Amazing Women Cards: 45 Muses to inspire | 誠品線上

Amazing Women Cards: 45 Muses to inspire

作者 Mara Parra
商品描述 Amazing Women Cards: 45 Muses to inspire:【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】神諭卡‧星座占卜‧遊戲牌卡。【謬斯占卜神諭卡】✰45位打破規則,帶來啟發的女性!從45位女性繆思身上


內容簡介 【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】神諭卡‧星座占卜‧遊戲牌卡【謬斯占卜神諭卡】 ✰45位打破規則,帶來啟發的女性! 從45位女性繆思身上,汲取勇氣、力量及智慧,點亮未來的無限可能。 「藝術家、政治家、作家、音樂家……」集優美、典雅於一身,她們來自世界各地,透過藝術、文學、科學與音樂作為武器,挑戰世俗眼光、打破規則,為你我開拓道路! 她們大多數曾被污名化或誤解,但最終,這些堅毅的女性打破了框架,創造人生的輝煌。 現在,你也可以!• 「是時候停止聆聽他人,勇敢探索未知!」——居里夫人 (Marie Curie) • 「如果一扇門打不開,代表這不是你的門。」——妮娜·西蒙 (Nina Simone) • 「小心!夢想中的王子可能會偷走你的夢。」——戴安娜王妃 (Lady Diane) •「不要在同一個地方跌倒兩次。」—— 芙烈達·卡蘿 (Frida Kahlo) 附贈解說小冊,介紹每位女性的生平與一句重要名言,亦提供3種不同占卜方式,引領你探索事業、愛情、生活與學習的真諦。The ultimate feminist oracle deck, this diverse and global collection of rule-breaking women share inspiration in four areas: life, work, love and learning.Take courage, empowerment and advice from 45 rebel muses with this inspirational deck.Meet 45 rebel women, artists, thinkers, politicians, writers and musicians from across the globe. Their weapons: power, art, science, literature and music. Most of them were stigmatized or misunderstood, but in the end – who wants to be normal? These women broke the mould and blazed a trail, and now you can too. These stylishly illustrated cards allow you to channel Frida Kahlo, Marilyn Monroe, Nina Simone and other muses from around the world – they will give you their messages on 4 different areas: life, work, love and learning.Marie Curie life advice? It is time to see what happens when you stop listening to others.Nina Simone's tip on work: If it doesn't open, it wasn't your door.Love according to Lady Di? Beware: the prince of your dreams can steal them.Frida Kahlo on learning: Don't stumble twice over the same stone.The accompanying booklet contains mini biographies of each woman, along with an important quote. There are also 3 different suggested card layouts to gain insight and inspiration.Meet amazing women from across the globe in this ultimate collection of feminist inspiration.


作者介紹 Mara ParraI was born in Patagonia, Argentina in 1991. I'm the editor and co-founder of Fera, an independent publishing house made for women to inspire other women. I read tarot since 2016 and have been teaching it for the last years. I've published the books "Magas ilustradas" and "Bitácora de tarot" (Fera, 2019 and 2022) and also "El libro de Tarot & Poesía ilustrada" (Santos Locos, 2023). In addition, I run a book club and teach creative writing workshops. Nothing amuses me more than finding associations between worlds that seem different: tarot and creativity, art and tarot; also: tarot and poetry.


書名 / Amazing Women Cards: 45 Muses to inspire
作者 / Mara Parra
簡介 / Amazing Women Cards: 45 Muses to inspire:【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】神諭卡‧星座占卜‧遊戲牌卡。【謬斯占卜神諭卡】✰45位打破規則,帶來啟發的女性!從45位女性繆思身上
ISBN13 / 9781786788221
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781786788221
誠品26碼 / 2682510440002
頁數 / 90
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 5.7 x 1.3 x 6.8 inches
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : The ultimate feminist oracle deck, this diverse and global collection of rule-breaking women share inspiration in four areas: life,
