魔鬼特訓新托福閱讀120 (附QR code音檔) | 誠品線上

魔鬼特訓新托福閱讀120 (附QR code音檔)

作者 韋爾
出版社 聯合發行股份有限公司
商品描述 魔鬼特訓新托福閱讀120 (附QR code音檔):最強新托福版本整合規劃包含六大學習法以經典小說為閱讀主題具備更多人生智慧迎戰未來考驗經典小說反映各種人生現況且歷久不衰主


內容簡介 最強新托福版本 整合規劃 包含六大學習法 以經典小說為閱讀主題 具備更多人生智慧迎戰未來考驗 經典小說反映各種人生現況且歷久不衰 主題包含愛情和人生規劃等重大課題 讓你在20-30中做出合適且聰明的決定  人生有一手好牌卻搞砸了:在《Of Human Bondage》中,即使有父親的遺產和後來伯母的積蓄資助留法等,菲利普卻因為一系列連續的錯誤決定而必須中斷醫學系課業。  投資:在《Vanity Fair》中,薩德利先生儘管人生早年獲取可觀財富和贏得成功,卻因為一次投資上的錯誤決定,頓時一無所有。  出身並未影響到後來人生際遇:在《Vanity Fair》中,儘管蓓琪家境貧寒、缺乏背景,艾美麗雅出身豪門,就擁有一萬英鎊的身價,而蓓琪卻是一無所有,但蓓琪在逆境和殘酷命運面前卻有著令人欽佩的特質,後來甚至超越了她的同學艾美麗雅…。 (更多話題請見書籍內容) 閱讀文章精要所在 省錢+省時間一次掌握多部小說 掌握小說大意能迅速用於找尋報告專題方向  許多國外國、高中生也會因為要突然撰寫像是《遠大前程》等小說的報告,在有限時間內要迅速閱讀確實需要,因為牽涉到小說長度、鋪陳和理解等,而你僅需要閱讀一篇文章就能掌握到所有故事脈絡…。 部分主題更涵蓋了法律英文主題,提高思考等學習能力! 六項學習步驟,而非僅仰賴不斷刷TPO (刷TPO僅在熟悉題型和檢測當下寫試題所具備的語文能力) Step 1: 資訊歸納題:聽和讀整合能力強化 Step 2: 聽力填空題 Step 3: 字彙實力檢測 Step 4: 摘要能力題 Step 5: 影子跟讀和中譯 Step 6: 新托福全真模擬試題 學習順序均可進行更動並根據程度、個人偏好進行調整  建議初、中階考生先進行聽力填空題和字彙實力檢測後,再進行其他部分的學習規劃,降低學習上的挫折感,並從中累積各種字彙和語句。接著進行影子跟讀和中譯,中英對照觀看並進行跟讀練習提升聽力實力。  具備一定程度的考生,例如新托福100-110左右的考生,可以先進行新托福全真模擬試題,並完成資訊歸納題和摘要能力題。  資訊歸納題:閱讀和聽力整合規劃,閱讀試題後答題+播放音檔答閱讀試題,同步演練聽力和閱讀並強化分類和歸納能力。  摘要能力題:閱讀文章後,撰寫一篇摘要或是閱讀文章後以口述摘要一段話,能快速強化新托福口說和寫作整合題答題能力,並且提升就業力。在外商等需英文開會的公司工作更需要具備這項能力。 十大新托福閱讀題型 (收錄更具鑑別度的試題,提升綜合閱讀理解力,有效檢測出考生分數段) #基本閱讀題型 【字彙題】:  初階和中階:能仰賴坊間同、反義字字彙書,靠記憶和背誦,甚至僅需要看試題單字和選項就能答對的試題。  進階:所選取的單字,並不在坊間書籍、教育部等所公佈的1萬單字等,甚至是考生並未看過的單字,卻能有效區隔考生語文能力是否位於更高的分數段,並運用各種閱讀能力,包含理解整個段落上下文的文意或搭配推測能力去答對字彙題。 【代名詞指代題】:  並非胡亂猜測或被鄰近的幾個名詞混淆正確選項,而是確實代回原句,檢視語意是否也正確。 【細節資訊題】:  閱讀某個段落並且判斷細節性考點,具備良好閱讀能力者在閱讀過一次文章後就能掃視題目並答題。 【否定資訊題】:  閱讀段落後排除沒有提到的訊息考點。 #進階閱讀題型 【推論題】:  除了掌握基礎閱讀能力外,還要運用閱讀資訊去推測某一事件等的關係,如果是更難的推論題,可能包含要理解數個閱讀點,再釐清關係後去選擇正確的答案。 【句子簡化題】:  釐清句子間組成的關係,確實理解段落文意和掌握一定複雜長句的寫作能力,寫作能力良好的考生能迅速答對這類題型。 【插入句子題】:  同篇文章甚至包含兩題句子插入題,而非僅一題,會再篩選出不具備掌握綜合閱讀技巧能力的考生。  插入句子題會需要運用到關鍵字、句意、主題句、句子整體描述的概念和轉折、文法(掌握代名詞指代)、寫作和閱讀間的關聯性等協助定位和判答。 【修辭目的題】:  確實理解作者意圖、中心思想等,需要思慮清晰且能迅速區隔出干擾選項的能力。 【內容總結題】:  包含區隔出閱讀內容裡主要和次要訊息,而非選擇supporting details。 【資訊歸納題】:  包含掌握分類和歸納的能力,這項能力也直接影響聽力和閱讀是否獲取高分。


作者介紹 韋爾 國立台北科技大學英文系畢業,投入英語教學多年,熟悉雅思和新托福等英語考試,並出版新托福等20本相關著作。喜歡的作家有Emily Bronte, Margaret Mitchell, Mary Shelley, Henry Fielding, George Eliot, George Orwell, William Makepeace Thackeray等等。


產品目錄 Part 1資訊歸納題:聽和讀整合能力強化  TEST 1~TEST 8 Part 2 聽力填空題:字彙、拼字和聽力專注力整合強化  TEST 1~TEST 8 Part 3 字彙實力檢測:閱讀、文法和字彙整合強化  TEST 1~TEST 8 Part 4 摘要能力題:口說和寫作摘要一主題整合強化  TEST 1~TEST 8 Part 5 影子跟讀和中譯:聽力SHADOWING和翻譯閱讀整合強化  TEST 1~TEST 8 Part 6:新托福全真模擬試題 01 |英國文學+心理學+愛情 《Far from the Madding Crowd》  《遠離塵囂》中的貝莎芭和其他三位男主角歐克、包伍德和曹伊  看清誰才是真的愛妳 你  真愛一直在身旁守護著自己  眾里尋他千百度。驀然回首,那人卻在,燈火闌珊處 02 |英國文學+心理學+愛情 《Middlemarch》、《Frankenstein》  《科學怪人》中的惡魔和《米德爾鎮的春天》中的詹姆士  不需要將「被拒絕」看待得太嚴重,有時候上天或許有更好的安排 03 |英國文學+心理學 《Great Expectations》  哈維森小姐因康佩生和亞瑟的傷害而產生了扭曲的心靈  善有善報、惡有惡報,多行不義必自斃 04 |英國文學+社會學+愛情 《Vanity Fair》  蓓琪的三大目標,從蓓琪看人生的幾次翻身機會 05 |英國文學+自我成長 《Of Human Bondage》、《The History of Tom Jones, a Founding》  人生有一手好牌卻搞砸了:即使有父親的遺產,菲利普卻因為一些錯誤決定而必須中斷醫學系課業,而另一方面,良好的教育和富裕的家庭並未讓湯姆有自力更生的能力 06 |英國文學+社會學+法律英文 《Middlemarch》、《Drop Dead Diva》、《Gone with the Wind》  是否該干涉別人的感情事?,實際生活中,雙方之間所存在的貧富差距和人身安全等考量卻又讓周遭人選擇去介入 07 |英國文學+心理學+法律英文+商管投資 《Wuthering Heights》、《Drop Dead Diva》、《North and South》《Middlemarch》  遺產和死亡條款:在《北與南》,瑪格麗特幸運地得到可自行運用的一大筆遺產,但其他幾個故事中的主角即使得到遺產,卻仍受到諸多限制 08 |英國文學+社會學+商管投資 《Of Human Bondage》、《North and South》、《Vanity Fair》  關於股票投資:小說的目的是反映現實。從以下三部小說中可以得到很好的訓示:《人性枷鎖》、《北與南》和《浮華世界》。


書名 / 魔鬼特訓新托福閱讀120 (附QR code音檔)
作者 / 韋爾
簡介 / 魔鬼特訓新托福閱讀120 (附QR code音檔):最強新托福版本整合規劃包含六大學習法以經典小說為閱讀主題具備更多人生智慧迎戰未來考驗經典小說反映各種人生現況且歷久不衰主
出版社 / 聯合發行股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9786269656370
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9786269656370
誠品26碼 / 2682431898005
頁數 / 320
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 17x23x1.3
級別 / N:無


自序 : 最近得知早先出版的《新托福100+閱讀》已經完售,就想到當初書籍的規劃中所側重的重點是希望書籍能適用於大多數無法即刻使用新托福歷屆試題,也就是TPO來刷題的考生來做設計的,並期許考生能在規劃的初、中和高階單元中漸進累積能自學並單獨具備撰寫新托福閱讀試題的能力。其中還包含了幾項特點將歷屆試題中的其中兩個試題:詞彙題和指代題,單獨抽出的合併試題規劃,降低試題難度,迅速累積考生信心大幅加長文章閱讀內容(養成固定能耐心看完一定字數的文章且不分心),並從中累積近百個同、反義字強化跨段落訊息掌握部分單元包含配對題等,強化考生訊息「分類」和「歸納」能力包含摘要題型,強化「讀」和「寫」的關聯性,也能助於轉學考考生考取佳績填空題提升考生字詞使用等。

而《魔鬼特訓 新托福閱讀120》則包含更有效的整合學習規劃。如同在其他書籍中提過的刷無數歷屆試題僅僅是在提升對試題的熟悉度和考生當下的應試水平,並不會讓考生考取理想成績。因為要考取理想成績是需要更多整合學習能力的提升才能達到的,完全和寫試題不太相關。關於這點,我想我們必須去思索的一點是,為什麼ETS要設計包含了10個題型的新托福閱讀測驗呢?而當中又包含了「資訊歸納題」和「內容總結題」這兩類題型。很明顯,出題設計者所期望的是考生必須要具備「訊息分類和歸納」的能力,這也和聽與讀兩個單項的學習是有關聯的。只有掌握與具備一定程度「訊息分類和歸納」能力的考生才能考好新托福聽力和閱讀測驗,因為該考生一定能在聽或閱讀一段訊息後,大腦中迅速將這些訊息處理分類,快速進行答題。具備這樣能力的考生也會無懼聽力和閱讀測驗內容為何。龐大和包羅萬象的考試內容進行搭配只是用於檢測考生語言水平而非考生對於該主題的掌握度。所以,要考取高分的考生要掌握的是提升整合能力,並運用各個單項之間的關聯性,而非單一準備某個訓練。

何謂單一準備某個訓練呢?如果A考生,規劃了每周下午某個時段拿來刷閱讀試題,其實就是屬於單一準備的範疇。考生需要的是跨單項的學習,效率式提升自己程度。所以這本書會有以下的整合式學習規劃。整合式學習規劃包含:資訊歸納題填空題字彙實力檢測影子跟讀設計摘要題規劃新托福試題。在「資訊歸納題」中,除了閱讀一段文章後寫閱讀試題並檢視對錯之外,還多了另一道程序,也就是考生也需要僅觀看這個題型的題目,聽這段閱讀文章的內容,並從選項A-H去選取符合題目特點的選項。這個規劃就包含了聽力和閱讀同步演練,而考生還能做的延伸學習是可以在播放音檔前拿一張空白紙在旁,在播放音檔的同時,紀錄聽到的特點或關鍵訊息,一併演練note-taking的能力,這對於答新托福聽力測驗來說是很重要的。所以光是這個部分考生就演練了「讀」+「聽」+「記筆記」至少三樣能力的運用,而非僅僅是拿出TPO開始寫閱讀試題後然後對答案看錯在哪裡。相信考生能藉由這六個整合能力的規劃迅速累積實力,在考前刷部分TPO試題後就能馬上考取理想成績。對許多初、中階考生來說,《新托福100+閱讀》和《魔鬼特訓 新托福閱讀120》側重不同的學習規劃,相信這些整合題型的設計,可以快速達到學習成效並馬到成功。最後祝所有考生都考取理想成績。


內文 : The definition of the dead-hand clause is to prevent dead people from exercising control from the grave beyond a single generation. The trick is Violet Harwood’s parents cannot mandate her to give the antique watch to someone who did not exist when they died, making the whole trust ineffective. “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”, so the inheritance shall be distributed equally between Violet Harwood and her brother.

80. According to the passage, why does the author mention “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”?
(A) to indicate goose and gander are always in conflict as in Harwood’s case
(B) to indicate different sexes
(C) to validate the power of the antique watch
(D) to indicate equality between goose and gander

In Middlemarch, the idea of the dead-hand clause has also been used by Mr. Casaubon. “But well-being is not to be secured by ample, independent possession of property; on the contrary, occasions might arise in which such possession might expose her to the more danger.” A

81. According to the passage, why does the author mention “But well-being is not to be secured by ample, independent possession of property; on the contrary, occasions might arise in which such possession might expose her to the more danger.”?
(A) to show required shrewdness is needed to guard the assets
(B) to show the need for a woman to be financially independent
(C) to show the need to get rid of fortune to be safe
(D) to demonstrate the importance of the security to guard those assets for you

B It might be reasonable to deduce that Mr. Casaubon has the foresight to protect his wife from men’s deception, but a closer inspection can reveal his agenda. C Mrs. Casaubon will lose the inheritance if she is married with Will, making her unable to tie the knot with the person she truly loves. D Mr. Casaubon’s intent can also be perceived as an insult to his own wife, who remains loyal to him while he is alive. E Mrs. Casaubon has never been a materialistic young lady. Eventually, she figures out true love transcends all things, including a great deal of inheritance, and has a happy ending with Will.

82. Look at the four squares﹝?﹞that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
The inheritance will be the control of his wife even after his death.

Where would the sentence best fit?
Click on a square﹝?﹞to add the sentence to the passage

In Wuthering Heights, Edgar Linton is aware of Mr. Heathcliff’s intention of claiming his private property and Thrushcross Grange. Originally, Edgar Linton wants Miss Cathy to use the property at her disposal, but later he ameliorates the will, putting it in the trust, for Miss Cathy to use and for her descendants to utilize after Miss Cathy dies. If Linton dies, the property will not go to Mr. Heathcliff….. Even if Mr. Heathcliff’s son, Linton dies, Catherine will not be the heir. Miss Cathy is reluctant to believe Mr. Heathcliff is a bad guy. According to the will of the previous Linton generation, Thrushcross Grange will only be inherited by a male descendant, so Mr. Heathcliff’s contemplation is foxy and smart enough to let his son Linton get married with Miss Cathy.

84. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
(A) Edgar Linton has no idea that Linton will have a marriage with his daughter Miss Cathy, otherwise, he will come up with something better, not putting the will in the trust.
(B) Edgar Linton’s foresight gets decoded by Mr. Heathcliff, so Mr. Heathcliff is the ultimate winner.
(C) Edgar Linton’s amelioration of the will can protect Miss Cathy outright so that Mr. Heathcliff will not get the money from the trust.
(D) Miss Cathy has to die earlier so that Thrushcross Grange will be protected from Mr. Heathcliff, and Edgar Linton’s scheme of putting the money in the trust can be considered successful.

A One cannot always be rich, so using one’s richness or wealth as a criterion when it comes to choosing a mate is not wise. B Still, being rich is an irresistible quality in the market because wealth almost equals the sense of the security. C Henry in North and South provides us with the same insight. Margaret’s inherited property is just a part of her. D Even though it means that Margaret’s money can instantly make him succeed, that should not be the criterion for choosing a life-partner. E However, both Mr. Thornton and Henry have the contemplation of using Margaret’s fortune to assist their own business. F As in the case of Mr. Thornton, he lacks enough money to keep the company going, while Henry needs enough currency to start the law business.

89. Look at the four squares﹝?﹞that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
This corresponds to a wise saying from Nelly Dean in Wuthering Heights that no one can guarantee one’s wealth throughout the entire life.

Where would the sentence best fit?
Click on a square﹝?﹞to add the sentence to the passage

It's true that “those who are happy and successful themselves are too apt to make light of the misfortune of others.” Ultimately, Margaret is willing to loan eighteen thousand and fifty-seven pounds to Mr. Thornton.

92. According to the passage, why does the author mention “still, being rich is an irresistible quality in the market because wealth almost equals the sense of the security.”?
(A) to indicate the importance of being wealthy
(B) to indicate Margaret is able to make her future spouse instantly succeed
(C) to caution that we cannot choose someone because of money only
(D) to show that being wealthy does make Margaret quite a catch

93. According to the passage, why does the author mention “those who are happy and successful themselves are too apt to make light of the misfortune of others.”?
(A) to show Mr. Thornton’s pessimism
(B) to show Mr. Thornton has no chance of staging a comeback
(C) to make Margaret empathic for the situation
(D) to show a reflection of Mr. Thornton’s mood


最佳賣點 : 包含了六大學習法,運用聽說讀寫關聯性等整合規劃,提升分析和歸納等影響分數的關鍵能力,甩脫大量刷TPO試題仍未考取理想成績的困境。
