Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes | 誠品線上

轉變之書: 結束, 是重生的起點

作者 威廉.布瑞奇/ 蘇珊.布瑞奇
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes:【轉變之書:結束,是重生的起點】Firstpublishedin1980,Transitionswasthefirstbooktoexploretheunderlyinganduniversalpatt


內容簡介 史上最重要心靈成長經典,全球暢銷逾50萬本!當熟悉的世界開始崩塌,你認出其中隱藏的祝福嗎?傳染病、經濟動盪、失業、死亡、離異……外境的改變是一個重要訊息,提示著內在需要一場轉變。別焦慮明天,還沒站穩先別急著成長,想從結束之處重新開始,先好好問自己,此刻,我該放棄什麼?結婚後鬱鬱寡歡,覺得兩人世界不如想像中幸福?孩子出生後忙到失去自己,發現人生變了調?伴侶分手了、愛貓上天堂了,整個人彷彿空掉一大塊?失業了、找不到工作,不知下一步在哪裡?退休、獨居了,覺得生命空虛、失去意義?讓我們沿著生命的長河,一起散個步吧……人生與大自然一樣,有其時序韻律與節奏,成長、離婚、換工作、生子、親人過世、退休……時候到了,該來的改變就會發生。試著了解並知道,人生的每個階段都有一種任務。如果任務無法完成,意味著你會把這個沒完成的功課帶到下一階段。這是為什麼,很多老問題常會不時浮現糾纏我們。請容這本書陪伴你走入真實內在,找到適合自己性格特質的方式、一步步面對轉變所有歷程,對那些習於依賴卻無法看清真相的生活狀態,學會放手,在新舊交替的過渡階段中,體會放空,在人生每一次的更迭循環中,就算孤獨,也堅持以最真的面目站在生命的斷層,靜下來,聆聽新生來臨的信號,從迷宮中找到出路!誰需要這本書──畢業生新婚夫妻新手父母剛辭職、換工作、被資遣的人新創企業家、開店小老闆空巢族、退休者遭逢親人、寵物去世的人身處環境巨變的人別為結束哀傷,那是你重生的起點本中文書介出自《轉變之書: 結束, 是重生的起點》早安財經文化有限公司出版Celebrating 40 years of the best-selling guide for coping with life’s changes, named one of the 50 all-time best books in self-help and personal development — with a new Discussion Guide for readers, written by Susan Bridges and aimed at today’s current people and organizations facing unprecedented changeFirst published in 1980, Transitions was the first book to explore the underlying and universal pattern of transition. Named one of the fifty most important self-help books of all time, Transitions remains the essential guide for coping with the inevitable changes in life.Transitions takes readers step-by-step through the three perilous stages of any transition, explaining how each stage can be understood and embraced. The book offers an elegant, simple, yet profoundly insightful roadmap to navigate change and move into a hopeful future:Endings. Every transition begins with one. Too often we misunderstand them, confuse them with finality — that’s it, all over, finished! Yet the way we think about endings is key to how we can begin anew.The Neutral Zone. The second hurdle: a seemingly unproductive time-out when we feel disconnected from people and things in the past, and emotionally unconnected to the present. Actually, the neutral zone is a time of reorientation. How can we make the most of it?The New Beginning. We come to beginnings only at the end, when we launch new activities. To make a successful new beginning requires more than simply persevering. It requires an understanding of the external signs and inner signals that point the way to the future."


作者介紹 William Bridges, PhD (1933-2013) was a preeminent authority on change and transition whose pioneering research provided a methodology and common language to guide organizations and individuals during the significant transitions that accompany a major change. As the founder of William Bridges Associates and a globally recognized speaker, author, and consultant, he advised individuals and organizations on how to deal productively with change. He was the author of ten books, including the bestselling Managing Transitions, Transitions, and The Way of Transition. With the publication of his groundbreaking book JobShift in 1994, William accurately predicted the explosive growth of self-employment, helping people understand how to prepare for a world in which secure jobs would be increasingly scarce. He later published Creating You & Co., which guides individuals on how to take charge of their career while navigating this new world of work. William received degrees from Harvard, Columbia, and Brown Universities, and Ralph Waldo Emerson's pragmatic philosophy heavily influenced his teachings.Susan Bridges is the president of William Bridges Associates and has spent thirty-five years advising executives and leaders in organizations facing significant transitions. She updated and revised the 40th anniversary edition of Transitions and the 25th anniversary edition of Managing Transitions. Susan holds a BA in Speech and MA in Communications, with an emphasis in Neurolinguistics and Neuropsychology, from the University of Colorado. She has served as a Drucker Foundation Mentor, guiding the business leaders of tomorrow. As a former board member for the Institute of Management Consultants, she developed the first nation-wide mentoring and professional development program for management consultants. She lives in Marin County, CA.


書名 / Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes
作者 / 威廉.布瑞奇 蘇珊.布瑞奇
簡介 / Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes:【轉變之書:結束,是重生的起點】Firstpublishedin1980,Transitionswasthefirstbooktoexploretheunderlyinganduniversalpatt
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780738285405
ISBN10 / 0738285404
EAN / 9780738285405
誠品26碼 / 2682008768007
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.6X13.7X1.8CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 199.6
