Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet | 誠品線上


作者 一行禪師
商品描述 Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet:一行禪師《禪與拯救地球的藝術》Wefaceapotentintersectionofcrises:ecologicaldestruction,risinginequality,racialinjustice,and


內容簡介 一行禪師寄予地球的終極祝福與療癒處方除了【跟一行禪師過日常】,學會怎麼吃、怎麼坐、怎麼鬆,若想更深入地練習,地球說:「我的孩子,我為你在此,我給予你所有的一切。」◆禪法不僅在蒲團上實踐,也展現在我們與他人、與周遭環境、與地球的關係和互動。禪師以真摯綿密的叮嚀,拆解「相即」的終極意義,直指人在地球上的幸福關鍵。◆內容簡介我們站在危機最關鍵的十字路口,面臨生態毀滅、日漸加深的不平等、種族不正義,以及災難性瘟疫帶來的持續衝擊。如今情況異常緊急,行動刻不容緩。面對這些挑戰,我們必須找到方法,加強覺知、慈悲心和行動的勇氣。 一行禪師的教導昭然若揭:我們手中握有改變的力量,能讓一切改觀──那就是我們的心。我們觀看、認知、思考的方式,決定了我們的每一個選擇,包括每一天採取或逃避的行動、與親友或敵人相處的方式,還有身處危機中當如何反應。 正念覺察和禪修帶來的全然智慧,能夠給予我們需要的力量與清明,去創造一個所有生命都受到尊重的環境。本書收錄許多一行禪師啟迪人心的禪修方法、禪宗故事,以及他投入行動主義的體驗。此外,還有禪師弟子獻嚴法師(Sister True Dedication)的補充評論,引領我們打開全新的視野,展開另一種生活,為自己、人際關係和地球帶來真正的療癒與平衡。◆「當你醒來覺知到地球不僅僅是環境,地球就是我們,你接觸到了相即的本質。在那個時刻,你與地球展開真正的溝通……我們必須一起覺醒。如果我們能夠一起覺醒,我們就有機會。我們的生活模式和對未來的計畫,會引領我們前往那個狀態。當下,我們應該藉由深觀來尋找出路,不是獨自行動,而是作為人類,集體合作。」——一行禪師「要保持積極的態度、充滿希望並不容易。在這本書,越南的佛教僧人、導師、作者、詩人以及和平主義者一行禪師,把佛教的智慧運用在日常生活,幫助讀者在他們身處的環境得到平靜、安詳,給予他們方法去接納不是自己能控制的狀況。」──《書目雜誌》(Booklist)◆本書特色▌以入世的身影,參與迫切的社會議題:宗教人物的說法,有時極難觸及一般民眾的煩惱,不是有所隔閡,就是陳義過高。一行禪師不吝於講「愛」,講「拯救」,講「改革」;尤其他過往投身社會運動的經歷,以及長年講述禪法在生活中的運用,能有效化解眼前的問題。▌以正念直指人心,解決現代人的疑難雜症:一行禪師雖為佛教出家人,卻能將佛法融入與一般人息息相關的日常題材,小至在各種生活相處細節,大至社會、群體的改革與運動,都可以運用正念的力量。▌奠基於《金剛經》的「五項正念修習」,立體展現地球上嶄新的生活方式:拆解看似抽象的觀念,一步步引領讀者走進內心,觸及真實,再由內而外層層探討具體的實踐方法。▌有弟子的補充與評論,更易落實在生活中:這本書主題宏大,卻梳理得井井有條。從改變觀看、行動的模式,到調整溝通與共處的方法,處處皆有可依循的法則。▌一行禪師的教法簡單,但不流於表淺:簡單不代表容易做到,但他總是能透過文字,示範禪法為什麼可以改變人與自己、與他人、環境的關係;透過練習,是可以改變社會與環境的。本中文書介出自《禪與拯救地球的藝術》大塊文化出版股份有限公司出版NATIONAL BESTSELLER“When you wake up and you see that the Earth is not just the environment, the Earth is us, you touch the nature of interbeing. And at that moment you can have real communication with the Earth… We have to wake up together. And if we wake up together, then we have a chance. Our way of living our life and planning our future has led us into this situation. And now we need to look deeply to find a way out, not only as individuals, but as a collective, a species.”-- Thich Nhat HanhWe face a potent intersection of crises: ecological destruction, rising inequality, racial injustice, and the lasting impacts of a devastating pandemic. The situation is beyond urgent. To face these challenges, we need to find ways to strengthen our clarity, compassion, and courage to act.Beloved Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is blazingly clear: there’s one thing we all have the power to change, which can make all the difference, and that is our mind. Our way of looking, seeing, and thinking determines every choice we make, the everyday actions we take or avoid, how we relate to those we love or oppose, and how we react in a crisis.Mindfulness and the radical insights of Zen meditation can give us the strength and clarity we need to help create a regenerative world in which all life is respected. Filled with Thich Nhat Hanh’s inspiring meditations, Zen stories and experiences from his own activism, as well as commentary from Sister True Dedication, one of his students Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet shows us a new way of seeing and living that can bring healing and harmony to ourselves, our relationships, and the Earth."


作者介紹 Thich Nhat Hanh Thich Nhat Hanh was a world-renowned Buddhist Zen master, poet, author, scholar, and activist for social change, who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He was the author of many bestselling books, including the classics Peace Is Every Step and The Art of Living. Through his books and retreats at the monasteries he has founded in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia, he became a pre-eminent figure in contemporary Buddhism, offering teachings that are both deeply rooted in ancient wisdom and accessible to all.


書名 / Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet
作者 / 一行禪師
簡介 / Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet:一行禪師《禪與拯救地球的藝術》Wefaceapotentintersectionofcrises:ecologicaldestruction,risinginequality,racialinjustice,and
ISBN13 / 9780062954817
ISBN10 / 0062954814
EAN / 9780062954817
誠品26碼 / 2682254697007
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.5X2.8CM
級別 / N:無