Hello, World! Dinosaurs | 誠品線上

Hello, World! Dinosaurs

作者 Jill McDonald
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Hello, World! Dinosaurs:哈囉,世界,我們來囉!恐龍篇Hello,World!專為幼兒設計的自然、科學類厚紙板遊戲書。以明亮輕快的插畫和淺顯的孩子的語言,介紹各領域知識。讓


內容簡介 哈囉,世界,我們來囉! 恐龍篇Hello, World! 專為幼兒設計的自然、科學類厚紙板遊戲書。以明亮輕快的插畫和淺顯的孩子的語言,介紹各領域知識。讓孩子欣喜地對新世界說聲「哈囉,世界!我們來囉!」小朋友都喜歡恐龍。以前的恐龍到處走,現在,只能在博物館看到他們。他們留下來的骨頭,被考古學家挖掘後,像拼圖一樣拼湊起來。有的恐龍很大,像山,例如迷惑龍,牠很高,可以碰到樹頂,尾巴可以強力鞭打,嚇壞其他恐龍;細顎龍非常小,體型只有雞的一半,但是跑得很快,躲避敵人沒問題。有三個角的是三角龍,牠的嘴巴竟有上百顆牙耶;身上像穿了戰袍的是甲龍;有羽毛的是伶盜龍;劍龍有像刀鋒一樣的背骨;其他還有暴龍、不吃肉的的禽龍等等。最後,問一問小朋友,恐龍怎麼來的啊?是從蛋裡孵化出來的喔,回憶一下你剛剛認識的恐龍有哪些吧!Young children love dinosaurs. Now here's a board book that teaches toddlers all about Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex, and many more-with colors, shapes, sizes, and super-simple facts.Hello, World! is a series designed to introduce first nonfiction concepts to babies and toddlers. Told in clear and easy terms ( "T. rex's arms were very small, even though its body was large ") and featuring bright, cheerful illustrations, Hello, World! makes learning fun for young children. And each page offers helpful prompts for engaging with your child. It's a perfect way to bring science and nature into the busy world of a toddler, where learning never stops. Look for all the books in the Hello, World! series: Solar System,Weather,Backyard Bugs,Birds, and My Body."


作者介紹 JILL McDONALD is the Missouri-based illustrator of the Hello, World! board book series. Jill's cheery and colorful art can also be found on clothing, fabric, bedding, stationery, puzzles, and games. See more of her work at jillmcdonalddesign.com and follow her on Instagram at @missjillmcdonald.


書名 / Hello, World! Dinosaurs
作者 / Jill McDonald
簡介 / Hello, World! Dinosaurs:哈囉,世界,我們來囉!恐龍篇Hello,World!專為幼兒設計的自然、科學類厚紙板遊戲書。以明亮輕快的插畫和淺顯的孩子的語言,介紹各領域知識。讓
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781524719340
ISBN10 / 152471934X
EAN / 9781524719340
誠品26碼 / 2681964463001
頁數 / 26
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.5X17.5X1.8CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : All young children love dinosaurs. Now comes a board book that teaches toddlers all about Triceratops, Stegosaurus, T-rex, and many more--with colors, shapes, sizes, and super-simple facts. Full color.