The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks | 誠品線上

The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks

作者 Katie Kirby
商品描述 The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks:LottieBrooks的青春超窘人生LottieBrooks,11又¾歲,自嘲人生已正式宣告結束,不是因為她要上高中了,也不是因為她沒


內容簡介 Lottie Brooks的青春超窘人生 Lottie Brooks,11又¾歲,自嘲人生已正式宣告結束,不是因為她要上高中了,也不是因為她沒朋友,更不是因為沒有很炫的髮型,而是因為…她發現,她是飛機場,胸前一片平坦!真窘。不想面對同儕的她,只想帶著她心愛的天竺鼠一起冬眠。Lottie的家人,也妙不可言。弟弟愛挖鼻孔,爸爸成天玩電腦,頭都快禿了。媽媽人很好,認真的在市場工作,在家整天吸地板。 本書以第一人稱Lottie的口吻,自述生活中的小宇宙,像在跟朋友聊天一樣,例如「我爸媽對我還是像小孩一樣,帶我去麥當勞得來速點餐,他們竟然幫我點快樂兒童餐!我想點的是大麥克好嗎!可惜,我的大麥克又乾又柴,另外點的奶昔到家都溶的亂七八糟。更慘的是打開大麥克的瞬間,醬汁噴到衣服。」、「老爸老媽成天要我們出去戶外走走,不要只待在家裡。拜託,這可不是他們生活的1980年代,成天可以去溪邊玩。現在大家都掛在螢幕前…」。自言自語式的小小抱怨,小小喜悅,為中學生活的解悶。 The first book in the hilarious new series for children by the bestselling creator of Hurrah For Gin. Lottie Brooks is 11 ¾ and her life is already officially over - not only is she about to start high school without any friends or glamorous swooshy hair, she's just discovered she's too flat-chested to wear A BRA! She might as well give up now and go into hibernation with her hamsters Sir Barnaby Squeakington and Fuzzball the Third. Lottie navigates the many perils of growing up in this fantastically funny new illustrated series for a 9-12 audience, filled with friendship, embarrassing moments and plenty of lols. Hilarious, relatable and full of heart, for fans of funny and chaotic family stories.


作者介紹 Katie Kirby Katie Kirby is a writer and illustrator who lives by the sea in Hove with her husband, two sons and dog Sasha. She has a degree in Advertising and Marketing and after spending several years working in London media agencies, which basically involved hanging out in fancy restaurants and pretending to know what she was talking about, she had some children and decided to start a blog called 'Hurrah for Gin' about the gross injustice of it all. Many people said her sense of humour was silly and immature so she is now having a bash at writing children's fiction. The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks is her first novel. Katie likes gin, rabbits, over-thinking things, the smell of launderettes and Monster Munch. She does not like losing at board games or writing about herself in the third person.


書名 / The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks
作者 / Katie Kirby
簡介 / The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks:LottieBrooks的青春超窘人生LottieBrooks,11又¾歲,自嘲人生已正式宣告結束,不是因為她要上高中了,也不是因為她沒
ISBN13 / 9780241460887
ISBN10 / 0241460883
EAN / 9780241460887
誠品26碼 / 2682003832000
頁數 / 432
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X2.6CM
級別 / N:無
