Hello, World! Weather | 誠品線上

Hello, World! Weather

作者 Jill McDonald
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Hello, World! Weather:哈囉,世界,我們來囉!天氣篇每天的天氣都一樣嗎?要穿什麼衣服呢?Hello,World!專為幼兒設計的自然、科學類厚紙板遊戲書。以明亮輕快的插畫和淺


內容簡介 哈囉,世界,我們來囉! 天氣篇 每天的天氣都一樣嗎?要穿什麼衣服呢? Hello, World! 專為幼兒設計的自然、科學類厚紙板遊戲書。以明亮輕快的插畫和淺顯的孩子的語言,介紹各領域知識。讓孩子欣喜地對新世界說聲「哈囉,世界!我們來囉!」 早啊,今天天氣如何?走到窗戶看去,出大太陽呢,準備好帽子、短褲、太陽眼鏡、涼鞋,就可以出去玩囉;風好大喔,請穿上外套、長一點的褲子,這種天氣放風箏正剛好;天色陰陰的、涼涼的,穿上厚一點的衣服、襪子,別忘了,你的毛小孩也要注意保暖。天空飄下白白的雪花,下雪了!想玩雪,戴好毛帽、圍巾、手套,保持溫暖;滴滴答答響,這是下雨,雨天出門沒問題,雨衣、雨傘、雨靴帶著,水坑我來囉。對了,下過雨後,東方的天空會出現一道像橋的彩虹,你看到了嗎?爸爸媽媽可以帶孩子一起數有多少顏色喔! Now even the youngest children can enjoy learning about the world around them. Hello, World! is a new series designed to help parents introduce simple nonfiction concepts to their babies and toddlers. Narrated in an easy, friendly tone ("Look out the window. What is the weather like today?") and featuring bright, cheerful illustrations, Hello, World! makes learning easy for young children. Each page offers helpful prompts for engaging with your child. Weather takes children through the seasonal changes in a backyard, allowing them to see how the yard changes throughout the year: on a summer day the flowers are bright and a puppy plays on the green lawn; on a snowy day we see the same yard blanketed with snow; on a windy day the clothesline flaps in the breeze. Children can also have fun pointing to pictures of the different clothing we wear in each type of weather: mittens, hats, rain boots, and more. It's a perfect way to bring natural science into the busy world of a toddler, where learning never stops.


作者介紹 JILL McDONALD is the Missouri-based illustrator of the Hello, World! board book series. Jill's cheery and colorful art can also be found on clothing, fabric, bedding, stationery, puzzles, and games. See more of her work at jillmcdonalddesign.com and follow her on Instagram at @missjillmcdonald.


書名 / Hello, World! Weather
作者 / Jill McDonald
簡介 / Hello, World! Weather:哈囉,世界,我們來囉!天氣篇每天的天氣都一樣嗎?要穿什麼衣服呢?Hello,World!專為幼兒設計的自然、科學類厚紙板遊戲書。以明亮輕快的插畫和淺
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780553521016
ISBN10 / 0553521012
EAN / 9780553521016
誠品26碼 / 2681964464008
頁數 / 26
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.5X17.5X1.8CM
級別 / N:無