The Little Books of the Little Brontës | 誠品線上

The Little Books of the Little Brontës

作者 Sara O'Leary
商品描述 The Little Books of the Little Brontës:Theinspiringtruetaleofyoungsiblingswholovedtomakestories:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發,並


內容簡介 【The Little Books of the Little Brontës】✰英國文學巨擘——勃朗特姐妹的故事很久以前,在一個荒原的房屋裡,住著四位喪母的勃朗特孩子 – 夏洛蒂、布倫威爾、艾蜜莉和安妮。他們的生活充滿悲傷,活動範圍也十分有限,但他們的內心無拘無束,由想像力構築而成。喜愛閱讀的孩子,讀著小說、詩歌、歷史與寓言故事。有一天,當他們收到一組士兵玩具後,更激發了創作的靈感,開啟了製作袖珍書的熱情,這份熱情將伴隨他們一生。《The Little Books of the Little Brontës》描述了想像力的力量、說故事的樂趣以及對書籍的熱愛。這本書會讓喜愛勃朗特姐妹的讀者著迷,也讓初次認識她們的人留下深刻印象。✰勃朗特姐妹:夏洛蒂-代表作《簡愛》艾蜜莉-代表作《咆哮山庄》安妮-代表作《荒野莊園的房客》✰本書特色:喚醒想像力:鼓勵孩子運用想像力,創造屬於自己的故事。文學啟蒙: 讓孩子認識著名的文學巨擘勃朗特姐妹,了解她們的童年生活與文學之路。親子共讀: 色彩鮮豔的插圖與生動的故事,適合親子共讀,增進親子情感。趣味手作: 書末附有製作袖珍書的簡易教學,讓孩子動手體驗創作的樂趣。The inspiring true tale of young siblings who loved to make stories – and grew up to be among English literature's finest writers.Many years ago, the four children of the Brontë family – Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne – lived in a windswept house by the Yorkshire moors with their father. Although their lives were often filled with sadness and their world was only as large as the distance they could walk, their inner worlds were bound only by their imaginations. Hungry for stories, these children devoured novels and poetry, history and fables. And with the gift of a group of toy soldiers, they were inspired to make their own tiny books ... a passion that would last them a lifetime.


作者介紹 Briony May SmithAs a childI was born in Berkshire would play with my little sister and brother in the garden as much as possible. We’d pretend to be shapeshifters, fairy creatures and jungle dwellers. We were all very close and had several pets: guinea pigs, a rabbit, chickens, fish, ducks, cats and dogs. I was the oldest and would make them draw their ‘characters' before we could play our games!As an adultI did a Foundation Year at UCA Farnham, followed by an Illustration degree at Falmouth University. Cornwall was a really wonderful place to study with beautiful surroundings right beside the sea. I started the course in 2011 and graduated in 2014. I have always wanted to work on children’s books but made sure to try as many different specialties of illustration as possible during my degree. I knew that narrative illustration, children’s literature and graphic novels were the areas I wanted to pursue.As an artistI have always loved fairy tales and folklore, mythology and the natural world, and my interests and passions in art follow these themes too. My work is driven by narrative, with a focus on children's literature and graphic novels. I work from home because I’m very easily distracted in a studio space! In 2015 my first picture book ‘Imelda and the Goblin King,’ was published by Flying Eye Books.


書名 / The Little Books of the Little Brontës
作者 / Sara O'Leary
簡介 / The Little Books of the Little Brontës:Theinspiringtruetaleofyoungsiblingswholovedtomakestories:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發,並
ISBN13 / 9781529518313
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781529518313
誠品26碼 / 2682523626004
頁數 / 40
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.1 x 1 x 26
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : The inspiring true tale of young siblings who loved to make stories
