Unicorn Diaries Books 1-5: A Branches Box Set (5冊合售) | 誠品線上

Unicorn Diaries Books 1-5: A Branches Box Set (5冊合售)

作者 Rebecca Elliott
商品描述 Unicorn Diaries Books 1-5: A Branches Box Set (5冊合售):獨角獸日記1-5集Scholastic新的章節小說Branches系列,以簡單的文字,有趣的內容,快節奏的情節與精美的插圖,


內容簡介 獨角獸日記 1-5集 Scholastic新的章節小說Branches 系列,以簡單的文字,有趣的內容,快節奏的情節與精美的插圖,培養孩子在獨立閱讀階段的信心與耐力。 Bo是擁有許願魔法的獨角獸,獨角獸日記紀錄Bo和魔法學校朋友們各種酸甜苦辣的趣味生活。 . Bo是一隻具有彩虹鬃毛、閃亮亮尾巴的漂亮獨角獸,喜歡去學校。村裡每一隻獨角獸都有魔法,Bo的魔法是讓願望成真。Bo最大的願望是交到好朋友。最近學校來了一隻新獨角獸Sunny,老師要同學分享自己的魔法,但是Sunny不知道自己擅長的是什麼,Bo能幫忙Sunny嗎? . Bo在學校學到有關龍的知識。突然村裡發生怪事,眼鏡不見了,是龍拿走的嗎? . Bo和朋友學習「勇敢」,Bo很緊張…真的要和怪物大打一架嗎?,有時候,勇敢不一定要用武力,為別人發聲,站出來也是勇敢的一種呢。 . Greta公主沒事做,直喊無聊,Bo和朋友想點子和她玩,沒想到一玩不可收拾,Bo得幫忙清理善後,並教公主想像力的重要。 . Bo幫助美人魚寶寶游泳,啟程尋找具有神力的 Golden Fish幫忙。 This GLITTERRIFIC box set of the USA Today bestselling series Unicorn Diaries is perfect for the newly-independent reader in your life! This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line called Branches, which is aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow! This GLITTERRIFIC, collectible box set includes paperback editions of books 1-5 in the series: Bo's Magical New Friend, Bo and the Dragon-Pup, Bo the Brave, The Goblin Princess, and Bo and the Merbaby. This series is written as Bo's diary -- with Rebecca Elliott's charming, full-color illustrations throughout!


作者介紹 Rebecca Elliott has illustrated many children's books, including Kiss, Kiss Good Night. She wrote and illustrated the USA Today bestselling Owl Diaries and Unicorn Diaries series, Just Because, and Zoo Girl, which was nominated for the Kate Greenaway Medal. She lives with her family in the countryside of Suffolk, England.


書名 / Unicorn Diaries Books 1-5: A Branches Box Set (5冊合售)
作者 / Rebecca Elliott
簡介 / Unicorn Diaries Books 1-5: A Branches Box Set (5冊合售):獨角獸日記1-5集Scholastic新的章節小說Branches系列,以簡單的文字,有趣的內容,快節奏的情節與精美的插圖,
ISBN13 / 9781338752335
ISBN10 / 1338752332
EAN / 9781338752335
誠品26碼 / 2682135665002
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.6X13.2X3.3CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 612.3