看不見的戰爭 | 誠品線上


作者 廖亦武
出版社 允晨文化實業股份有限公司
商品描述 看不見的戰爭:我預言習近平必將下臺,因為他主導的上海封城對中國經濟的打擊是致命的——上海封城是武漢封城的延續,連封城的時間和手段都一模一樣,而上海人口2400多萬,


內容簡介 本書特別以中英雙語版本推出,讓東西方世界更多讀者可以瞭解廖亦武這一路以文學著述反抗中共極權的歷程,這是廖亦武以中英文並行的首部作品集,也在西方世界同步發行。


作者介紹 廖亦武,1958年8月生於四川鹽亭,天安門大屠殺主要見證人之一,政治犯群體中最為突出的詩人、作家、音樂家,也是西方公認的中國監獄文學開拓者。因在1989年6月4日凌晨,與加拿大漢學家 Michael Martin Day 一起創作並製作《大屠殺》錄音磁帶,並傳播到20多個城市,以及組織拍攝詩歌電影《安魂》而被捕,判刑四年,受盡折磨,曾在獄中自殺兩次。出獄後長期從事底層故事採集和地下文學創作,并通過「二渠道」出版了被中宣部和公安部聯合查禁的《沉淪的聖殿》《中國底層訪談錄》。2007年,紐約經紀人彼得•伯恩斯坦在《巴黎評論》看到黃文翻譯的《底層》片段,立即取得全球版權。經數家出版社競爭,2008年5月該書英文版The Corpse Walker: Real Life Stories: China From the Bottom Up由蘭登書店出版,令廖亦武在西方一夜成名。彼得•伯恩斯坦評價道:「廖亦武不僅是中國當代作家中最優秀、最具挑戰性和創新的一位,更是一位勇敢大膽的有著獨立意志的人,任何時候都會捍衛自己自由言論和自由思考的權利(Liao is not only a fine writer but a courageous and brave and individual willing to stand up at every turn for his right to speak and think freely.)。」可在中國,他始終被嚴密監控,被警察多次抄家並監禁,被搜繳手稿達幾百萬字,僅《六四•我的證詞》便重寫了三次。也曾十七次被阻止出國。2011年7月,在德國外交部長韋斯特維勒的親自幫助下,買通黑社會,走過中越邊境,從河內輾轉飛抵柏林。稍後獲得德意志學術交流中心2012年獎學金。他的主要著作有《大屠殺》、《二次屠殺》,獄中詩集《古拉格情歌》,音樂專輯《河流或時間》,紀實文學《六四 我的證詞》、《吆屍人》、《上帝是紅色的》、《子彈鴉片》等,長篇小說《輪迴的螞蟻》、《毛時代的愛情》、《鄧時代的地下詩人》等。他的作品已被翻譯成近三十種外語,佳評如潮。也曾多次被劉曉波、赫塔•穆勒、獨立中文筆會等個人或組織推薦為諾貝爾文學獎候選人。2019年歲末,《子彈鴉片》英文版入選全球十大人權書籍,名列第四。廖亦武主要獲獎記錄:Hellman-Hammett Grant獎(1995 2003)自由寫作獎(獨立中文筆會,2007)最佳圖書奬(美國《當代基督教》月刊,2011)紹爾兄妹獎 (2011)德國最佳廣播劇獎(2011)德國書業和平獎(法蘭克福書展,2012)卡普欽斯基國際報導文學獎(2012)法蘭西文學和藝術軍官勛章(2013)阿夏芬堡公民勇氣奬(2013)抵抗詩人奬(法國Mouans-Sartoux書展,2015)霍恩舍恩豪森獎(前東德國家安全部監獄博物館,2016)瓦茨拉夫•哈維爾圖書基金會奬(紐約,2018)


產品目錄 出版前言Publisher's Preface斯圖加特未來演講:看不見的戰爭—一本書怎樣擊敗一個帝國?The Stuttgart Future Speech——Invisible Warfare——How does a Book Defeat an Empire?你的天空還有翅膀嗎?Are There still Wings in Your Skies?李必豐獄中詩五首Five Prison Poems by Li BifengDona Dona,把自由給劉霞Dona, Dona, give freedom to Liu Xia愛劉曉波就是重罪,就是無期徒刑'Loving Liu Xiaobo is a crime, a death sentence'為王怡呼救——他可能是第二個劉曉波Save the life of Pastor Wang Yi——He risks dying like Liu Xiaobo王怡的三首詩Three Poems by Wang Yi一個龐大帝國對一個渺小詩人發動的種族滅絕戰爭A Genocidal War Waged by a Gigantic Empire against a Tiny Poet關於出逃的通信Correspondence about escape王藏詩歌:一顆子彈消滅不了一個敵人A poem by Wang Zang我是香港人——新冷戰開始了!!I'm A Hong Kong-er——A New Cold War Has Begun!!世界上最危險的作家?關於薩爾曼 魯西迪(Salman Rushdie) 遇刺的聲明The most dangerous writer in the world?Statement on the Assassination Attempt on Salman Rushdie薩爾曼.魯西迪給廖亦武的公開信2011 年4 月27 日Salman Rushdie's April 27, 2011 open letter to Liao Yiwu作者和譯者Writer and Translator


書名 / 看不見的戰爭
作者 / 廖亦武
簡介 / 看不見的戰爭:我預言習近平必將下臺,因為他主導的上海封城對中國經濟的打擊是致命的——上海封城是武漢封城的延續,連封城的時間和手段都一模一樣,而上海人口2400多萬,
出版社 / 允晨文化實業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9786269742509
ISBN10 / 6269742501
EAN / 9786269742509
誠品26碼 / 2682387073006
頁數 / 255
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 15X21X1.3
級別 / N:無


推薦序 : 出版前言 廖志峰
Publisher's Preface

On January 18, 2023, the writer Liao Yiwu was invited to give the "Stuttgart Future Lecture" at the Stuttgart City Hall in Germany,subsequently published as "Invisible Warfare - How Does A Book Defeat An Empire?", which aroused widespread reactions. This speech not only concerns Liao Yiwu’s creative journey but is also a record and reflection on his witnessing of the times. Consequently, Taiwan Yunchen Culture is especially publishing a Chinese and English edition of the speech, so that
more readers in the East and West can understand Liao Yiwu’s journey of resistance against the Chinese Communist Party’s totalitarianism through his literary works. This is Liao Yiwu's first collection of writings in both Chinese and English, and it is being issued simultaneously in the Western world.

這本書還同時收錄了從二〇一九年開始寫的多篇人權文學傑作——包括聲援香港雨傘革命,被捕判刑的作家王怡,詩人王藏,六四獄友李必豐等人,以及當時為營救諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波遺孀劉霞的多篇呼籲,也同時收錄上述諸君的詩文,讓讀者可以同時觀照與本文對應的文學讀本,篇篇深觸人心,令人動容。本書的譯文由加拿大漢學家戴邁河(Michael Martin Day)擔綱。他於一九八〇年代到山東大學、南京大學擔任文化交流學者, 一九八六年他再至中國,結識了劉曉波、廖亦武、貝嶺等詩人,從而接觸、翻譯和研究中國地下詩歌。一九八九年六四屠殺前夕,廖亦武創作了長詩《大屠殺》,他與廖亦武合製了《大屠殺》朗誦磁帶,後來廖亦武以「反革命宣傳煽動罪」名義被捕,隔年,戴邁河以「間諜」罪名被驅逐出境。因此,這本書的合作別具歷史文獻的意義。

This book also includes several masterpieces of human rights literature written by Liao since 2019—including support for the Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong, for writer Wang Yi who was arrested and sentenced to prison, the poet Wang Zang, and the June Fourth convict Li Bifeng, etc. Several appeals by Liu Xia, the widow of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, are also included among the poems and essays of the above-mentioned gentlemen, so that readers may reflect on the corresponding literature at the same time. Each piece is deeply touching and moving. The translation of this book is led by the Canadian-born sinologist Michael Martin Day. In 1982-1984, he was a cultural exchange scholar at Shandong University and Nanjing University. In 1986-1988, he met Liu Xiaobo, Liao Yiwu, Bei Ling, and other poets in China, and thus encountered, studied, and began translating Chinese underground poetry.On the eve of the June 4th massacre in 1989, Liao Yiwu composed the long poem "Massacre", and Day and Liao co-produced the recitation tape of "Massacre" shortly thereafter. Later, Liao Yiwu was arrested on the charge of "counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement", while Day was accused of espionage and deported. So, their collaboration on this book gives it the unique significance of an historical document.


Liao Yiwu has admitted, I once declared I was "fighting for the freedom of others", but I cannot seriously recall any prisoner of the empire whose fate of being slaughtered has been altered because I wrote of him or her. And this kind of truth is suffocating—---- Even so, this "Human Rights Literature Reader" is worthy of the reflection and continuous attention of all readers. Only reading can resist forgetting, and forgetting is exactly the effect of intimidation that totalitarian regimes wish to achieve.


最佳賣點 : 本書特別以中英雙語版本推出,讓東西方世界更多讀者可以瞭解廖亦武這一路以文學著述反抗中共極權的歷程,這是廖亦武以中英文並行的首部作品集,也在西方世界同步發行。