Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World | 誠品線上

Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World

作者 Joshua Paul Dale
商品描述 Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World:為什麼我們會看到小狗小貓的影片就忍不住微笑?為什麼HelloKitty可以歷久不衰?為什麼書封只要放


內容簡介 為什麼我們會看到小狗小貓的影片就忍不住微笑?為什麼Hello Kitty可以歷久不衰?為什麼書封只要放一隻貓就會賣得比較好?深入「可愛」的歷史、日本「可愛文化」到現今在社群媒體與流行文化中各種受歡迎的「可愛」元素,對人類心理層面帶來何種驅動和影響,在物種進化史和家內寵物的選擇帶來巨大變革。Why are some things cute, and others not? What happens to our brains when we see something cute? And how did cuteness go global, from Hello Kitty to Disney characters?Cuteness is an area where culture and biology get tangled up. Seeing a cute animal triggers some of the most powerful psychological instincts we have - the ones that elicit our care and protection - but there is a deeper story behind the broad appeal of Japanese cats and saccharine greetings cards.Joshua Paul Dale, a pioneer in the burgeoning field of cuteness studies, explains how the cute aesthetic spread around the globe, from pop brands to Lolita fashion, kids' cartoons and the unstoppable rise of Hello Kitty. Irresistible delves into the surprisingly ancient origins of Japan's kawaii culture, and uncovers the cross-cultural pollination of the globalised world. If adorable things really do rewire our brains, it can help answer some of the biggest questions we have about our evolutionary history and the mysterious origins of animal domestication.This is the fascinating cultural history of cuteness, and a revealing look at how our most powerful psychological impulses have remade global style and culture.


作者介紹 Joshua Paul Dale is a Professor in the Department of English Literature and Culture at Chuo University in Tokyo. Since moving to Japan in the 1990s, Dale has pioneered the field of cuteness studies, and is the co-editor of The Aesthetics and Affects of Cuteness, and edited 'Cute Studies', a special issue of The East Asian Journal of Popular Culture. Dale has been featured as an expert on cuteness by media outlets such as the New York Times, CNN, National Geographic, the Guardian, The Cut, Refinery29 and Discover Magazine.


書名 / Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World
作者 / Joshua Paul Dale
簡介 / Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World:為什麼我們會看到小狗小貓的影片就忍不住微笑?為什麼HelloKitty可以歷久不衰?為什麼書封只要放
ISBN13 / 9781800818255
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781800818255
誠品26碼 / 2682466833002
頁數 / 288
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.8*14.4*2.6
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 「可愛」的力量超越國界和語言,甚至改變社會!
