Pop Out & Play: Cook's Baking Set | 誠品線上

幼兒情境體驗繪本: 小小甜點師

作者 羅賓.葛爾
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 Pop Out & Play: Cook's Baking Set:小小烘培師遊戲書烤餅乾囉!首先要和麵粉,這裡有秤可以幫助秤重取量,接著放進大碗裡,加入蛋、奶油等,一直攪拌。攪拌均勻後,壓模


內容簡介 小小烘培師 遊戲書烤餅乾囉!首先要和麵粉,這裡有秤可以幫助秤重取量,接著放進大碗裡,加入蛋、奶油等,一直攪拌。攪拌均勻後,壓模,送進烤箱,等待美味又賞心悅目的餅乾出爐!書中附的軋型打蛋器、擀麵棍、大杓子、大碗和愛心模型,厚實,輕撥好拿取,擬真感十足,孩子拿著這些烘培小配件,就彷彿變身成廚師,融入書中情境。烘培結束後,用具歸位,也可以訓練孩子類別概念喔!Build confidence and creativity with this press out and play book title, perfect for supporting role play in young children. It's a busy day in the kitchen and the cooks have lots of baking to do! Using the themed pop-out play pieces, perfect for little hands to hold, children can help the cooks stir cake batter, whisk cream and roll pastry and then put the tools back in the right places in the book. With easily recognisable objects such as a bowl, spoon and a whisk, children will love getting into character and acting out real life roles. Once play is over, the pieces double up as a jigsaw puzzle, as children call upon skills of problem solving and logic to decide where the play pieces belong."


書名 / Pop Out & Play: Cook's Baking Set
作者 / 羅賓.葛爾
簡介 / Pop Out & Play: Cook's Baking Set:小小烘培師遊戲書烤餅乾囉!首先要和麵粉,這裡有秤可以幫助秤重取量,接著放進大碗裡,加入蛋、奶油等,一直攪拌。攪拌均勻後,壓模
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781789584349
ISBN10 / 1789584345
EAN / 9781789584349
誠品26碼 / 2681932478006
頁數 / 10
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.8X17.8X1.6CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /
