How Do You Live? | 誠品線上


作者 吉野源三郎
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 How Do You Live?:《你想活出怎樣的人生?品格形塑經典,影響日本深遠的一本書》無論世界變得如何混亂與殘酷,我們還是可以決定要用什麼樣的姿態好好活著。宮崎駿為它復出,


內容簡介 2023學生閱讀版!宮崎駿為它復出,親自改編電影撫慰騷動不安的靈魂,找到人生方向的最佳著作無論世界變得如何混亂與殘酷,我們還是可以決定要用什麼樣的姿態好好活著。有痛苦、有逆境,正是人生往前邁進的證明。一切的思考、所有的煩惱,都是有價值的。看了這本書,你將從中得到無比的激勵。◎日本「百年最愛書籍」◎半年狂銷200萬冊,日本亞馬遜排行榜第一名◎超過1000名老師「最想推薦給國高中生的讀物」第一名!這是80年來,形塑日本人品格態度的一本書,是一本遇到難關或面臨挑戰時,讓人振作起來,長大後不斷想再次閱讀,並仍然能夠獲益匪淺的書。日本具代表性的知識分子吉野源三郎,用本書講述一位十五歲少年「小哥白尼」,在舅舅智慧的引導下,思考了勇氣、友情、貧富、霸凌、人與社會等課題,藉此釐清「人之所以為人的價值」和「生而為人應有的態度」。雋永流傳,宮崎駿即將改編動畫!本書內容深入淺出、精采深刻,曾被收入中小學教科書,並且歷來不斷再版,從知識分子到販夫走卒,都深受影響,推薦者絡繹不絕。動畫大師宮崎駿更曾經在自傳中,以長文書寫《你想活出怎樣的人生?》如何觸發他思考社會以及未來的世界。他說,這本書「傳達出一個訊息,那就是無論處在多麼艱困的時代或是殘酷的時代,都要活得像個人」。2018年初,宮崎駿更宣布,將為此書重新復出拍攝動畫,使其影響力能擴及新的世代。◎對事情有了不起的想法,才能成為了不起的人沒有人能簡單地向你說明:「社會是這麼回事,人活著有這樣的意義。」我可以教你英文、幾何、代數;但是我無法教你,人聚在一起組成社會,每個人在其中過著各自的人生,具有什麼樣的意義、什麼樣的價值。你知道水是由氧和氫組成的吧。你當然也知道,氧和氫的比例是一比二。像這種事情,我們可以用語言完全正確地說明,在教室看了實驗,一定會馬上點頭同意。然而,如果說到冰水有什麼味道,就只能由你親自喝喝看才能明白。不管別人怎麼說明,只有喝過的人才知道水真正的味道。同樣地,我們無法對天生眼盲的人描述紅色是什麼樣的顏色。唯有等到那個人有了視力,實際看到紅色,才能明白。人生有許多這樣的事。自己在某個時間、某個地方受到感動,這種無法重複的唯一經驗,才是真正屬於你的思想。時時從自己的親身體驗出發、誠實地思考。如果在這方面有一絲敷衍,不管你想了、說了什麼看來了不起的事情,也都是假的。先覺出版《你想活出怎樣的人生? 品格形塑經典, 影響日本深遠的一本書》Now in paperback with an introduction by Neil Gaiman: the classic Japanese coming-of-age story that has sold more than two million copies, inspired anime master Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, The Boy and the Heron), and become a New York Times bestseller. After the death of his father, fifteen-year-old Copper must confront inevitable and enormous change, including the aftermath of his own betrayal of his best friend. Between episodes of Copper’s emerging story, letters from his uncle share knowledge and offer advice on life’s big questions. Like his namesake Copernicus, Copper looks to the stars and uses his discoveries about the heavens, earth, and human nature to answer the question of how he will live.First published in 1937 in Japan, Genzaburō Yoshino’s How Do You Live? has long been an important book for Academy Award-winning animator Hayao Miyazaki. Perfect for readers of philosophical fiction like The Alchemist and The Little Prince, How Do You Live? serves as a thought-provoking guide for young readers as they grow up in a world both infinitely large and unimaginably small.


作者介紹 Genzaburō YoshinoGenzaburō Yoshino (1899-1981) was a Japanese writer and publisher. In 1935, he became director of a collection of educational books for young people. When the acclaimed writer Yūzō Yamamoto was unable to complete a book on ethics as part of the series, Yoshino stepped in and wrote How Do You Live?. Since its debut as a novel and guide to philosophy for young people, How Do You Live? has sold more than two million copies, and been re-edited and republished more than eighty times to reflect the changing times and culture in Japan. Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman is the author of many bestsellers for readers of all ages, including Stardust, American Gods, Sandman, Anansi Boys, Good Omens (with Terry Pratchett), The Graveyard Book (winner of the Newbery Medal), and Coraline. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.Bruno NavaskyBruno Navasky is a teacher and writer, whose work as a translator and editor includes Festival in My Heart: Poems by Japanese Children and Poem in Your Pocket for Young Poets, as well as translations published in The New York Times and The Paris Review. He was the founding editor of American Poet, the journal of the Academy of American Poets, where he now serves on the board of directors. He lives and works in New York City.


書名 / How Do You Live?
作者 / 吉野源三郎
簡介 / How Do You Live?:《你想活出怎樣的人生?品格形塑經典,影響日本深遠的一本書》無論世界變得如何混亂與殘酷,我們還是可以決定要用什麼樣的姿態好好活著。宮崎駿為它復出,
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9781643753072
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781643753072
誠品26碼 / 2682435214009
頁數 / 288
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14CM
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 影響宮崎駿一生的小說《你想活出怎樣的人生?》首度英文版,附有尼爾蓋曼專文推薦