My Dog Mouse | 誠品線上

My Dog Mouse

作者 Eva Lindström
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 My Dog Mouse:女孩與老狗之間的溫暖友誼,帶有一些些詼諧、淡淡的哀傷。Mouse不是老鼠,是一隻又老又胖的狗。小女孩非常愛牠。她帶Mouse去散步,Mouse走路像蝸牛一樣緩慢


內容簡介 女孩與老狗之間的溫暖友誼, 帶有一些些詼諧、淡淡的哀傷。 Mouse 不是老鼠,是一隻又老又胖的狗。小女孩非常愛牠。她帶Mouse去散步, Mouse 走路像蝸牛一樣緩慢,會在街燈旁、圍籬邊停下,用鼻子嗅好久。有時候,牠會抬頭看女孩,女孩就會用特別溫柔的聲音對牠說:「老先生。」⋯⋯女孩好希望 Mouse是她的狗。 作者伊娃.林斯楚是瑞典最有影響力的童書作家之一,現在已經是年屆70的老奶奶。曾入圍國際安徒生大獎,並獲頒2022年林格倫文學獎。她的作品充滿人生哲學,融合智慧與幽默。閱讀她的作品內心會獲得療癒。 "Can I take Mouse for a walk? " I ask, and I'm always allowed.We set off, very slowly. Mouse walks at a snail's pace. He stops at lampposts and fences and sniffs for a long time.Sometimes he looks up at me and then I usually say something.I maybe say "old man " in a very nice voice, not my usual one.... I wish Mouse was mine.My Dog Mouse offers friendship, humour and gentle heartache in one dog walk. This is a book for anyone who knows what it is to love an old slow dog, with ears as thin as pancakes.A book for kids ages 3 and up."


作者介紹 Eva LindströmEva Lindström has written and illustrated many highly acclaimed picture books. She was awarded the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award in 2022, and has been nominated once for the Hans Christian Andersen Award and eleven times for the August award which she won in 2013. Lindström was born in 1952 and lives in Stockholm. She began her career as a comic artist and cartoonist, and has had a major influence on the new generation of comic book artists now emerging in Sweden.


書名 / My Dog Mouse
作者 / Eva Lindström
簡介 / My Dog Mouse:女孩與老狗之間的溫暖友誼,帶有一些些詼諧、淡淡的哀傷。Mouse不是老鼠,是一隻又老又胖的狗。小女孩非常愛牠。她帶Mouse去散步,Mouse走路像蝸牛一樣緩慢
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781776571499
ISBN10 / 1776571495
EAN / 9781776571499
誠品26碼 / 2682150657006
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23X19X0.3CM
級別 / N:無