如何練好太極八法五步 (中英文版) | 誠品線上

如何練好太極八法五步 (中英文版)

作者 冷先鋒/ 鄧敏佳
出版社 白象文化事業有限公司
商品描述 如何練好太極八法五步 (中英文版):太極(八法五步)是國家體育總局為了更好地宣傳、推廣、普及太極拳運動,弘揚中國優秀傳統文化,本著科學化、規範化、簡易化的原則,由國


內容簡介 太極(八法五步)是國家體育總局為了更好地宣傳、推廣、普及太極拳運動,弘揚中國優秀傳統文化,本著科學化、規範化、簡易化的原則,由國家體育總局武術運動管理中心組織專家創編的一個簡單易學的太極拳入門套路,是在各式太極拳的基礎上,將太極拳中共性的、核心的“八法五步”技術內容進行了整理規範,即:圍繞著太極拳“擁、捋、擠、按、探、捌、肘、靠”八種勁法,結合“進、退、顧、盼、定”五種步法,以及站樁和行進兩種鍛煉形式進行梳理提煉,從而形成了一套具有文化性、健身性和簡易性的太極拳普及套路。它動作結構簡單,數量合理,內涵豐富,易學易練,是繼二十四式簡化太極拳之後推出的又一個更加簡化、較為理想的太極拳入門套路。The “Eight Methods and Five Steps” routine is a simple and easy-to-learn introduction to Taijiquan created by experts of the Wushu Sports Management Center of State Sports Administration in order to better publicize, promote and popularize Taijiquan, and promote China's excellent traditional culture. Drawing on all forms of Taijiquan, the core techniques are represented in the "Eight Methods and Five Steps" routine, encompassing the eight methods of "ward-off, rollback, push, press, grab, split, elbow strike and shoulder strike", combined with the five steps of "advancing, retreating, looking left, gazing right and central equilibrium", as well as the two modes of exercise of standing stake and advancing. These have been refined into a popular routine of culture, fitness and simplicity. The movements are simple in structure, moderate in number but rich in meaning, and easy to learn and practice. This is the ideal routine onto which to progress from the 24-form simplified Taijiquan routine.◎代理經銷:白象文化


作者介紹 冷先鋒冷先鋒江西修水人,香港世界武術大賽發起人,當代太極拳名家、全國武術太極拳冠軍、香港全港公開太極拳錦標賽冠軍、香港優秀人才,現代體育經紀人,自幼習武,師從太極拳發源地中國河南省陳家溝第十代正宗傳人、國家非物質文化遺產傳承人、國際太極拳大師陳世通大師,以及中國國家武術隊總教練、太極王子、世界太極拳冠軍王二平大師。中國武術段位六段、國家武術套路、散打裁判員、高級教練員,國家武術段位指導員、考評員,擅長陳式、楊式、吳式、武式、孫式太極拳和太極劍、太極推手等。在參加國際、國內大型的武術比賽中獲得金牌三十多枚,其學生弟子也在各項比賽中獲得金牌四百多枚,弟子遍及世界各地。Master Leng is the promoter of the Hong Kong World Martial Arts Competition a renowned contemporary master of Taijiquan, National Martial Arts Taijiquan Champion, Champion of Hong Kong Taijiquan Open Championship, Outstanding talents in HongKong And Modern sports brokers.Master Leng has been a student of martial arts since childood, he is a l1th generation direct descendant in the lineage of Chenjiagou-the home of taijiquan, and inheritor and transmitter of Intangible National Cultural Heritage. Master Leng is both the student of International Taiji Master Chen Shitong and Taiji Prince, Master Wang Erping, head coach of the Chinese National Wushu Team and World Taijiquan Champion. Master Leng, level six in the Chinese WushuDuanwei System,is a referee, senior coach and examiner at national level. Master Leng is accomplished in Chen, Yang, Sun, Wu and Wu styles of Taijiquan, Taiji sword and push-hands techniques. Master Leng has participated in a series of intemational and prominent domestic taijiquan, taiji sword and push-hand competitions.Master Leng has won more than 30 championships and gold medals, and his students have won more than 400 gold medals and other awards in various team and individualcompetitions.Master Leng has followers throughout the world.


產品目錄 (一)起势(1) Starting form(二)左掤势(2) Left ward-off(三)右捋势(3) Right rollback(四)左挤势(4) Left push(五)双按势(5) Double hand press(六)右採势(6) Right grab(七)左挒势(7) Left split(八)左肘势(8) Left elbow strike(九)右靠势(9) Right shoulder strike(十)右掤势(10) Right ward-off(十一)左捋势(11) Left rollback(十二)右挤势(12) Right push(十三)双按势(13) Double hand press(十四)左採势(14) Left grab(十五)右挒势(15) Right split(十六)右肘势(16) Right elbow strike(十七)左靠势(17) Left shoulder strike(十八)进步左右掤势(18) Advance left and right ward-off(十九)退步左右捋势(19) Withdraw left and right rollback(二十)左移步左挤势(20) Left-stepping left push(二十一)左移步双按势(21) Left-stepping double hand press(二十二)右移步右挤势(22) Right-stepping right push(二十三)右移步双按势(23) Right-stepping double hand press(二十四)退步左右採势(24) Withdraw left and right grab(二十五)进步左右挒势(25) Advance left and right split(二十六)右移步右肘势(26) Right-stepping right elbow strike(二十七)右移步右靠势(27) Right-stepping right shoulder strike(二十八)左移步左肘势(28) Left-stepping left elbow strike(二十九)左移步左靠势(29) Left-stepping left shoulder strike(三十) 中定左右独立势(30) Central equilibrium standing on one leg both left and right(三十一)十字手(31) Cross hands(三十二)收势(32) Finishing form


書名 / 如何練好太極八法五步 (中英文版)
作者 / 冷先鋒 鄧敏佳
簡介 / 如何練好太極八法五步 (中英文版):太極(八法五步)是國家體育總局為了更好地宣傳、推廣、普及太極拳運動,弘揚中國優秀傳統文化,本著科學化、規範化、簡易化的原則,由國
出版社 / 白象文化事業有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789887421221
ISBN10 / 9887421227
EAN / 9789887421221
誠品26碼 / 2681894259002
頁數 / 88
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 17X23CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 太極(八法五步)是國家體育總局為了更好地宣傳、推廣、普及太極拳運動,弘揚中國優秀傳統文化


自序 : 冷先鋒
Master Leng is the promoter of the Hong Kong World Martial Arts Competition a renowned contemporary master of Taijiquan, National Martial Arts Taijiquan Champion, Champion of Hong Kong Taijiquan Open Championship, Outstanding talents in HongKong And Modern sports brokers.Master Leng has been a student of martial arts since childood, he is a l1th generation direct descendant in the lineage of Chenjiagou-the home of taijiquan, and inheritor and transmitter of Intangible National Cultural Heritage. Master Leng is both the student
of International Taiji Master Chen Shitong and Taiji Prince, Master Wang Erping, head coach of the Chinese National Wushu Team and World Taijiquan Champion.
Master Leng, level six in the Chinese WushuDuanwei System,is a referee, senior coach and examiner at national level. Master Leng is accomplished in Chen,
Yang, Sun, Wu and Wu styles of Taijiquan, Taiji sword and push-hands techniques. Master Leng has participated in a series of intemational and prominent
domestic taijiquan, taiji sword and push-hand competitions.Master Leng has
won more than 30 championships and gold medals, and his students have won
more than 400 gold medals and other awards in various team and individual
competitions.Master Leng has followers throughout the world.
“太極”之名源於《易經》:“易有太極, 是生兩儀,兩儀生四象,四象生八卦......”。大極拳結合易學的陰陽五行之變化、中醫學的經絡學說以及導引、吐納術,並綜合百家拳術之長而創立的。太極拳“以柔克剛、以靜制動、借力打力、四兩撥千斤”的拳理,在中華武林獨樹一幟。太極拳包含了中國傳統哲學、養生學、醫學武學、美學等眾多學科,不僅是中國功夫之集大成者,更是中國幾千年文化的璀璨明珠,是東方文明的結晶。
The name "Taiji" has its origin in the "I Ching" (Book of Changes):"Changes produces Taiji. Taiji generates the two polarties (Yin-yang).The two polarties generate the four images (sixiang). The four images generate the eight trigrams (Bagua). "The expansion was believed to continue to infinity (an undefined state). Taijiquan combines yin-yang balance and the variety of the five elements, the meridional theory of Chinese medicine as well as breathing techniques and integrated in many styles of Chinese wushu. Taijiquan "uses softness to conquer strength, uses stillness to control motion" , "exploits power to beat power,uses an ounce to outbalance a ton" , which makes taijiquan unique amongst Chinese martial arts.
Taijiquan apart being a school of wushu, also consist of Chinese traditional philosophy, medicine, nutrition and beauty of forms. It isnot only the quintessence of Chinese Kungfu, but also the crystallization of China's splendid culture over many millennia and a representation of Eastern crystallization.
For the promotion of and to inherit Chinese wushu, a good book is obviously needed. It is necessary to summaries a set of easy-to-understand,easy-to-practice routines for the learners so that they can be guided properly and gradually achieve the skills of taijiquan. Based on this, Hong Kong International Wushu Association and China Hong Kong Eldery Sports Association Mr. Leng Xianfeng President, In combination with decades of experience in learning martial arts, learning from various theoretical and technical experiences in learning and teaching,and also the precious opinions from the Chinese Wushu Association, professors of sports colleges, traditional masters and many martial arts enthusiasts,I have created the "International Wushu Lecture Series". The book " Health-preserving Taijiquan for the Elderly" provides the most basic and important content of the series.
It is demonstrated by the 11th generation direct Descendant in the lineage of Chen Style Taijiquan, the famous taijiquan Master LengXianfeng, illustrated with hundreds of full-colour pictures showing the technical details, with full explanations, so that the ancient tradition of taiji theory is passed on in full:it presents
A systematic set of methods focused on the essentials to grasp the
essence of taiji Plan, which enables taijiquan students quickly to
realize the true meaning of taijiquan and so achieve an improved State
of body and mind.This book has been developed in line with the
Wushu Industry Development Plan, 2019-2025",jointly issued by
the 14 ministries and commissions Including the State Sports
General Administration, wherein it is proposed to pass on and develop Chinese martial arts culture, tell the story of martial arts culture,reflect the spirit of Chinese martial arts, and display the image
of Chinese martial arts.We are also inspired by and deeply aware of the heavy responsibility of this historic mission, to promote traditional martial arts culture, to meet the needs of the masses for a starting point and foundation in martial arts fitness, and to realize the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture.
Leng Xianfeng
Hong Kong, April 2020


內文 : 太极(八法五步)套路
Taiji “Eight Methods and Five Steps”

(1) Starting form

Action: Stand naturally, arms loosely at the sides, move left foot one step to the left, shoulder width apart; raise arms forwards and upwards to shoulder level; bend knees while pressing downwards to the front of the abdomen. Look forwards and slightly downwards.

Key Points: Mind quiet, body relaxed and stand upright.

(2) Left ward-off

动作:身体右转,右手向上划弧至右胸前,掌心向下,左手收至腹前,掌心向上,左臂向前掤出,与肩同高,右手下按至右胯旁, 目视前方。
Action: Turn body right; raise right hand in an arc to the right of the chest, palm down; bring left hand to the front of the abdomen, palm up; turn body left, lift left arm forwards and outwards up to shoulder level, press right hand down to the right hip; look forwards.

Key Points: The ward-off force point is on the outside of the arm; the hand pressing down and the arm warding-off are in tension with each other.

(3) Right rollback

Action: Turn body slightly left; extend arms forward, left palm down, right palm up; turn body right, draw both arms to the right and downwards; look in the direction of the right hand.

要点: 捋势意在两掌。注意以腰带臂。
Key Points: The rollback force is expressed in the two palms. Note the waist leads the arms.

(4) Left push

Action: Turn body left; bring the two palms together in front of the chest, the left palm outermost; push forward with the left palm facing inward, the right palm facing outward; look forwards.

Key Points: The pushing force point is in the back of the left hand, there must be increasing pressure.

(5) Double hand press

Action: Spread the palms apart, palms down; turn body slightly right, cycle the palms backwards and downwards, then push in an arc forwards and upwards, push through the base of the palms; look forwards.

Key Points: The pressing force is expressed by arching the back with the chest drawn inwards.

(6) Right grab

动作: 两掌变拳,身体右转,向右、向下採拉,右拳心向下,左拳心向上,目视右下方。
Action: Palms become fists; turn body right; pull rightwards and downwards, right fist fingers down, left fist fingers up; look towards the lower right.

Key Points: The pulling force is expressed by gripping and pulling downwards while rotating the waist.

(7) Left split

Action: Turn body left; fists become palms; rotate laterally leftwards, right palm upward, left palm outward; look forwards.

Key Points: The splitting force is expressed by exerting force laterally, the waist leads the arms.

(8) Left elbow-strike

Action: Turn body right; left palm becomes fist; fist upright, bend arm and strike forward with elbow; place right hand to the outside of left arm; look forwards.

要点: 肘势意在以肘尖为力点攻击,先屈臂再发力。
Key Points: The elbow-strike force is expressed through the tip of the elbow, first bending the arm and then releasing energy.

(9) Right shoulder-strike

Action: Turn body left; right palm becomes fist, left fist becomes palm; cycle the two arms; arch and brace right arm, fist downwards and lateral; butt forwards with right shoulder and arm; bring left palm to right shoulder, palm facing outward; look forwards.

要点: 靠势意在以肩臂为力点,利用整个身体前移撞击。
Key Points: The shoulder-strike force is expressed with the impact of the entire body through the shoulder and arm.
