My First Body Book: Explore Your Body with Windows and Sliders | 誠品線上


作者 Campbell Books
商品描述 My First Body Book: Explore Your Body with Windows and Sliders:PreschoolerswilllovediscoveringfunfactsabouttheirbodyinMyFirstBodyBookfromCampbellBooks.Withacet


內容簡介 我的第一本身體 翻翻書 小朋友,你看過皮膚下的你,長什麼樣子嗎?你的身體裡面,有那些東西呢?這本書有好多操作小機關,讓你動動手,認識骨頭、肌肉、心臟、肺、大腦部等部位,瞭解一般人和行動不便者如何移動?如何保持健康?食物對身體的重要;透過可愛的故事情境﹙聞到臭襪子的反應:摀住鼻子、小狗汪汪叫﹚和拉頁設計,介紹大腦訊息的傳遞與身體反應系統,也邀請你親身試驗﹙例如:試試把手臂拱起來,感受肌肉的存在﹚,摸一摸、認識自己的身體。書本內的人種、膚色多元,也能藉此認識形形色色的人物,STEAM 學習可以如此有趣又溫暖。Preschoolers will love discovering fun facts about their body in My First Body Book from Campbell Books. With acetate windows that show through to your bones, heart, lungs and more, plus pull-tabs for different processes such as digestion and how your brain sends messages, this book is perfect for hands-on learning.Packed full with people of all shapes and sizes and with a focus on health and well-being, STEAM learning has never been so much fun!Vibrant illustrations by Yujin Shin bring the book to life, with plenty to spot and talk about in the pictures.


作者介紹 Yujin Shin Korean illustrator Yujin Shin grew up surrounded by art and has been drawing since she was very young. Her work is often inspired by her young child's view of the world and the picture books that fill her house. In her spare time, Yujin enjoys camping, mountain climbing and fishing. She has worked for numerous publishing companies in Korea and illustrated the My Magical series for Campbell Books.


書名 / My First Body Book: Explore Your Body with Windows and Sliders
作者 / Campbell Books
簡介 / My First Body Book: Explore Your Body with Windows and Sliders:PreschoolerswilllovediscoveringfunfactsabouttheirbodyinMyFirstBodyBookfromCampbellBooks.Withacet
ISBN13 / 9781529095630
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781529095630
誠品26碼 / 2682486382009
頁數 / 12
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.8X25.8X1.8
級別 / N:無
材質 / 紙 塑膠
提供維修 /
適用年齡 / 3歲以上


最佳賣點 : Packed full with people of all shapes and sizes and with a focus on health and well-being, STEAM learning has never been so much fun!