饒宗頤的故事 | 誠品線上


作者 李焯芬 (Lee Chack Fan)/ 鄧偉雄 (Tang Wai Hung)/ 鄭煒明 (Cheng Wai Ming)/ 饒清芬 (Yiu Ching Fun)
出版社 三民書局股份有限公司
商品描述 饒宗頤的故事:Thiscatalogueisinfivesections,basedonProfessorJao’slifeexperiencesandculturalactivities:AnEruditeFamilyBackground(1917–1952),ResearchingthroughT


內容簡介 This catalogue is in five sections, based on Professor Jao’s life experiences and cultural activities: An Erudite Family Background (1917–1952), Researching through Teaching (1952–1968), Travels and Lectures (1968–1973), The Integration of Scholarship and Art (1973–1978) and An Even Richer Life after Retirement (1978–2018). Snapshots of his daily life, personal letters, academic and artistic achievements, literary writings and archive collections would give readers a comprehensive understanding of this Hongkong-based scholar as they trace his paths and stories in academia and the arts. He had become one of the most reputable names among scholars in Chinese studies and in many fields of studies in the world by sheer assiduous learning and exemplary perseverance. 此冊以饒教授的人生經歷及文化活動為主線,共劃分為五個部份:家學淵源(1917–1952)、寓研於教(1952–1968)、上座傳經(1968–1973)、學藝雙攜(1973–1978)、退而不休(1978–2018)。透過饒教授在上述各時期的生活照片、私人信函、學藝成果、文學創作及其他文獻資料,讀者可從人生、學術、藝術及文學等多方面了解這位香港學者的故事,以及他如何專注於中華文化的研究,並因自身不懈的努力與堅持,使他在多方面皆獲得極高成就,成為一位享譽國際的國學泰斗。


書名 / 饒宗頤的故事
作者 / 李焯芬 (Lee Chack Fan) 鄧偉雄 (Tang Wai Hung) 鄭煒明 (Cheng Wai Ming) 饒清芬 (Yiu Ching Fun)
簡介 / 饒宗頤的故事:Thiscatalogueisinfivesections,basedonProfessorJao’slifeexperiencesandculturalactivities:AnEruditeFamilyBackground(1917–1952),ResearchingthroughT
出版社 / 三民書局股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789887702177
ISBN10 / 988770217X
EAN / 9789887702177
誠品26碼 / 2681866609002
頁數 / 136
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 28X21.5CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 此冊以饒教授的人生經歷及文化活動為主線,共劃分為五個部份:家學淵源(1917–1952)、寓研於教(1952–1968)、上座傳經(1968–1973)、學藝雙攜(1973–1978)、退而不休(1978–2018)。
