If You Run Out of Words | 誠品線上

If You Run Out of Words

作者 Felicita Sala
商品描述 If You Run Out of Words:AnimaginativebedtimeadventurefromFelicitaSala,afatherreassureshisdaughterofthefantasticlengthshe’dgotoinordertoshowhislove.:誠品以「


內容簡介 爸爸的愛,上天下海 睡前小女孩向爸爸說晚安,瞧見爸爸正瘋狂地在手機上打字,於是問了爸爸:「如果你沒有話對我說了,會怎麼辦?」,爸爸說:「我會鑽到地下的精靈工廠,那裡有成千上萬的單字」,「那萬一,你在地下工廠迷路了呢?」,「我會爬上一棵最高的樹,找貓頭鷹幫忙指點。」,「萬一貓頭鷹帶你飛越海洋,沒抓好你,掉入海裡或是遇到海盜怎麼辦?」「我會騎在獨角鯨的背上,等待搜救船。」「那萬一搜救船太小呢?」…爸爸會想出什麼方法再回到女孩身邊說聲晚安、愛你呢?充滿想像力、幽默、真摯、可愛溫馨的對話。不管遇到什麼難題,爸爸絕對窮盡心力,超越障礙,爬樹、抓住獨角鯨,甚或飛到外太空,就是一定會回到孩子身邊,以行動和巧思表達言語無法形容的父愛。國際知名作家Felicita Sala創作,父母對孩子無限愛的頌歌。In If You Run Out of Words, an imaginative bedtime adventure from award-winning artist Felicita Sala, a father reassures his daughter of the fantastical lengths he’d go to in order to show his loveWhat happens if you run out of words?Will you have any left for me?Don’t be silly!I could NEVER run out of words!But what if you DO?Seeking reassurance of her father’s attention, a young girl peppers her dad with elaborate, anxious what-ifs. Dad soothes each worry with the perfect answer: if he ever ran out of words, he’d visit the Elves’ Word Factory so that he never runs out again, of course! Even if it means having to brave the darkest woods, escape pirates, or even fly a rocket ship back home, there’s nothing that could ever come between them—and there aren’t enough words to describe how much he loves her.Imaginative, humorous, and heartfelt, this picture book from internationally celebrated creator Felicita Sala is a whimsical ode to a parent’s boundless love for their child.


作者介紹 Felicita SalaFelicita Sala is the self-taught illustrator of several picture books, including All from a Walnut by Ammi-Joan Paquette, Be a Tree! by Maria Gianferrari, and The Hideout by Susanna Mattiangeli, as well as her own book of recipes for children, What’s Cooking at 10 Garden Street? She grew up between Italy and Australia and now lives in Rome, Italy, with her family.


書名 / If You Run Out of Words
作者 / Felicita Sala
簡介 / If You Run Out of Words:AnimaginativebedtimeadventurefromFelicitaSala,afatherreassureshisdaughterofthefantasticlengthshe’dgotoinordertoshowhislove.:誠品以「
ISBN13 / 9781419766886
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781419766886
誠品26碼 / 2682532432009
頁數 / 48
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9 x 1.6 x 27.3 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : An imaginative bedtime adventure from Felicita Sala, a father reassures his daughter of the fantastic lengths he’d go to in order to show his love.
