM就是不一樣
出版社 / 易可數位行銷股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9786269545445
ISBN10 / 6269545447
EAN / 9786269545445
誠品26碼 / 2682133631009
頁數 / 112
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 30X21X1CM
級別 / N:無


內文 : 【試題】
32. What is the problem?
(A) A missing name
(B) An outdated logo
(C) A blurred image
(D) A dull color
33. Why is the man concerned?
(A) An event may be postponed.
(B) A type of shirt may not sell well.
(C) A sponsor may be displeased.
(D) An event budget may be exceeded.
34. What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Waive a production charge
(B) Dispose of some items
(C) Expedite a delivery
(D) Conceal some defects
35. Where most likely are the speakers?
(A) In a job placement agency
(B) In an electronics store
(C) In a bank
(D) In a dental clinic
36. According to the man, what is a problem?
(A) A Web site is not operating.
(B) A promotional offer has ended.
(C) A mobile phone has no power.
(D) A meeting room is unavailable.
37. What does the man say he will do?
(A) Lower a price
(B) Supply an additional form
(C) Find a manager
(D) Reschedule an appointment
38. Where most likely does the woman work?
(A) At an insurance provider
(B) At a marketing company
(C) At a paper manufacturer
(D) At a customer service call center
39. What does the man say about BaxterShare?
(A) It is difficult to use.
(B) It has limited features.
(C) It is available in a trial version.
(D) It offers strong security.
40. What does the woman agree to do?
(A) Copy some important files
(B) Download some software
(C) View a demonstration
(D) Buy a notebook computer
41. What does the woman say will happen next month?
(A) Special shipments will arrive.
(B) A city festival will take place.
(C) A new location will open.
(D) Temporary employees will be hired.
42. What does the man offer to do?
(A) Clean a sidewalk area
(B) Print some flyers
(C) Move a display case
(D) Take some photographs
43. What does the woman say she will research?
(A) The layout of a store showroom
(B) The best place to buy some kitchen equipment
(C) The wholesale price of a coffee drink
(D) The costs for some online advertisements

Dear Rachel,
I’ve finished this semester’s Campus Life Survey. A detailed report of my findings is attached to this e-mail, but I can summarize the main points for you as follows:
- The service or facility that received the lowest approval rating was parking. Students say there are not enough spaces, especially near Scheyd Auditorium.
- Most students rate Morton Cafeteria as their favorite dining hall, but express
concerns about overcrowding there. They would like our other dining halls to offer special food items like its burrito bowls.
- Especially among students majoring in science, there continues to be demand for themed dormitories for those who share particular interests.
Please take a look at the attachment and let me know when we can meet to discuss the information. Obviously, I can’t take on major projects in the short time that I have left in this position, but I will make sure my successor is well-informed of all issues raised.
Jeanne Dubois
Residential Life Manager, Carroway University
From: Jeanne Dubois
Residential Life Manager
Carroway University—Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Department of Student Residential Life at Carroway University is seeking a residential life manager (RLM). The RLM’s main responsibility is overseeing all aspects of life in the university’s student residence halls. Occasional night and weekend work will be required, as the RLM must respond to residence-hall related problems as soon as they arise. In addition, the position involves serving as a liaison to several studentrun committees, as well as designing and administering feedback surveys to assess satisfaction with campus life. Candidates must possess a master’s degree or higher in an education-related field, and have worked in a university setting for a minimum of five years. For more information about the position, visit www.carroway.edu/hr.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following memo.
To: All Roane Incorporated Employees
From: Rahul Shevade, Human Resources Director
Date: October 6
Re: 25 years in business
Dear Staff Members,
At the end of next month, Roane Incorporated will be celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary. We want to hold a party to commemorate this achievement. I am currently looking for six people to join our planning board so that we can make the preparations for the event. Please note that this opportunity is open to staff members in every department. If you are interested, please e-mail me no later than Wednesday, October 15, with notes about when you would be able to take part in group meetings.
After the deadline, I will review everyone’s availability and select a time and day that works for all of us. Thank you for your consideration.
153. What is the purpose of the memo?
(A) To invite employees to a celebration
(B) To announce a job opening
(C) To seek committee members
(D) To congratulate the staff on an achievement
154. What does Mr. Shevade indicate will be determined after October 15?
(A) The timing of a meeting
(B) The size of a budget
(C) The goals of a group
(D) The location of a banquet


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