Dulcinea in the Forbidden Forest | 誠品線上

Dulcinea in the Forbidden Forest

作者 Ole Könnecke
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 Dulcinea in the Forbidden Forest:絕對不可以踏進森林裡,Dulcinea小女孩Dulcinea和爸爸住在森林裡的小屋,他們養牛、養雞、種蔬菜,缺的再上市場買。Dulcinea劈柴、爬樹


內容簡介 絕對不可以踏進森林裡,Dulcinea小女孩Dulcinea和爸爸住在森林裡的小屋,他們養牛、養雞、種蔬菜,缺的再上市場買。Dulcinea劈柴、爬樹、和動物玩爸爸都不會限制她,唯一不准Dulcinea做的就是走進森林。因為裡面有巫婆。巫婆住在大城堡,城堡周圍的護城河有怪獸游泳,非常恐怖。有一天,Dulcinea 生日到了,爸爸要親手做早餐。Dulcinea指定要藍莓鬆餅,但是家裡沒藍莓了,爸爸得趕緊外出採藍莓。不過到市場再回來一趟路途好遠,而旁邊的森林就有很多藍莓,爸爸思考,要不要進去呢?Dulcinea發現爸爸出去好久沒回來,該不會是被巫婆抓走了?Dulcinea決定鼓起勇氣走進黑漆漆的森林,潛入巫婆城堡找爸爸!Dulcinea能及時救回爸爸,一起回家慶祝生日嗎?Dulcinea has been forbidden since she was small to enter the dangerous magic forest where the witch has her castle. But her father hasn't come home from collecting blueberries for her birthday pancakes. Did the witch cast a spell on him? Dulcinea must brave the dark forest and sneak into the witch's castle to steal the spell book and free him. Her father would hardly have named her after the brave Dulcinea if she couldn't break a witch's spell to celebrate her birthday with him! This is a funny, modern fairy tale for children starting independent reading with warm and characterful illustrations and a witty story."


作者介紹 Ole KönneckeOle Könnecke was born in 1961 and spent his childhood in Sweden. He now lives in Germany and has produced more than 30 books, several of which have won international awards.


書名 / Dulcinea in the Forbidden Forest
作者 / Ole Könnecke
簡介 / Dulcinea in the Forbidden Forest:絕對不可以踏進森林裡,Dulcinea小女孩Dulcinea和爸爸住在森林裡的小屋,他們養牛、養雞、種蔬菜,缺的再上市場買。Dulcinea劈柴、爬樹
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781776573950
ISBN10 / 1776573951
EAN / 9781776573950
誠品26碼 / 2682040068004
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X17X0CM
級別 / N:無