Moomin's First 100 Words | 誠品線上

Moomin's First 100 Words

作者 Tove Jansson
商品描述 Moomin's First 100 Words:跟著Moomins一起去露營、野餐、吃美食,翻翻看,認識100個Moomins生活的單字!:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發


內容簡介 姆米單字翻翻書和姆米一起學100個生活單字芬蘭藝術家朵貝・楊笙於1945年創造了姆米這個人見人愛的角色,九年後還掀起姆米熱潮,至今七十幾年間,姆米始終受到全世界喜愛,芬蘭甚至在2017年為姆米成立姆米博物館。這本單字書要跟小寶貝分享可愛姆米的日常,看姆米露營、野餐、吃大餐,從姆米的生活學習常用的基本單字。書頁上還設計了小翻頁,能吸引充滿好奇心的小寶貝主動動手翻一翻,增添學習的互動性和趣味。If you haven't met a Moomin yet, you're missing the most magical fun . . .Have fun learning first words with Moomintroll and his friends in this brightly coloured board book with flaps.


作者介紹 Tove JanssonTove Jansson was born in Finland in 1914. She began her career as a cartoonist and went on to write and illustrate many books for adults and children. She drew her first Moomin in the 1930s, just for fun, and in 1945 he became a character in a children's story. Tove became world-famous for her Moomin books, which began with The Moomins and the Great Flood in 1945, closely followed by Comet in Moominland in 1946, Finn Family Moomintroll in 1948 and six more Moomin adventures. During the winter months Tove lived and worked in Helsinki, but in the summertime she stayed on a beautiful remote island in the Gulf of Finland with her long-term partner, the artist Tuulikki Pietilä. Tove Jansson received many prestigious awards during her lifetime, including the international Hans Christian Andersen Medal. She died in 2001, aged eighty-six.


書名 / Moomin's First 100 Words
作者 / Tove Jansson
簡介 / Moomin's First 100 Words:跟著Moomins一起去露營、野餐、吃美食,翻翻看,認識100個Moomins生活的單字!:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發
ISBN13 / 9780241618462
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780241618462
誠品26碼 / 2682533679007
頁數 / 16
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26.1 x 1 x 26 cm
級別 / N:無
材質 /
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 跟著Moomins一起去露營、野餐、吃美食,翻翻看,認識100個Moomins生活的單字!