設計之心.攝影之眼: iPHONE下的吉光片羽 | 誠品線上

設計之心.攝影之眼: iPHONE下的吉光片羽

作者 張書銘 David Chang
出版社 創智文化有限公司
商品描述 設計之心.攝影之眼: iPHONE下的吉光片羽:在這位室內設計師眼裡,風景、建築及美食,是他旅行時最美好的記憶,簡單用手機所拍攝出來的畫面,簡潔有序、乾淨俐落,無庸華麗


內容簡介 在這位室內設計師眼裡,風景、建築及美食,是他旅行時最美好的記憶,簡單用手機所拍攝出來的畫面,簡潔有序、乾淨俐落,無庸華麗的燈光、腳架、鏡頭等設備加以雕琢,每一幀照片,在在反映出他觀看這個世界的眼光,以及在自己獨一無二的生命旅程中,那些稍縱即逝、無可取代的吉光片羽...... 本書以「人啊人!」、「山海遼闊」、「生命獨一無二」、「在水之上」、「物質世界」、「幾何交響曲」、「圓弧的故事」、「豐盛之美」等八個主題,呈現出張書銘生命中的綺麗世界,這也是他的設計之心,攝影之眼! Introduction David Chang, the founder of DCDA (David Chang Design Associates International Ltd.), an international full service design company, captured all the beautiful moments with his iPHONE while traveling. This book contains photos of mountains, seas, city buildings and cuisines all over the world. This interior designer considered the sceneries, architectures and foods as the best memories of his voyages. The photos with iPHONE present the simplicity and pureness. It doesn’t need lighting, tripod or lens. Each frame of picture reflected his perspective to the world. During journeys, he recorded the dust of time. There are eight chapters in this book including People, Vast Expanses of Oceans and Mountains, The One and Only, Upon the Water, Material Worlds, Geometry Symphony, The Story of Arch, and The Beauty of Feasts. It represents the magnificent world in the author’s heart. This is his heart of design, his eye of photography.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介張書銘(David Chang)加拿大籍華人,DCDA戴維國際設計創始人、董事長兼首席設計官,2018年度SBID英國國際室內設計協會專家委員會12名特邀委員之一(唯一的華人專家委員),NCIDQ美國室內設計資格鑒定委員會認證室內設計師,ASID美國室內設計師協會專業成員,IIDA國際室內設計協會專業成員,在北美和亞洲地區擁有超過25年的高端住宅、商業及酒店室內建築設計與管理經驗。張書銘先生出生於臺灣,在美國及加拿大接受教育。分別在美國加利福尼亞州立大學及加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省昆特蘭理工大學攻讀室內設計學士學位。並于哈佛大學研究所研讀「綠能建築與可持續性社區規劃」課程。深受中、西方文化薰陶,張書銘先生非常注重從文化與歷史當中攝取創作靈感,從而賦予作品鮮活的生命力和豐沛的藝術張力。此外,張書銘先生力主以功能賦予設計靈魂,強調室內空間使用的舒適性。基於這種設計理念,張書銘先生的創新作品多次獲得英國、義大利、及加拿大設計獎項,並於2017、2018年連續獲邀擔任義大利A' DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION設計大賽專家評審,且榮膺SBID英國國際室內設計協會授予的「設計大師」殊榮。張書銘先生於1998年在加拿大溫哥華創立DCDA戴維國際設計,並於2006年進入中國市場,先後于廣州、北京及中國臺灣設立DCDA戴維國際設計直屬機構,致力於各大城市地標級專案的室內設計工作,為中國頂級開發商提供高端專屬服務,範圍涵蓋公寓、別墅、售樓處、會所、酒店及私人訂制等多元領域,所承接專案如「釣魚臺七號院」、「九章別墅」、「潤澤御府」、「泛海國際」、「大一山莊」、「外灘九里會所」、「東原1891印長江」及「世茂西山龍胤」等已成為業界典藏案例及地產尊榮範本。David Chang, a Chinese-Canadian Designer, founder of David Chang Design & Associates (DCDA), President and Principal Design Director, a member of the twelve-membered 2018 SBID expert committee (the only Chinese expert member), a registered member of NCIDQ, ASID and IIDA, and ASID and. has over 25 years of experience in luxury residential, commerical, and hospitality interior design and management experiences in North America and asia.David was born in Taiwan, majored and received bachelor degree of Interior Design at both California State University in the United States and Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada, and attend “Green Building and Community Sustainability” program at Harvard University. Deeply influenced by Chinese and Western culture, David Chang emphasizes on attention to culture and history as source of inspiration thereby creating vitality and rich artistic essence for each project. Moreover, David Chang emphasize on interior space comfort, functionality and creation of souls in each design. Based on these philosophies, David Chang's innovative works have won numerous design awards in the UK, Italy and Canada. In both year 2017 and 2018, David Chang was appointed as a jury member for the Italian A'Design Award & Competition and was awarded with 2018 SBID Master of Design accolade.In 1998, David Chang founded David Chang Design Associates International (DCDA) in Vancouver, Canada, and expanded to the China market in 2006, established firms in Guangzhou, Beijing and Taiwan, to provide exclusive upscale design services on landmark projects for local top developers. The interior design and space planning projects encompass multiple fields such like luxury apartments, villas, sales and marketing centers, clubhouses, hotels, private bespoke homes and etc. Projects such as “Heritage Estate”, “Chinoiserie Villa”, “Runze Palace”, “Eminence Mansion”, “Dayi Villa”, “Bund Nine Clubhouse”, “Dongyuan 1891 Imprint of the Changjiang River” and “Shimao Xishan Loong Palace”, etc., have been listed as exemplary projects in the real estate industry.資歷 Qualifications and Memberships:NCIDQ 美國室內設計資格鑒定委員會認證室內設計師RID美國及加拿大註冊設計師ASID 美國室內設計師協會專業成員SBID英國國際室設計協會專家委員會委員 IIDA 國際室內設計協會專業成員ICCI國際創意產業委員會成員IAD國際設計師協會成員National Council of Interior Design Qualification, Certified Designer, USA Registered Interior Designer, Canada and USA The Society of Interior Designers, Professional Member, USAThe Society of British Interior Design, Expert Panel Member, United KingdomInternational Interior Design Association, Professional Member, USAInternational Council of Creative Industries, Member, ItalyInternational Association of Designers, Member, Italy殊榮Awards:2014-2015年度美國《INTERIOR DESIGN室內設計》雜誌中文版封面人物2015年度做為華人藝術家出席紐約聯合國總部大廈「聯合國『70+』華人當代藝術&創意設計成就展--暨70+華人當代藝術論壇」榮膺2015年度英國《


產品目錄 關於作者關於本書CHAPER 1人啊人!PeopleCHAPER 2山海遼闊Vast Expanses of Oceans and MountainsCHAPER 3生命獨一無二The One and OnlCHAPER 4在水之上Upon the WaterCHAPER 5物質世界Material WorldsCHAPER 6幾何交響曲Geometry SymphonyCHAPER 7圓弧的故事The Story of ArchCHAPER 8豐盛之美The Beauty of Feasts


書名 / 設計之心.攝影之眼: iPHONE下的吉光片羽
作者 / 張書銘 David Chang
簡介 / 設計之心.攝影之眼: iPHONE下的吉光片羽:在這位室內設計師眼裡,風景、建築及美食,是他旅行時最美好的記憶,簡單用手機所拍攝出來的畫面,簡潔有序、乾淨俐落,無庸華麗
出版社 / 創智文化有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789869106870
ISBN10 / 9869106870
EAN / 9789869106870
誠品26碼 / 2681708092009
頁數 / 224
開數 / 18K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 23X17X1CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 本書為國際知名室內設計公司「戴維國際設計」創辦人張書銘先生(David Chang),多年來旅行世界各地時,用手中的iPHONE所捕捉的美麗瞬間,內容主要為各國的山川美景、各大城市的建築群體以及各地的美食。
