101 Ways To Read A Book | 誠品線上

101 Ways To Read A Book

作者 Timothée de Fombelle
商品描述 101 Ways To Read A Book:Adelightfulgiftforallthosewholovebooksandreading.TheSunflower,Thecontortionist,Thesleepwalker,Theromantic...thisone-of-a-kindwhimsicalv


內容簡介 暢銷小說家蒂莫泰.德.豐拜勒x人氣繪本作家班傑明・蕭 用幽默的比喻勾勒101種讀書的姿態 法國文壇才子蒂莫泰.德.豐拜勒是法國相當受歡迎的劇作家,同時也是舞臺導演,並創作小說,以【橡樹部落】系列在全世界獲得空前的成功,被翻譯為二十幾種語言,並獲得法國女巫獎、義大利安徒生獎等獎項肯定。他和法國人氣繪本作家──班傑明.蕭在這本繪本裡呈現了多種讀書的姿態:向日葵型、吉娃娃型、野花型……每個嗜讀者都有獨有的讀書姿態和習慣。你愛讀書嗎?你是哪一種? A delightful gift for all those who love books and reading. The Sunflower, The contortionist, The sleepwalker, The romantic . . . this one-of-a-kind whimsical volume presents 101 ways and poses in which to read books. Each of the diverse poses has been keenly observed and collected by author Timothée de Fombelle, then charmingly illustrated with the greatest precision by celebrated artist Benjamin Chaud. For bibliophiles, browsers, and the just plain curious, this delightful book is a joyful celebration of reading in its many and varied ways. It is a perfect gift for all who love books and reading and will prove especially inspiring to bookworms who desire to pursue their cherished pastime one hundred and one percent of the time.


作者介紹 Timothée de FombelleTimothée de Fombelle is a Paris-based playwright, and author of award-winning children's fiction and picture books. His first series, Toby Alone and Toby Alone and the Secrets of the Tree has been published in twenty-seven languages and won numerous awards, including France’s prestigious Prix Sorcières and the Marsh Award.Karin SnelsonKarin Snelson is a Seattle-based book editor and translator, specializing in children's literature. Angus Yuen-KillickAngus Yuen-Killick is the founder and publisher of Red Comet Press, located in Brooklyn, New York.Benjamin ChaudBenjamin Chaud has illustrated more than 60 books. He is the author and illustrator of New York Times Notable Book The Bear's Song and tree sequels. His most recent book Grown-ups Never Do That was written by his frequent collaborator, Davide Calì. Benjamin Chaud lives in France.


書名 / 101 Ways To Read A Book
作者 / Timothée de Fombelle
簡介 / 101 Ways To Read A Book:Adelightfulgiftforallthosewholovebooksandreading.TheSunflower,Thecontortionist,Thesleepwalker,Theromantic...thisone-of-a-kindwhimsicalv
ISBN13 / 9781636550824
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781636550824
誠品26碼 / 2682447966002
頁數 / 128
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17 x 2 x 23.5 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : A delightful gift for all those who love books and reading.

The Sunflower, The contortionist, The sleepwalker, The romantic . . . this one-of-a-kind
