Britta Teckentrup 4 Book Set (4冊合售) | 誠品線上

Britta Teckentrup 4 Book Set (4冊合售)

作者 布麗塔.泰肯特拉普
商品描述 Britta Teckentrup 4 Book Set (4冊合售):✰布麗塔.泰肯特拉普經典繪本4冊合集!多次獲獎的德國繪本作家、插畫家跟藝術家布麗塔.泰肯特拉普,擅長用柔美畫面和繽紛色調


內容簡介 ✰布麗塔.泰肯特拉普經典繪本4冊合集!多次獲獎的德國繪本作家、插畫家跟藝術家布麗塔.泰肯特拉普,擅長用柔美畫面和繽紛色調建構出有寓意的溫暖故事,作者筆下的動物們可愛迷人,翻過一頁頁跟著角色成長,在細膩的畫面下感受作者的繪本世界! 👉更多超值外文童書《The Memory Tree》 狐狸一生都在森林裡快樂生活著,但現在牠累了,長眠在牠最愛的空地裡,永遠睡著。不久,狐狸的朋友一一聚集在此,輪流聊起與狐狸相處的精彩時刻。每當動物們分享歡樂回憶,一旁的樹便開始長大,庇蔭森林裡的大大小小。面對親人的失去,彼此分享快樂回憶,撫慰傷痛。《Mole's Star》 每晚,鼴鼠會從洞口裡爬出來觀賞美麗的星星,牠多希望家人也可以親自欣賞這美麗風景。有一天,流星經過,鼴鼠趕緊許願,果然,滿天星星都到了鼴鼠的家了。但是,問題來了,這樣,其他動物就看不到星星了…關於友誼、分享與資源使用的故事。《Little Mouse and the Red Wall》 紅牆的另一邊是什麼景色,有什麼東西呢?老鼠的朋友們都不知道,胡亂猜測,覺得恐懼。但,老鼠可不想就這樣不明不白,牠能鼓起勇氣,翻牆到另一頭,去探索未知的世界嗎?說不定,那裏有更多希望和機會呢。本書想傳遞面對恐懼,保持著大膽與開放的心,就有無限的改變和發展,不管對自己、其他人或世界。《Blue》「藍」生活在森林最深最陰暗的地方,他早就已忘記如何飛,也忘記跟朋友們一起玩是什麼感覺,直到有一天晚這座森林飛來了「黃」,「黃」對著「藍」溫柔的唱歌,耐心的等待並慢慢靠近「藍」……《The Memory Tree》A beautiful and heartfelt picture book to help children celebrate the memories left behind when a loved one dies. Fox has lived a long and happy life in the forest, but now he is tired. He lies down in his favourite clearing, and falls asleep for ever. Before long, Fox's friends begin to gather in the clearing. One by one, they tell stories of the special moments that they shared with Fox. And so, as they share their memories, a tree begins to grow, becoming bigger and stronger with each memory, sheltering and protecting all the animals in the forest, just as Fox did when he was alive. This gentle story about the loss of a loved one is perfect for sharing and will bring comfort to both children and parents.《Mole's Star》A magical, star-filled picture book about learning to share the wonders of our world.Every evening, Mole comes out of his burrow to watch the twinkling stars in the sky above. How he wishes he could have them for his very own! Then one night he sees a shooting star, and suddenly his wish comes true. There's just one problem: now that Mole's burrow is full of beautiful, shining stars, none of the other animals can enjoy them . . .Written and illustrated by the award-winning Britta Teckentrup, this beautiful picture book will spark conversations about sharing, friendship and using the resources of our world responsibly.《Little Mouse and the Red Wall》A simple, beautiful and timely picture book about facing our fears, discovering hope and welcoming change within ourselves and the world.What lies beyond the Red Wall? Mouse's friends don't know - but that doesn't stop them feeling scared. Can Mouse find the courage to travel into the unknown - where a world of hope and possibility awaits?From Global Illustration Excellence Award winner Britta Teckentrup comes a simple and beautiful tale about facing our fears and discovering hope - perfect for even the youngest children. This timely book offers a powerful message that, with broad minds and open hearts, there is no limit to the change that is possible - for ourselves, others and the world.《Blue》Blue lives in the darkest depths of the forest. He has long forgotten how to fly, sing and play. The other birds swoop and soar in the sky above him, the sun warming their feathers. But Blue never joins in.Until, one day, Yellow arrives. Step by step, Yellow reaches out to Blue. With patience and kindness. And little by little, everything changes..."


書名 / Britta Teckentrup 4 Book Set (4冊合售)
作者 / 布麗塔.泰肯特拉普
簡介 / Britta Teckentrup 4 Book Set (4冊合售):✰布麗塔.泰肯特拉普經典繪本4冊合集!多次獲獎的德國繪本作家、插畫家跟藝術家布麗塔.泰肯特拉普,擅長用柔美畫面和繽紛色調
ISBN13 / 9781408368961
ISBN10 / 140836896X
EAN / 9781408368961
誠品26碼 / 2682106584004
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25X25X0CM
級別 / N:無
