The Safest Place Possible: A Guide to Healing and Transformation | 誠品線上

The Safest Place Possible: A Guide to Healing and Transformation

作者 Debbie Mirza
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 The Safest Place Possible: A Guide to Healing and Transformation:Ifyoufeellikeyouhavelostyourselfinanunhealthyortraumaticrelationshipandwanttofindyourwaybackto


內容簡介 If you feel like you have lost yourself in an unhealthy or traumatic relationship and want to find your way back to who you really are, if you have had the rug pulled out from under you, if you are experiencing anxiety and fear, if you are unsure of your future, this is the book for you.The Safest Place Possible is a journey of self-love and healing. This book is both a memoir as well as an incredibly helpful guide to healing through transforming the relationship you have with yourself.The author takes you through her own vulnerable journey of healing and restoration.We hear a lot about self-love, but what does it actually look like in real life? The author gives 21 practical exercises to use that will radically change your life. The relationship we have with ourselves influences everything. It affects who we choose as partners, how we parent, how we are in our work, and how much we enjoy this life. This book will gently guide you to a new way of being with yourself that will transform areas in your life in ways you may not be able imagine or dream of right now. You will feel loved and held as you make your way back to who you were meant to be in this world."I've read a lot of books on how to live a life of joy and peace, but this book surprised me. It is not a "how to be happy in 5 easy steps" manual. It is about how to come back to peace again and again in the middle of a REAL life. The author lets us into her own life in such a vulnerable way while filling each chapter with such depth. It truly felt like I was being given secret life lessons from a wise friend ahead of me in the journey." - Amazon Review"This book is a beautiful gift -- the author's stories WILL change you from the inside out. When I began reading, I was so struck by the kindness and the love in the author's words, like she was in the room with me, talking to me with such love. You will, too. This book will give you guidance and permission to be more loving and compassionate with yourself - to honor your emotions and to trust yourself deeply. The Safest Place Possible is an important book for our times - a time when love, compassion and greater self-awareness will help us heal individually and collectively." - Amazon Review


作者介紹 Debbie Mirza is a restorative coach, author, and singer songwriter. She feels a deep calling to bring more peace, calm, and healing to the world through her music, writings, and coaching. She is passionate about helping others awaken to the core of who they really are so they can live from a place of peace, love, clarity, and purpose. In her coaching practice, she works with people who are coming out of relationships with covert narcissists. Her new book, The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist: Finding Healing After Hidden Emotional and Psychological Abuse can also be found on Amazon as well as her healing music CD entitled, Soul Rising. You can find out more information about Debbie Mirza on her website


書名 / The Safest Place Possible: A Guide to Healing and Transformation
作者 / Debbie Mirza
簡介 / The Safest Place Possible: A Guide to Healing and Transformation:Ifyoufeellikeyouhavelostyourselfinanunhealthyortraumaticrelationshipandwanttofindyourwaybackto
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780998621302
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780998621302
誠品26碼 /
頁數 / 186
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X1.1CM
裝訂 / P:平裝
重量(g) / 281.2
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
