My First Lift-the-Flap Look and Find Animals | 誠品線上

My First Lift-the-Flap Look and Find Animals

作者 Felicity Brooks/ Kristie Pickersgill
商品描述 My First Lift-the-Flap Look and Find Animals:What'srustlinginthetreetops?Who'shootinginthenight?Curioushandscanlifttheflapstoexploreawholeworldofincrediblecrea


內容簡介 我的第一本動物 翻翻找找書 小鳥的好朋友Bertie不知道飛到那兒去了,小鳥著急地四處尋找。牠來到農場,聽見草叢後發出Baa Baa聲,Bertie會不會在裡面?打開草叢,發現那是…小綿羊。會在哞哞聲的乾草堆裡嗎?喔喔,是小牛…。Bertie都不在裡面。小鳥繼續前往叢林,聽聲音,找到了蛇、鱷魚、老虎;到北極﹙海獅、鯨魚﹚、草原﹙長頸鹿、獅子、野豬、犀牛…﹚也來到森林、澳洲﹙無尾熊、袋鼠﹚甚至晚上也不放棄﹙小老鼠、貓頭鷹﹚,拼命找了一輪,都沒見到Bertie。到底Bertie在哪裡呢?這一趟小鳥的尋友之旅,一路上跨越農場、叢林、草原、北極、澳洲…幾乎跑遍世界,帶著小朋友一起根據聲音的蛛絲馬跡,猜一猜,翻一翻,找一找Bertie在哪裡,認識50多種新動物。What's rustling in the treetops? Who's hooting in the night? Curious hands can lift the flaps to explore a whole world of incredible creatures. From polar bears to parrots, each page is packed with interesting animals to discover. Endearing illustrations and sturdy flaps will make this a firm favourite to revisit again and again.


作者介紹 Felicity BrooksFelicity has worked for Usborne for over 30 years and has written and edited hundreds of titles, from books on tractors to genetics, from Shakespeare to mental health, and plenty of sparkly unicorns. Felicity is an expert in making tricky topics friendly and accessible to young children and recently has been writing books that celebrate feelings, friendship, empathy, families, and diversity. When she's not writing or researching very specific details on dinosaurs, Felicity can be found tramping through fields and forests foraging for food or just curled up with a bag of Twiglets, a couple of cats and a crossword.Kristie Pickersgill Kristie Pickersgill was born and raised in Yorkshire, where she developed a love of animals, nature and the great outdoors. After studying Chemistry at the University of York, she worked as a school lab technician before making the leap into educational publishing.


書名 / My First Lift-the-Flap Look and Find Animals
作者 / Felicity Brooks Kristie Pickersgill
簡介 / My First Lift-the-Flap Look and Find Animals:What'srustlinginthetreetops?Who'shootinginthenight?Curioushandscanlifttheflapstoexploreawholeworldofincrediblecrea
ISBN13 / 9781803702889
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781803702889
誠品26碼 / 2682395740006
頁數 / 16
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X16.7X3.5cm
級別 / N:無
材質 /
提供維修 /
適用年齡 / 2歲以上


最佳賣點 : Endearing illustrations and sturdy flaps will make this a firm favourite to revisit again and again.