When Mummy Goes to Work | 誠品線上

When Mummy Goes to Work

作者 Paul Schofield
出版社 Templar Company PLC.
商品描述 When Mummy Goes to Work:媽媽得出門工作了。「我會想你的,要乖乖喔。」媽媽穿上制服,出發囉!媽媽的工作是醫護,救護車警報聲響起,媽媽便立刻出動。畫面另一邊,孩子


內容簡介 媽媽得出門工作了。 「我會想你的,要乖乖喔。」媽媽穿上制服,出發囉! 媽媽的工作是醫護,救護車警報聲響起,媽媽便立刻出動。畫面另一邊,孩子在家,也正和爺爺一起開著用紙箱做的救護車呢;媽媽耐心又正面地鼓勵病患,仔細照料傷口,為病患推輪椅。在家的孩子呢?他正和奶奶玩家家酒,包紮傷口,醫治娃娃。也用放大鏡觀察動植物,像媽媽檢查病患一樣。 終於下班了,媽媽趕緊回家,陪小寶貝洗澡、說說話:「雖然我工作在身,不在身邊,但腦子滿滿的都會是你喔。」 和When Daddy Goes to Work為姊妹作。孩子在潛移默化中,模仿媽媽,和媽媽心靈相通的溫馨故事。 Emotive and gentle, When Mummy Goes to Work introduces the concept of work to babies and toddlers through rhyming text. It also offers parents the ideal talking point for conveying their own feelings about going to work and routine in a reassuring and nurturing manner. Beautiful artwork reminiscent of bestsellers Guess How Much I Love You and Dogger draws parallels between the activities of the child and parent throughout the day. This is the ideal gift book for anyone who is returning to work after the birth of a new child.


作者介紹 Paul SchofieldPaul Schofield is a debut author, living in Essex, UK with his wife Sophie and his two children, Joel and Elliot. He graduated from University of West London with a BA in Media Arts and Film & TV Studies, where his love of writing started with screen writing. When Daddy Goes to Work and When Mummy Goes to Work are his first children’s books, inspired by his own experiences as a working parent. When he is not playing with dinosaurs or getting soaked at bath time, Paul likes to play video games, watch movies and bake chocolate brownies.Anna Terreros-MartinAnna Terreros-Martin is an illustrator based in Nottingham, UK. After graduating from Sheffield Hallam University with a first class degree in Illustration, she went on to complete the prestigious Masters in Children’s Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art. Anna aims to inspire younger generations to get outdoors and explore the wildlife around them, and believes it is important to encourage reading for pleasure as well as for education. When not working, Anna, who is billingual, enjoys visiting her family in Bilbao, Spain, and going for walks in the mountains, where she gains inspiration for her surroundings.


書名 / When Mummy Goes to Work
作者 / Paul Schofield
簡介 / When Mummy Goes to Work:媽媽得出門工作了。「我會想你的,要乖乖喔。」媽媽穿上制服,出發囉!媽媽的工作是醫護,救護車警報聲響起,媽媽便立刻出動。畫面另一邊,孩子
出版社 / Templar Company PLC.
ISBN13 / 9781787417649
ISBN10 / 1787417646
EAN / 9781787417649
誠品26碼 / 2682040709006
頁數 / 22
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X20X1.5CM
級別 / N:無