The Master: The Long Run and Beautiful Game of Roger Federer | 誠品線上

The Master: The Long Run and Beautiful Game of Roger Federer

作者 Christopher Clarey
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 The Master: The Long Run and Beautiful Game of Roger Federer:《費德勒:王者之路》Amajorbiographyofthemosticonicmen'stennisplayerofthemodernera.Therehavebeenothe


內容簡介 「上帝派喬丹去打籃球,自己則化身為費德勒」一本完整涵蓋費德勒職業生涯的精采傳記道盡你想知道關於「費神」的所有一切!22年職業生涯、20座大滿貫,超過1000場勝利,稱霸世界第一寶座310週,2021年,在超過400天的休息之後,年近40的費德勒再度踏上法網紅土、溫布頓草地,以凌厲的每一分攻勢向世界宣告:「費神」的歷史仍在持續!「這是一段漫長且美妙的旅程,過程真的萬分精彩,我對於任何比賽都保持一樣的態度,我愛場上的每一分鐘。」──費德勒「看費德勒打球是一種純粹的快樂。他早已是傳奇,也是象徵,代表了這項偉大的運動。」──山普拉斯本書是一部獨一無二、全面完整的費德勒傳記,涵蓋費德勒職業生涯的最新發展,由《紐約時報》頂尖網球記者克拉瑞撰述。他從費德勒初崛起時便開始追蹤,至今進行超過20次的深入訪談,對於費德勒的成長轉變、訓練方式、球技特點,都提供了最專業、翔實的深入剖析。相較於單純羅列數據的對戰紀錄,本書以費德勒生命中重要的十六個地點為主題,猶如一部精采絕倫的遊記,帶領讀者一步步親臨費德勒從狂放不羈的青少年選手到優雅的網球天王,邁向顛峰的漫長道路。克拉瑞以極具故事性的文筆,娓娓道來費德勒一路上不為人知的點滴與努力,費德勒打球看似輕鬆寫意,但他一個人無法創造傳奇。本書除了費德勒本人的分享,更採訪近百位他在各時期最重要的家人、朋友、教練、團隊,當然,還有對手!此外,我們當然更不能錯過「費神降臨」的美好時刻,本書將帶你重溫費德勒生涯中最偉大的戰役。其中有些賽事是費迷們同樣難忘的,但也有些比賽,只對費德勒本人獨具意義,他也一一將這些心路歷程分享給了讀者。在納達爾、喬科維奇兩大天王的激烈競爭,甚至更年輕的後起之秀蒂姆、茲維列夫、西西帕斯等人的急起直追下,今年已屆40歲的費德勒還能在場上馳騁多久?沒有人知道。但「費神」的風采,無疑已是網球迷心中永恆的經典傳奇。關於費神●比莉.珍.金Billie Jean King(12屆女單大滿貫得主):「費德勒是我見過打球最優美的球員。克拉瑞則是當今最頂尖的網球作家,這本傳記深刻寫出了費德勒為何是我們這項運動最偉大的冠軍之一,以及他為了做到這一切,背後付出了多少我們難以看見的努力。」●瑪蒂娜.娜拉提洛娃Martina Navratilova(18屆女單大滿貫得主):「費德勒打網球就像米開朗基羅的繪畫一般,每個動作都完美無瑕,最終揮灑出一幅傑作。這本傳記完全捕捉到了這一特質。」●吉米.康諾斯Jimmy Connors(8屆大滿貫男單冠軍):「在這個年代,有些球員擅長打紅土、有些擅長打草地、或有些擅長打硬地……但費德勒無所不能。」●山普拉斯Pete Sampras(14屆大滿貫男單冠軍、費德勒兒時偶像):「看費德勒打球是一種純粹的快樂。他早已是傳奇,也是象徵,代表了這項偉大的運動。」●史蒂芬.艾伯格Stefan Edberg(瑞典網球傳奇、費德勒兒時偶像):「費德勒把網球带到了一個新的境界。」●阿格西Andre Agassi(美國球星、前世界球王):「費德勒是獨一無二的。他打網球的方式和其他人不同。他似乎控制一切,對任何問題都有解決辦法。」●安迪・羅迪克Andy Roddick(美國球星、前世界球王):「在體育中,時間是不敗的。但費德勒卻依舊神勇前行,已經有很多稱讚他的話了,但我不確定它們是否足以形容他有多偉大。」●納達爾Rafael Nadal(20屆大滿貫男單冠軍、紅土之王):「不欣賞費德勒的人也不會了解網球,即使你是其他人的粉絲,你也必須承認他的傑出。我找不到任何人能打得和費德勒一樣好。這個星球上沒有第二個費德勒,這對其他球員來說可能是種幸運。」本書介出自商周出版《費德勒: 王者之路》AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! A major biography of the most iconic men's tennis player of the modern era.There have been other biographies of Roger Federer, but never one with this kind of access to the man himself, his support team, and the most prominent figures in the game, including such rivals as Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic, and Andy Roddick. In The Master, New York Times correspondent Christopher Clarey sits down with Federer and those closest to him to tell the story of the greatest player in men's tennis.Roger Federer has often made it look astonishingly easy through the decades: carving backhands, gliding to forehands, leaping for overheads and, in his most gravity-defying act, remaining high on a pedestal in a world of sports rightfully flooded with cynicism. But his path from temperamental, bleach-blond teenager with dubious style sense to one of the greatest, most self-possessed and elegant of competitors has been a long-running act of will, not destiny. He not only had a great gift. He had grit.Christopher Clarey, one of the top international sportswriters working today, has covered Federer since the beginning of his professional career. He was in Paris on the Suzanne Lenglen Court for Federer's first Grand Slam match and has interviewed him exclusively more than any other journalist since his rise to prominence. Here, Clarey focuses on the pivotal people, places, and moments in Federer's long and rich career: reporting from South Africa, South America, the Middle East, four Grand Slam tournaments, and Federer's native Switzerland. It has been a journey like no other player's, rife with victories and a few crushing defeats, one that has redefined enduring excellence and made Federer a sentimental favorite worldwide.The Master tells the story of Federer's life and career on both an intimate and grand scale, in a way no one else could possibly do."


作者介紹 Christopher ClareyChristopher Clarey is the tennis correspondent for the New York Times and has covered international sports for nearly thirty years for the Times and International Herald Tribune, where he was chief sports correspondent and a longtime columnist.


書名 / The Master: The Long Run and Beautiful Game of Roger Federer
作者 / Christopher Clarey
簡介 / The Master: The Long Run and Beautiful Game of Roger Federer:《費德勒:王者之路》Amajorbiographyofthemosticonicmen'stennisplayerofthemodernera.Therehavebeenothe
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9781538719244
ISBN10 / 153871924X
EAN / 9781538719244
誠品26碼 / 2682256014000
頁數 / 432
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14X3.6CM
級別 / N:無
