The Man Who Fell to Earth (TV Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

The Man Who Fell to Earth (TV Tie-in Ed.)

作者 沃爾特.特維斯
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Man Who Fell to Earth (TV Tie-in Ed.):《后翼棄兵》作者WalterTevis於1963年的科幻經典作品《天外來客》。1976年被搬上大螢幕,由英國搖滾天王大衛‧鮑伊主演,全新


內容簡介 《后翼棄兵》作者Walter Tevis科幻經典作品《天外來客》1976年由英國搖滾天王大衛‧鮑伊主演《天外來客》,全新翻拍影集將於2022年4月上映!《后翼棄兵》作者沃爾特.特維斯最被低估的劃時代小說。改編拍成電影《天外來客》,由搖滾巨星大衛.鮑伊主演。沉寂60年的文學經典我的靈魂有個洞,所以只能不斷地墜落。我生命中面對的最大怪物,莫過於內心那個不願正視孤獨的自我……他皮膚白皙,眼球近乎透明;他身高近200公分,體重卻不到40公斤;他的面孔帶著精靈的氣質,眼神透露一股純然的稚氣;他的情感豐富,容易感知一切美好與恐懼。他名叫湯瑪士.傑羅姆.牛頓。他是「人」,但只是長得像人,因為他並非在地球出生,而是來自宇宙的外星人。當他從天而降的那一刻,似乎就隱隱知道,自己再也回不去了。為了完成「任務」,湯瑪士遠離摯愛的妻兒,來到陌生的地球。他運用超越人類文明的科技,掌握了讓他一夕致富的版權專利,引發各界關注。世人都想知道他到底是何方神聖,但他始終避而不談,因為就算說出眞相也沒人相信,而他一心只想回家。於是他只能孤獨一人,在此孤獨之地,實行一個孤獨的計畫。雖然眼前這群貪婪的人類並不友善,但湯瑪士還是愛上了這個美麗的星球,特別是酗酒的滋味。他的生活開始變得平靜又絕望,他的腳步漸漸變得輕盈又沉重,日復一日,他反覆自問:你屬於哪裡?你究竟是誰?……本中文書介出自《掉到地球上的人》皇冠文化出版有限公司出版From the bestselling author of The Queen’s Gambit, the landmark science fiction novel that inspired the classic 1976 film starring David Bowie and is the basis for a forthcoming Showtime seriesA man wanders into town one day seemingly out of nowhere. He starts by peddling valuables just to get by. But he possesses uncanny scientific knowledge, which he uses to develop technologies of a marvelous nature. In time he builds a corporate empire that propels him to unimaginable wealth—but to what end? His rapid ascent to the highest levels of success is remarkable, but the vision of his enterprise begins to falter as he succumbs to afflictions that feel all-too-human, and the true purpose of his presence here on earth is in grave danger of being abandoned."


作者介紹 WALTER TEVIS is the author of The Hustler, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Mockingbird, The Steps of the Sun, The Queen's Gambit, The Color of Money, and the short story collection Far from Home. The Man Who Fell to Earth was the basis for a major motion picture starring David Bowie. The Hustler and The Color of Money were also adapted for film, The Queen's Gambit was the basis of the Emmy Award-winning Netflix series and The Man Who Fell to Earth is the basis of the Showtime series. Tevis died in 1984.


書名 / The Man Who Fell to Earth (TV Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / 沃爾特.特維斯
簡介 / The Man Who Fell to Earth (TV Tie-in Ed.):《后翼棄兵》作者WalterTevis於1963年的科幻經典作品《天外來客》。1976年被搬上大螢幕,由英國搖滾天王大衛‧鮑伊主演,全新
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593467473
ISBN10 / 0593467477
EAN / 9780593467473
誠品26碼 / 2682119999000
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.2X1.4CM
級別 / N:無
