The Faraway Tree Adventures Slipcase (10冊合售) | 誠品線上

The Faraway Tree Adventures Slipcase (10冊合售)

作者 Enid Blyton
商品描述 The Faraway Tree Adventures Slipcase (10冊合售):Joe、Beth、FrannieRick搬到附近有大片森林圍繞的新家,當地人稱此林為魔法森林。有一天他們到魔法森林散步,意外撞見


內容簡介 英國國寶級作家Enid Blyton(伊妮德·布萊頓)的「遙遠樹冒險故事集」(Faraway Tree Adventure Series)收錄了十個全彩冒險故事,是適合7-9歲,剛要從圖畫書跨越到英文小說閱讀的讀者最佳選擇。這十個故事中,Joe, Beth, Frannie and Rick四個小朋友因為遙遠樹而進行了各種冒險。伊妮德·布萊頓 (Enid Blyton)她是英國1940年代的著名兒童文學家, 書籍已售出超過 5 億冊,並且被翻譯成其他語言的次數比其他任何兒童作家都多。布萊頓的作品以奇幻冒險類型為主,知名的還包括《五小冒險系列》,與尚未授權中文版的《Five Find─Outers》系列、《The Secret Seven》系列、《Malory Towers》系列等等。她所著的《刁蠻女》系列及《諾弟》系列,在世界都很受歡迎,亦曾成為各地的課室指定讀物。 諾弟系列透過一位叫「諾弟」的虛構人物,為兒童介紹世界各國的新奇事物。"好遠好高的神奇樹 10冊套裝 Joe、Beth、Frannie Rick搬到附近有大片森林圍繞的新家,當地人稱此林為魔法森林。有一天他們到魔法森林散步,意外撞見一群小精靈,更目睹精靈手上的文件被侏儒搶走。 正義感爆發的一行人立刻追上去。侏儒們一路爬上一棵沒有盡頭,高聳入雲的大樹,這就是神奇樹。 孩子們不顧精靈的建議跟著爬上去,發現這裡住著肉肉圓圓臉的月亮臉、仙女Silky、平底鍋人、愛洗衣服的Washalot夫人、記不住名字的Watzisname先生和憤怒的小精靈。孩子們每次造訪這棵神奇樹,神奇樹都能帶他們進入新世界,神秘又奇幻。 此系列設計給7-9歲孩童,作為繪本至小說間的橋梁,故事情節豐富,幫助孩子進入長篇閱讀,讓孩子遇到長文時更有自信。 好遠好高的神奇樹系列最早出版於1939年,由英國國寶級兒童文學作家Enid Blyton創作。她畢生創作超過1000個故事,影響了J.K.羅琳,翻譯語言多達90種以上,最有名的故事有諾弟、The Famous Five 《冒險五小福》、Malory Towers。 Prepare to escape to the land of make-believe with The Complete Faraway Tree Adventures 10 Stories Collection by legendary and classic author, Enid Blyton. This is a wonderful addition to the growing titles of every budding young reader but is particularly aimed at children aged between 7-9. Bridging the gap between picture books and helping them as they move towards stories with longer texts and more complex sentences, children will truly enjoy the colorful approach to these books that have received a modern makeover. Bringing them into the 21st century, The Complete Faraway Tree Adventures 10 Stories Collection is great introduction to their very first chapter books, encouraging children to become more confident in reading longer stories, either to read aloud or independently. Getting stuck into one of these books will bring plenty of enjoyment, either during the day or as part of their bedtime routine. Titles in this Set: The Land of Birthdays The Land of Do-As-You-Please The Land of Dreams The Land of Enchantments The Land of Goodies The Land of Magic Medicines The Land of Silly School The Land of Toys In Santa Claus's Castle Joe and the Magic Snowman


作者介紹 Enid BlytonEnid Blyton's books have sold over 500 million copies and have been translated into other languages more often than any other children's author. She wrote over 700 books and about 2,000 short stories, including favourites such as The Famous Five,The Secret Seven, The Magic Faraway Tree, Malory Towers and Noddy. Born in London in 1897, Enid lived much of her life in Buckinghamshire and adored dogs, gardening and the countryside. She died in 1968 but remains one of the world's best-loved storytellers.


書名 / The Faraway Tree Adventures Slipcase (10冊合售)
作者 / Enid Blyton
簡介 / The Faraway Tree Adventures Slipcase (10冊合售):Joe、Beth、FrannieRick搬到附近有大片森林圍繞的新家,當地人稱此林為魔法森林。有一天他們到魔法森林散步,意外撞見
ISBN13 / 9781444961799
ISBN10 / 1444961799
EAN / 9781444961799
誠品26碼 / 2682097096005
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 13.2X20.7X8.2CM
級別 / N:無