Big Panda and Tiny Dragon | 誠品線上

在黑暗的日子裡, 陪伴是最溫暖的曙光: 大熊貓與小小龍的相伴旅程

作者 詹姆斯.諾柏瑞
商品描述 Big Panda and Tiny Dragon:《在黑暗的日子裡,陪伴是最溫暖的曙光:大熊貓與小小龍的相伴旅程》Lostintheswirlingmiststheyfallasleepunderglitteringstars.Itisspringbyth


內容簡介 大熊貓與小龍成為旅伴,一起穿越一年四季的旅程途中點滴充滿哲思與啟發,得到療癒與克服困難的力量!——《衛報》:維尼熊的畫風中,蘊藏著古諺的智慧——為別人製造幸福,你會順便找到自己的。有時候,我們能做的,只是替人泡杯茶;而對方需要的,也只是一杯茶。一對大小旅伴,以天地為教室的人生體悟,在你心累時,給你最剛好的安慰。★ 上市首週空降亞馬遜Top 1、《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷榜Top 3★ 美國最大連鎖書商巴諾職人最愛選書★ 自2020年7月開始發表「大熊貓與小小龍」,IG 粉絲迅速突破15萬作者在一段憂鬱的人生黑暗期,偶然在二手書店邂逅了一本禪意滿滿的書籍,他發現,領悟得愈多,就愈豁達自在,於是想用這份體悟來幫助更多身處相同境地的人,重迎曙光。他加入撒瑪利亞人(英國的張老師專線),訝異於有如此多的孤獨、焦慮與憂鬱,他在社區發起互助團體,卻因為疫情而喊停,他轉移陣地至社群平台,透過創作來延續助人心願,一場跨越國界的「大熊貓與小小龍」旅程於是展開。.人生有點難,對的旅伴讓一路上的辛苦別有滋味「哪一樣比較重要,旅程或目的地?」大熊貓問。「旅伴比較重要,」小小龍說。.在自己的人生裡,無需與人比美,只需自己盡情綻放「有時候我覺得自己不夠好,」小小龍說。「櫻桃樹不會拿自己去跟其他樹比較,它只是盡情開花。」大熊貓說。「要是遇到有人不喜歡我,或不喜歡我做的事,該怎麼辦?」小小龍問。「走自己的路,失去那些人,總比失去自己強。」大熊貓說。.放手,或被拖著走「葉子在凋落了,」小小龍說。「別難過,秋天,是大自然在告訴你放手可以有多美。」大熊貓說。本中文書介出自《在黑暗的日子裡, 陪伴是最溫暖的曙光: 大熊貓與小小龍的相伴旅程》時報文化出版企業股份有限公司出版Discover the most beautiful book of the year as seen on ITV News and in the GuardianTHE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'James has a way to speak to your soul. This book is nothing short of comforting and heartwarming' VEX KING'While the drawings have the charm of Winnie-the-Pooh, the captions have the depth of ancient proverbs' GUARDIAN________A guiding light in the darker months, Big Panda and Tiny Dragon is the beautifully illustrated and mindful journey of two friends through the seasons, inspired by Buddhist philosophy'Which is more important,' asked Big Panda, 'the journey or the destination?''The company,' said Tiny Dragon.Friends Big Panda and Tiny Dragon journey through the seasons of the year together, day and night, in rain and in sun. Travelling through nature, they find hope and inspiration in the world around them, realising that even in the darkest of days, Spring will always return.Feel the calming influence of Big Panda, who reminds us of the bigger picture while appreciating the simplicity of small moments.Explore your surroundings with the inquisitive eye of Tiny Dragon, our friend who is big in heart if not in stature.And on their journey through the ever-changing seasons, join these two friends as they learn how to live in the moment, be at peace with uncertainty, and find the strength to overcome life's obstacles, together.Inspired by Buddhist philosophy and spirituality, James Norbury has captured in these whimsical characters the ideas that have helped him through his most difficult times.________'The two friends often find themselves lost but discover beautiful sights they never would have found if they had gone the right way. While the drawings have the charm of Winnie-the-Pooh, the captions have the depth of ancient proverbs' GUARDIAN"


作者介紹 James NorburyJames Norbury is an artist, author and illustrator with a love of nature and animals.James was born in the Forest of Dean and he's spent most of his life writing and drawing. He studied Zoology at university and after graduating he moved to Ireland. From there he travelled around the UK living in Newcastle, Swansea and Cheltenam, some of the time living on a narrowboat.James now lives back in Swansea with his wife and their seven cats. He volunteers with the Samaritans and his local Cats Protection.


書名 / Big Panda and Tiny Dragon
作者 / 詹姆斯.諾柏瑞
簡介 / Big Panda and Tiny Dragon:《在黑暗的日子裡,陪伴是最溫暖的曙光:大熊貓與小小龍的相伴旅程》Lostintheswirlingmiststheyfallasleepunderglitteringstars.Itisspringbyth
ISBN13 / 9780241529324
ISBN10 / 0241529328
EAN / 9780241529324
誠品26碼 / 2682058656002
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 1X0.6X0.3CM
級別 / N:無
