The Tea Book: Experience the World's Finest Teas, Qualities, Infusions, Rituals, Recipes | 誠品線上

茶.百科: 全世界最美的茶藝聖經

作者 琳達.蓋拉德
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 The Tea Book: Experience the World's Finest Teas, Qualities, Infusions, Rituals, Recipes:【茶.百科:全世界最美的茶藝聖經】TheTeaBookisyourworldtouroftheartofte


內容簡介 ◎ 亞馬遜5星至高好評,英國百科權威DK出版社製作,全世界最美的茶藝聖經。◎ 全彩步驟圖解、知識突出、論點清晰:茶樹種植、風土條件、產地來源到製成各種形狀的葉片茶,乃至認識茶具、泡茶程序、品茶方法一一圖解詳述。◎ 複味茶、養生茶、特調茶、甜點茶等各國特色茶飲配方無私公開。◎ 蒐羅世界各種茶類,探索其獨特風貌、製備方式和傳統沏茶禮儀。◎茗飲辨味的風味輪圖、飲茶習俗及市面上各式茶具介紹。◎ 從古至今的茶飲大事記、關於茶的大歷史及現代茶飲新發現,新一代飲茶美學。茶,改變世界的作物跨越世紀的飲茶美學。培植、聞香、沖泡、品茗,巡禮全球,世界最美的茶藝聖經。● 全球18大茶飲國文化巡禮● 世界上46處主要茶產區履歷● 98類品茶風味輪圖介紹● 90款經典特調茶飲配方● 29種基礎花草茶原料分析一杯好茶,是風土、歷史、人文與技藝的交集與縮影,細瘦的茶葉,開創綿延千年的茶飲盛世。書房一杯,是長養氣韻的從容;廳堂一杯,是有朋而來的喜悅;案頭一杯,是怡情養性的智慧。本書由國際知名茶藝師琳達‧蓋拉德所著。作者跨越洲際,走訪各類茶種發源地,從產地種類、風土特色到生產流程,說明茶的栽培條件與產地風味、再從飲茶、泡茶到評茶,揭開茶飲文化的人文深度、並探索經典元素的整併與融合,展示茶奠基於悠遠歷史上的創新發展,再詳細說明茶的風味組成、生產流程等基本知識,以及其對在歷史、生活乃至哲學層次,對世界的深遠影響,不同國家的泡茶禮儀、器具、習俗,甚至是健康效益,皆在圖文並茂的敘述下,科學化、系統化且脈絡分明的呈現:一、喝茶要選擇散葉茶好還是茶包好?二、琳瑯滿目的茶器該如何正確使用?三、水的溫度和水質要如何掌控,才能泡出風味絕佳的茶?四、風靡全球、享有「茶界義式濃縮咖啡」美譽的抹茶該如何食用風味最佳?五、達人評茶法大解密──專業品茶師「評鑑流程」和「標準作法」是……?六、世界六大種類「綠茶、白茶、烏龍茶、紅茶、黃茶、普洱茶」的沖泡指南和區分訣竅是……?無論是充滿東方古典韻味的烏龍茶、普洱茶、綠茶,或是西式浪漫優雅的紅茶、花草茶、香料茶,甚至便利新潮的冰鎮、珍珠茶飲,皆透過作者寬廣的視角,一揭單一品種傳統與創新併陳的品飲方式。兼具科學與技術多元切入點,搭配豐富美妙的茶藝知識,為茶藝入門者、飲茶新手、各類茶飲愛好者的必備盛典。本中文書介出自《茶.百科: 全世界最美的茶藝聖經》楓書坊文化出版社出版The Tea Book helps you explore the blends, tastings, and ceremonies from around the world and create your own delicious tea traditions.Where does tea come from? In The Tea Book learn where in the world tea is cultivated and how to drink each variety at its best, with steeping notes and step-by-step recipes.The Tea Book is your world tour of the art of tea. Visit tea plantations from India to Kenya and explore maps of the world's most important growing regions. Learn to recognize tea-leaf varietals and spot the best types from each region. Recreate a Japanese tea ceremony with a guide to storied traditions and practical implements. Discover the health benefits of green tea. Craft the perfect Chai tea. Try a tasting course to cultivate your sense of tea color, aroma, and taste. Explore the spectrum of herbal, plant, and fruit infusions. The Tea Book covers it all, including history, tradition, and 75 classic and contemporary recipes to steep and share."


作者介紹 Linda Gaylard is a certified tea sommelier and the author of The Tea Book. She was educated at George Brown College, with certification by the Tea Association of Canada. You can learn more about Gaylard at


書名 / The Tea Book: Experience the World's Finest Teas, Qualities, Infusions, Rituals, Recipes
作者 / 琳達.蓋拉德
簡介 / The Tea Book: Experience the World's Finest Teas, Qualities, Infusions, Rituals, Recipes:【茶.百科:全世界最美的茶藝聖經】TheTeaBookisyourworldtouroftheartofte
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781465436061
ISBN10 / 1465436065
EAN / 9781465436061
誠品26碼 / 2681993636001
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X20.3X2.3CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 907.2
