I Am The Subway | 誠品線上

I Am The Subway

作者 Kim Hyo-eun
商品描述 I Am The Subway:伴隨著都市中不斷傳來的隆隆聲,地鐵有很多故事要講。在日出和日落之間,它歡迎與告別人們,並將他們連同歡樂、希望、恐懼和記憶一起擁抱在它的懷抱中。


內容簡介 每天同一時間、同一路線,我在軌道上鏗隆作響、載運著乘客南來北往。 每天,我會經過漢江兩次,像是小旅行,我觀察民眾成群結隊,耐心等我的模樣,也開始記住老客人的樣子——有奔跑衝刺的上班族,緩緩獨行的長者,胸前揹娃娃,手也牽娃娃的媽媽﹙我還知道她每天耗在洗衣、拖地、上市場、幫小孩洗澡、摺衣,時間就沒了﹚,真辛苦;也有一位中年的手套售貨員,在車廂也不忘做生意,把握時間介紹產品,努力打拼。每天載出載入,我遇到好多人、知道好多小秘密,聞到好多味道﹙炸雞,真香阿﹚。我穿梭地面,在地下呢喃,這些堅毅的、踏實的人來人往成就我的精采,我也努力工作回報,一同前行。 本書以地鐵擬人化與第一人稱的口吻,敘述每天穿梭漢江載運乘客的觀察,與乘客背後被忽略的市井小故事。地鐵君感同身受,也祝福每個辛苦的小市民。讀來頗有溫暖與親切感。原為韓文,經知名譯者Deborah Smith詩意般的翻譯,將本書廣為介紹給英語系讀者。很適合Last Stop on Market Street《市場街的最後一站》的粉絲喔! Accompanied by the constant, rumbling ba-dum ba-dum of its passage through the city, the subway has stories to tell. Between sunrise and sunset, it welcomes and farewells people, and holds them-along with their joys, hopes, fears, and memories-in its embrace.Originally published in Korean and brought to English-speaking audiences with the help of renowned translator Deborah Smith (The Vegetarian), I Am the Subway vividly reflects the shared humanity that can be found in crowded metropolitan cities."


作者介紹 Kim Hyo-eunKim Hyo-eun studied textile design at college and illustration at the Ibpil Future Illustration Research Institute. Books written and illustrated by Kim Hyo-eun include I Am the Subway. Picture books with illustrations created by Kim include A Baby on a Train, A Starry Flower Wall, The Place We Walk Becomes the Road, and Minji and a Squirrel.Deborah SmithDeborah Smith is an internationally renowned translator. She founded Tilted Axis Press to learn, share, and support a more nuanced and equitable awareness of our mutually entangled lives. In 2016 she was co-winner of the Man Booker International Prize for Literature, alongside author Han Kang, for her translation of The Vegetarian.


書名 / I Am The Subway
作者 / Kim Hyo-eun
簡介 / I Am The Subway:伴隨著都市中不斷傳來的隆隆聲,地鐵有很多故事要講。在日出和日落之間,它歡迎與告別人們,並將他們連同歡樂、希望、恐懼和記憶一起擁抱在它的懷抱中。
ISBN13 / 9781913348588
ISBN10 / 191334858X
EAN / 9781913348588
誠品26碼 / 2682088033002
頁數 / 52
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24X26X0CM
級別 / N:無
